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Magical Artefacts

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 8:50 pm
by kim
Magical Artefacts

Aetherium Vinctus
Type of object: Soul-binding Relic
Appearance: A delicately crafted silver amulet, with an iridescent gem at its center. The gem seems to shimmer with an ethereal light, and upon close observation, one can occasionally see faint, wisp-like shadows swirling within. Intricate runic engravings wrap around the gem, with some continuing onto the amulet's chain.
Usage: Binds and preserves the spirits or souls of the departed, allowing the bearer to communicate with them and granting the spirit a semi-tangible presence in the mortal realm.
Additional information: The Aetherium Vinctus dates back to ancient times, rumored to be crafted by a powerful witch mourning the loss of her beloved. Seeking a way to communicate and find closure, she combined her profound knowledge of soul magic with the ethereal properties of a rare gem she acquired on her travels. Over the centuries, tales of its existence have been whispered among select circles, some viewing it as a cursed object while others see it as a gift. Its power, though a marvel, comes with its share of consequences. Continuous use can drain the energy of the bearer and potentially cause unrest for the spirit bound within. It is said that only those with a deep, unbreakable bond to the spirit can harness its power without being overwhelmed.
Credit: Nova

AstroVortex Veil
Type of object: Ethereal Nexus Mirror
Description: A large, oval mirror with a frame made of an otherworldly, luminescent material. Its surface seems to ripple like water, suggesting its connection to distant dimensions.
Usage: The intended goal of the mirror was to help a person see and recognize themselves for what they could become. However, the mirror latches on to the darkest part of a person and seeks out the equivalent that exhibits those qualities freely. And rather than just creating the reflection on the surface, the material of the mirror allowed for the reflection to come out of the mirror in a tangible form with all the same power and abilities as its original.
Additional information: Morgan Blackwood created the mirror in their time as an Unspeakable. Realizing what it did, they hid it away, unsure of whether they should completely destroy it or not or if it had the potential to be altered. They are unaware that it was taken and ended up in the woods outside Hogwarts, where Nautica Anderson and Laguna Lestrange discovered it. The two broke the mirror and Laguna took the shards with him.
Credit: Nova

Auror Enchanted Notebooks
Type of object: Communication device
Description: Leather pocket-sized notebooks carried by all of the school Aurors. They are enchanted with the Protean Charm and grow hot whenever a message has been written.
Usage: The enchanted notebook is a way for Aurors to relay information to each other across vast distances. While other methods exist, such as owl post and the Patronus charm, the notebook allows for instantaneous two-way communication and is thus far more useful and practical in urgent situations.
Credit: kim & Jae

Broomstick flight instruments array
Type of object: Broomstick accessory
Description: A two-inch wide golden disc comprising several dials stacked upon one another, topped off with a small button engraved with a pair of wings. On the reverse side, two slim curved bands form two halves of a ring, allowing the device to be clipped onto a broomstick or any other object. Upon pressing the button, the dials would spring out to reveal a set of flight instruments including an altimeter, an altitude indicator, ground and vertical speed indicators, a compass, and even a map.
Usage: The device is, in its creator’s own words, an “over-engineered broom compass.” It provides a broom flyer with all the information they need for long-distance flights under poor visibility conditions. In addition, the device is enchanted with stealth charms that render the flyer imperceptible to others and backup flying charms that keep the broom aloft in case of any malfunctions.
Additional information: The device was created by Nigel Dextera in 2005. An unusual and unintended quirk of the device is that it allows any object that it is clipped onto to behave and function like a broomstick, and said object would even respond to the “Up!” command that works with broomsticks. Objects that Nigel has flown upon using the device include a duffel bag and his motorcycle.
Credit: Jae

Type of object: Magical Chamber
Appearance: The Chrono-Crypt is a hidden chamber located deep beneath the Hogwarts library. It is illuminated by an eerie, soft blue luminescence that emanates from enchanted sapphire crystals embedded in the walls and ceiling. Stone shelves line the walls, holding rows of ancient scrolls and tomes wrapped in faded velvety blue ribbons. A circular dais in the center of the chamber features a smooth, black marble surface with intricate silver runes etched into it. A crystal-clear pool of still water rests on the dais, surrounded by a delicate mist. Mystical artifacts are scattered throughout the chamber, creating an otherworldly atmosphere.
Usage: The Chrono-Crypt serves as a repository of forgotten magical knowledge and history. It preserves secrets, spells, and the hidden past of Hogwarts and the wizarding world. Those who enter the crypt can explore the ancient scrolls and artifacts to uncover the school's mysteries and history.
Additional information: The Chrono-Crypt was created centuries ago by a group of skilled wizards and witches who sought to preserve the rich history and secrets of Hogwarts. They used powerful enchantments to create the chamber and imbued it with the ability to trap and protect valuable magical knowledge. However, in their zeal to safeguard this knowledge, one of the creators inadvertently sealed themselves within the chamber.
Over time, the imprisoned individual became part of the enchantment, losing their physical form but retaining their consciousness. Their story and their desperate plea for release are chronicled in an ornate scroll hidden within the Crypt. The chamber is a place where the past and present converge, and it holds the key to unlocking the hidden history of Hogwarts and the wizarding world.
Credit: Nova

