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Luka Silas Burke

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 2:03 am
by Luka Silas Burke

Full Name: Luka Silas Burke
Age: 16
House: Gryffindor
Year: 6th
Quidditch position, if applicable: beater
Prefect & Head Student position, if applicable: N/A
Face Claim: Froy Gutierrez
Pet: Fire Drake named Sparks. Red and black in color. Intelligent small flying lizard. Human intelligence but does not talk. Mistaken for a tiny dragon. Doesn't breath fire. Emits sparks from it's tail that only singe or set fire when the drake intends for them to.

(Parents divorced)
Father: a descendant of the original Burke of Borgin and Burke's in Diagon Alley. Current owner of the shop. Luka lives with him, works the shop counter Summers and Holidays when not at school.

Mother: An Auror living in America, she visits Luka occasionally, mainly Summers, and has used the time to tutor him in his metamorphmagus abilities as she is one to.

Siblings: he's an only child.

Wand: Beech wood 10" reasonably supple
Core: dragon heart string

Patronus: no clue, he hasn't mastered it yet.

Bogart: frogs... yes, he has a fire drake for a pet. No he says, it is not the same thing. Sparks is a reptile and has scales. Frogs are amphibians and slimy and just ..shivers...gross.

Best Classes: transfiguration and Charms

Worst classes: History of magic and Astrology

Typical style/fashion: tee shirts and jeans whenever possible. When robes are required at school he's the sort that would have a loose tie around his neck, or an untied one over his shoulders, and a tee shirt underneath (when he's sure he can get away with it) and call it good because hey, those things choke the life out of you and he's still wearing one technically, isn't he?

Personality: Personality: He's smart for his age, though more so in the common sense department and the learning from mistakes and mistakes he's seen made department. His academics are fair for the most part but he truly excels in Transfiguration, possibly due to the obvious of being a metamorphmagus.

He's has a very friendly and easy going personality unless angered and get on well with every house in general. A person is a person after all not a house and opinions should be made on their character and individual personality. Not thier house any more than their blood. His overly analytical way of thinking often bleeds into his speech making him sound a bit beyond his years. Not in a stuffy know it all way but rather in a ... ' your way to rational and 'serious' for your age.' way. A person might think him better suited to one of the other houses though he has bravery in spades where it counts, not the least of which is standing up to other purebloods claiming superiority and standing up for the underdog regardless of their house or blood status.

"Do you know my colors?"
(Luka's eye color shifts along with strong changes in his emotions. I'll be very descriptive about those emotions in my writing but these are the colors and what general emotions they suggest for those that find they need a reference. Of course only those characters who've had the chance to learn them would know what they mean on sight.)

Eye Color Emotion Chart
*Light Ice Blue - natural color, no particularly strong emotions.
*Bright Cobalt Blue (like on a blue jay bird) - really happy or excited
*Red - anger
*Orange - agitation, stress
*Yellow - fear
*Green - bitter, envious, jealous
*Purple - embarrassment
*Hot Pink - amorous, passionate
* Light Ice pink - love
* Gray - sadness
* White - tired or exhausted or overwhelmed mentally ( white is the blending of all colors of light, this happens when he feels to much and his eyes shift to often in a short period of time.)

History: " So I guess the only way to really explain me...the way I am, would be to start with my parents, a bit of my mum's history and when they were in school together. First off, we're all purebloods, the lot of us. Mum started out living across the pond in the United States. Her own mum was a Flint descended from the line of Black with family ties in more than one of the sacred twenty-eight and yahda so forth and a load of rubbish and meaningless hippogriff shit.. at any rate my grand mum thought as much of house purity as I do and she set out for less judgmental quidditch space in America. While there she met my granddad who also happened to be a pureblood with the same views and values she had regarding blood status.. He was descended from Theodard Fontaine one of the original twelve, so I've been told... which I 'guess' is a bit more to be proud of?
Seeing as their number has nothing to do with supposed blood purity and everything to do with the fact that they just happened to be twelve brave ass lads and lasses that were willing to step up and defend their kind. Still though, as being a descendant of them gears back towards a 'blood' status of sorts? I wash my hands of the whole lot of it.
But I've gotten off target...I can be a bit bad about that so you'll have to bear with.. back to Mum. When mum turned sixteen there came to reason, I've never really been told what that was?.. for her folks to move her back to London and Mum switched from being an Ilvermorny Whumpus to being sorted into the House of Gryffindor at Hogwarts.
Ok, so here's where dad comes in and I spring into being.
My life is not a great tragedy full of heartache and misery like so many others might be... but neither is it a rosy fairy tail where mum and dad fell in love and married and spawned a handful of kids aside from me. Rather I am an "opps! ..'that' was a fuck up, my bad!" baby... Yep, exactly what I said. Mum and dad met for the first time, she a Gryffindor and he a Slytherin who had VERY different views and beliefs that all melted away when viewed through large volumes of firewhiskey spiked butterbeer glasses. By the time the hangovers hit the next morning, I was on my way and mum didn't have the heart to do anything about it when she found out as it wasn't my fault they got totally smashed and created my arse. Were you expecting hearts and romance? Sorry mate, not that type of origin story. It did set a goal for me though when I found out the truth of it from mum when she thought me old enough to handle it and, hopefully, according to her, learn something from it. I have not and will not be sleeping around just for the fucking sake of it. What, so I can fuck up and make another Opps! like myself? Yeah not going there thanks.. I'll only be dating girls... and guys for that matter, though this isn't an issue with them, that I actually like and think I might have more than a passing interest in, and if I do it won't be more than one at a time thanks.

