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Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:21 am
by Laguna Lestrange
Laguna chuckled then offered Andie his most apologetic puppy dog face. "We're sorry. You see first poor Zekey here woke up in a bit of a grumpy mood. And we just couldn't have him like that for our big trip. So Ryan and I had to make sure he was in the right mindset for you---r event." Suddenly that innocent looking face he'd worn turned to a smug grin. Laguna knew exactly what he was doing. "But we're here now! What a great day to all be together."

They'd set it up nicely for the two behind them to have a little time to chat, but Laguna was confused as to why Andie was so quiet and reserved. He was also noting Zeke acting a bit odd. That was okay. Once they arrived at the Three Broomsticks the whole lot of them would be chatting and interacting with each other just like any other day. This was the first time they'd all met up, which was kind of cool in it's own way, but he needed to make sure it went well so that, no matter what happened between them, they could at least all hang around as friends again. It was nice to start and form this little group of people. It only took him six years.

Laguna smiled at Riley, "I'm sure this extra muggle work with be fun." He nodded in response to her question, "Yeah, of course, so long as you still need me." As far as he understood, the ball was a non-negotiable for Riley to attend. But maybe she'd found someone she actually wanted to attend with instead of someone to stand in for a picture. Laguna really hadn't caught onto any hint of jealousy or concern.

A snicker escaped as Zeke grumbled on about Miral. It wasn't a false statement by any means. And the same could be said for him if she ever did something where she needed protection. They'd been around each other for as long as they'd been alive. Most wouldn't know about their little promise, but they'd made sure that they established that they'd always look out for one another since they were small children, and they'd done exactly that over the years. "Aw, c'mon. Wouldn't you hide the evidence for me if I set the school on fire?" He inquired. Over the years Laguna had this false impression that one day Miral and Zeke would actually get along. That was a joke.

"Ryan, do you know Riley?" He asked. It occurred to him that at no point had anyone in this group paused to introduce the newer members that joined today. Of course, they'd at least know of each other, but proper introductions were important too.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 12:38 pm
by Andromeda Morningstar
Andie watched as the Riley and Laguna took off and Ryan sort of hung out in the middle. She felt a little bad for him, he might have felt like a fifth wheel of sorts. It wasn't her intention, in fact, her intention had been to have fun with her friends...At least that's how she viewed them. Friends, she didn't know Riley well, but she seemed nice enough. It also appeared she had a bit of a thing for Laguna which she found to be utterly adorable. The way that Laguna sort of stuttered around her showed he might return said feelings as well.

"Good. Everyone is supposed to it by hand or it takes the fun out of it." She smirked and looked at Ryan. "If he does chicken out, we will just have to take the wand from him and hold onto it oursevles. No cheating in the pumpkin carving." She let out a small laugh. She perked a brow as he asked about Nathaniel. "Oh? Nate and I have been friends since our first year. It's a bit rough and sort of hmm...dry. But once you get to know him, he's not bad." He had been the first friend she had made in her years at Hogwarts and despite them not having a ton in common, they remained as such because neither of them had a large circle of friends. Besides, he understood where she was coming from most of the time.

"He doesn't like rule breakers...A bit uptight about that I suppose. I once snuck out of my common room late one night and he was the one to catch me. He didn't turn me in...but we didn't talk for two days after that." She shrugged. If one knew what what Nathaniel was about, they would get along much better for it. She was trying really hard not to make things awkward for Zeke. It wasn't hard to try to keep her feelings under wraps, or at least she thought she was doing a decent job at it. Of course, Nate knew about it...But he also knew a lot about was easy for him to read her since they had been friends for so long. Zeke was...different though. She couldn't talk freely like she did with other boys...It was easy to flirt and play nice but with Zeke, all her walls were down and she didn't know how to talk to him without sounding stupid.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2024 4:06 pm
by Riley McNeill
"Me too." Riley declared her agreement excitedly, it would make a nice change to do something with her hands rather than relying on magic. Her father, of course would think differently. Muggle work was for the Muggles and Squibs, not fit for proper wizarding families. She suspected, it still rankled that one of their familial ancestors married a Muggle. Follow by the long slow decline of their power and influence, save for money, her father loved to talk to any and all about the money. Several whole vaults at the wizarding bank don't you know? She sighed, picturing him and his ear blistering rant at her hanging out and acting as if she were without magic.

With difficulty, she pushed the mental image aside. Know doubt, he eagerly waited with baited breath for news she was taking someone of import or good standard to the Ball. A son of a minister at the Ministry perhaps? Parents, were never fun sometimes.

"Yes." The redhead said a little to eagerly, before taking a deep breath and making the attempt to play it cool. "I mean... If you'd still like to that is?" The unsaid please say yes, was almost audible. Subtly obviously happened to be an unknown concept to her.

"I would not recommend burning the school down, they might not let you play Quidditch and then we'd never get another chance to defeat you." Riley grinned cheekily, for a Slytherin she was awfully sporting when it came to the game. Fair win, or nothing, no cheating, rough housing or attempts to fix the match at all. She focused on Laguna, momentarily forgetting the presence of the others. Again, the strange sensations of envy, of anxiety and of her own complicated feelings gnawed at her heart. She tried to push them aside, she would try to process through those later, there were other people here, friends and she needed to keep a better lid of things. After all, too many could read her as if she were an open book already. No sense in making it any easier for them right?

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2024 9:07 pm
by Zeke Smith
Ryan looked up hearing Laguna talk to him, "Yea," he said, "I think we've talked a couple times at Quidditch matches, but I don't think we've spent any time outside of that," he said, giving Riley a polite wave, though she and Laguna were having their own conversation. He picked up bits about the ball, but tried not to eavesdrop, looking around as they walked, wondering who all was going to Hogsmeade today.

Zeke considered what Andie said and nodded a bit, "I mean fair, but always abiding by the rules is boring as hell," he said as he put his hands in his pockets, "So can I ask, why you're so gungho on carving pumpkins? Though, we should make sure to get something to cover up these two," he motioned to Laguna and Riley, "They won't know what to do with pumpkin guts on them," he chuckled a little at the idea, "Of our little gang, they're the only ones who never have done this before. Hope you're not afraid of getting dirty," he called up to the two.