Draconifors rings
Type of object: Enchanted rings
Description: A pair of exquisite rings made of gold and silver respectively that each resemble a dragon, complete with tiny claws, wings and gemstone eyes – amethyst for the golden ring, and sapphire for the silver one.
Usage: When removed from one’s finger and tossed into the air, the rings transform into a pair of small metallic dragons. As a safety precaution that prevents another person from stealing the rings for their own use, the user must have worn the rings for at least an hour to attune themselves to the rings, else they will not transform when thrown. The dragons can be mentally or verbally commanded to perform simple tasks, such as searching for a specified item, guarding an area and issuing an alarm when intruders are detected, or retrieving or manipulating objects with their claws or prehensile tails. Due to their size, however, they cannot lift anything heavier than a kilogram (approximately two pounds), although this limitation can be overcome by using the Engorgement Charm on them. These dragons are also imbued with charms that increase their durability, allowing them to withstand hazardous conditions (e.g. high temperatures), handle dangerous objects (e.g. corrosive substances), and withstand the effects of common offensive spells.
Additional information: These rings were created by Nigel Dextera to act as extra pairs of eyes and hands when he was performing field work as an Unspeakable. Nowadays, he rarely has much use for them, though he occasionally uses them to watch over students during the Hogsmeade weekend trips, or to assist him when he’s tinkering with complex mechanical contraptions.
Credit: Jae

Hogwarts armillary sphere
Type of object: Armillary sphere
Description: Located in the Middle Courtyard of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the armillary sphere comprises a large spherical frame resting on the back of a dragon statue. The wings of the dragon are cupped around the bottom half of the sphere, with the top of the wings indicating the position of the horizon. Due to its constant exposure to the elements, the iron structure is covered in rust, but remains in usable condition despite this cosmetic imperfection.
Usage: The armillary sphere indicates the positions of various celestial objects in the celestial sphere as seen from Earth. It is enchanted to automatically track the movements of these celestial objects, and several control knobs at its base allows one to input a date and time to view the positions of the celestial bodies at that chosen point in time.
Additional information: While the armillary sphere has stood in Middle Courtyard for a long time, it was only recently repaired and enchanted. Nigel Dextera spent about a year fixing and improving its clockwork mechanisms and enchanting it for greater ease of use, and the restoration works were finally completed in the summer of 2002. He still inspects and maintains the armillary sphere periodically to ensure that it is in good working condition.
Credit: Jae

Opaline Melody (“Echoes of the Forbidden Serenade”)
Type of object: Enchanted Music Box
Description: Forged from lustrous ebony wood, the music box exudes an air of mystique and ancient charm. Its surface is intricately adorned with lacquered depictions of entwined dragons and delicate phoenixes, hinting at a balance of power and grace. Weathered with age, the wood bears a disconcerting warmth, drawing the curious closer to its hidden secret. A curious lock, intricately engraved with coiling serpents, guards the music box. The locking mechanism appears simple enough, yet its essence carries a foreboding weight.
Usage: Seeing as it’s locked, it is more of a mantlepiece at the moment. But it was sold to Adeline Green as a music box, the seller just said they had lost the key. What it's capable of is much more sinister than just music. It is said to hold captive imprisoned souls that were bound by the music of the box, and it is also said that if you were to open it, it would invite not just maddening sounds and illusions on the one who opened it, but any who were to encounter the spirits imprisoned within, desperate for freedom and willing to do anything to get it.
Additional information: Adeline is 100% unaware of anything ill-intended with the music box and keeps it on a shelf in her room. She accepted the story that the key was lost and just appreciates it for the artistry that it is. However, what would happen if someone tried to open it is not altogether known. It was sold to her as the Opaline Melody, but its true name is the Echoes of the Forbidden Serenade.
Credit: Nova

Portkey Tattoo
Type of object: Functional tattoo to facilitate rapid transport to a fixed, predetermined location
Description: Can look like anything.
Usage: To activate the tattoo, the wearer touches the tattoo and utters a trigger word (whichever word they chose when the Portkey charm was placed on the tattoo). This prevents accidental or malicious activation. A Portkey tattoo has a fixed destination, but a wearer could conceivably have multiple tattoos if necessary. Anyone holding hands with the wearer will also be transported.
Additional information: The key selling point for a Portkey tattoo is that it can't be lost or confiscated (but it can be nullified with an artifact-nullification charm). Aurors and anyone particularly at risk of kidnapping may have a Portkey tattoo that will take them to a safe house if they're captured/abducted. Aurors and Healers may have a Portkey tattoo that will take them to St Mungo's. Wizards who live with a condition that might require emergency medical attention on very short notice may also have a Portkey tattoo that will take them to St Mungo's. Dragon blood is used as a component of the ink to act as a magical focus to anchor the Portkey charm, making the ink somewhat expensive (but well worth the cost when one's life is endangered). Using the ink as an anchor means that the wearer's magic is not consumed during transport; the tattoo will even work if the wearer is unconscious or deceased if someone else knows the wearer's trigger word. The tattoo artist must be an artificer, or else have an artificer place the Portkey charm on the tattoo after it's created. Anti-Apparition wards prevent a Portkey tattoo from functioning on Hogwarts grounds.
Lore: Portkey tattoos were invented in late 1998. They quickly became popular with dark wizards, who would place them in easily-concealed places on their bodies to facilitate escapes. Consequently, the Auror department has to perform a charm to nullify Portkey tattoos upon detaining a prisoner. A nullified tattoo must be re-charmed to function again.
Credit: Fox