So there went another random thought trail, told you I was bad about that. Getting back to my folks. Mum told dad once she knew and dad popped the question out of obligation to make me legit his as it made sense to him given mum's genes, they tried to make it work for years for my sake apparently?, Right up until my tenth birthday. At which point their views being just to different and with my fixing to be away at school most of the year anyway they didn't see the need to play the happy couple anymore. Mum left as we live in the apartment above dad's shop in Knockturn Alley. She decided to go back to her childhood home in the states and I was left to choose whether to go with her or stay with dad. As I had made friends in Diagon Alley whom I was looking forward to school with, and Dad, for all of his different views and beliefs, had never been bad to me, I chose to stay with him. This was 'my' home after all. Mum's American world held little appeal to me. Besides, I'm pretty sure the old dodger even loves me in his own way though I doubt he'd ever admit it.

I still see mum, she comes to visit for a few weeks in the summer each year and at Holidays on occasion when schools out to work with me on my abilities.. you see I'm a metamorphmagus. Inherited the gene from mum, she's one to and has been helping me in getting control and knowing how to use them. Godric knows I love her for it, I'd be lost if not for that woman's guidance. Yes, I said Godric.. rewind back to when I was eleven and the hat made the call that I was to mouthy, opinionated, brave, bold, daring and chivalrous.. have to admit that last one had been news to me.. to fit in anywhere but the house of Gryffindor. I think the hat was honestly worried I'd say something to get my ass turned into a smear at end of a seventh years wand if I'd gone to Slytherin, it was probably right.. at any rate it seemed to like the fact that I didn't give it any shit and let it decided because now most of my clothing sports red and gold and I couldn't be happier. I've been on the Quidditch team since second year as a beater playing partner to another beater with one hell of an arm.
My dorm mates are a blast even if one of them has been learning the guitar and makes my ears want to bleed at times while another has a pet rat he calls a Jarvey that cusses me at, I'll admit it then, the rat I don't mind.. I've learned all sorts of new colors for my vocabulary...

And there's another rabbit trail.. so let's take the bend in that tunnel and get back to my meta abilities.. thanks to mom I've a fairly good grasp on them for my age.. My eyes still give me hell but Mum says that's an err.. 'growing up' issue for metas?... and to just give it time and try not to let it get to me. I do my best with that, though having your eyes rat out your mood at the most inconvenient of times does get a bit old. Hair colors are pretty much a breeze now though I've yet to pull off any sort of a full-body or even extensive feature changing morph yet.

Getting back to Dad. He truly believes in all the blood purity nonsense. That pure's should marry pure's and keep those lines alive and strong. He's not a muggle hater or 'that' sort of extremist? But he does sadly think anyone who doesn't agree with him is dead wrong. He use to give me a lot of grief about siding with mum's views rather than his own. Then in the summer after my first year at school we had a falling out and I gave running off a go.. he found me and brought me back. We had a talk that ended in an agreement. I spend my Holidays and summers for the most part, when not visiting with mum, working in the family store. See, the shop has a magical contract attached to it, I being dad's only heir can only inherit it if I'm not only a pureblood myself but I also Marry one as well and have at least one little Purebood tot to torment with the blood purest views I apparently also have to have to seal the whole deal.

Otherwise when dad passes the shop's ownership will revert back to whichever blood relative of the Borgin side of the deal is entitled to it. Honestly, I'll take a hard pass thanks.
The place is creepy as hell.. but back to the deal struck with my dad... I learn our inherited trade and how all that creepy noise plays out and listen to him prattle on and try to convince me where I'm misguided in my views and how I should be seeking a nice pure blood lass to settle with and continue the Pure Burke line and in exchange he doesn't get upset or angry when I brush off his prattlings or in general just be my bloody self.

It works I suppose.. and the time learning about the family business has its perks. He pays me a wage as he 'says' its honest work. He may know how to skirt the law in his dealings but the shit we sell in there? Yeah... I question the whole honest angle on the daily when behind the counter. It 'has' given me the knowledge to get my own side business going at school though, you want it? I can probably get it for you, need to cover something up or sweep something under the rug? I'm your man or I know who is, I run that shit, I'm 'that' guy, the one that pulls off the parties down by the lake for the older students and never manages to get caught because I have 'connections' .. mind I'm only willing to dabble in the sort of things any normal school kid might want that has been banned for whatever reason, I deal with enough of the darker shit when working the shop thanks. This deal with dad is one I've agreed to play out until I graduate school. If at that point he still hasn't convinced me to jump camps then he says I'm free to take my earnings and make my own way in the world and he won't even ' throw out my legos' as mum would say.
Meaning I can still come home for tea and a hot meal when I like. And if I change my mind and find that special Pureblood elitist lady he's hoping for and find I have a change in my beliefs the door is open to stepping into my inheritance. Not gonna happen, sorry dad."


The store's creaky door gave notice that a customer had just walked into Borgin and Burke's. Luka sat up on the cot he'd been lounging on in the back room while waiting to work the counter. He could have been dusting or cleaning or doing something productive, but really? He was pretty sure there were more than few items out there on the floor that needed their dust and cobwebs to stay intact and not crumble into nothing when handled. He lifted a flat hand in a high five to the small black and red fire drake curled on a shelf near his head and it, in turn, lifted its small tail that jumped and crackled with red fire and smacked it against his hand. It didn't burn... Spark's tail fire only burned when it was intentionally shot off at something...

" Thanks mate, I guess it is true what they say about unloading on someone else helping to clear your mind a bit. I feel cleared anyway. "

Hopping up from the cot he stuck the single earpiece of the small wizard wireless clipped to his waistband in his ear smiling at the upbeat music, always upbeat right? Why listen to anything intended to bring you down? He headed out to the counter to keep an eye on the store's patron till they either left, had a question, or got ready to make their purchase.