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Cabhan Daley

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:46 pm
by Cabhan Daley
The needs of Daley: Cabhan is still in love with his best friend. I left him nameless for a reason. He can either be taken by a new character or an existing one. They have been friends since the start of school and remain friends today. Also I would for someone to take his sister and his brother. Both would have to be new characters.

I think I know you: Friends, acquaintances or coworkers. Cabhan usually keeps to himself but someone has to break down those walls and cut away the deep scars that keep him from opening up to others. Right?

Because I love you: Love isn't easy for Cabhan he lost his first love to a murderous father and almost lost his best friend and crush to the same. Now his best friend doesn't have to be his final not even sure his best friend feels the same way. So his love life is open, but it takes a lot to get into Cabhan's dating pool. He is bisexual so it's pretty open.

To wrap my hands around your neck: I'm sure he has made enemies. Especially in his brother but also because he's not that nice of man. He's cold and distant l, blunt and straightforward. So bring on the hate.

Re: Cabhan Daley

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 10:30 am
by Jae
Right off the bat, I'd like to ask a quick question: does Cabhan hide the scars on his forearms? I'm asking mainly because Nigel has scars on his arms and back, but he conceals them to avoid having to answer any questions about them. Apart from that, Nigel is always looking to buy wolfsbane to brew doses of wolfsbane potions for his father who was bitten by a werewolf. Maybe Cabhan is one of the few people who knows about this?

As for Malachi, he would have attended Hogwarts at roughly the same time as Cabhan. He's also bisexual and probably less discreet about it; would Cabhan have known this? Also, Mal worked at bars and cafés for quite a while before opening his own establishment, so there's also a chance that their paths might have crossed when Cabhan came in for a drink at Mal's workplace.

Re: Cabhan Daley

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:11 pm
by Felix
No, he doesn't hide them. He isn't ashamed of them because he didn't cause them. However he doesn't really answer questions about them either lol. But heck yeah he could be a supplier for the wolfsbane and cabhan knows how to keep a secret. Pretty sure not a lot of people know about his past.

He may have know about Mal, probably envied Mal for being able to be so open about it. And I think they probably did cross paths frequently. Cabhan used to drown his ocd and anxiety In booze. Not so much now but yeah

Re: Cabhan Daley

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 1:07 pm
by Jae
Having Cabhan as a supplier of wolfsbane for Nigel would be great. I'm thinking what we could do with that... maybe Nigel needed an extra dose of it urgently for some reason? Or we could have a thread about how they first settled on this agreement, or perhaps a situation where Nigel was forced to reveal why he needed the wolfsbane potion?

I'd love to develop the relationship between Cabhan and Mal. From mere acquaintances in school, to a bartender and customer (maybe Mal had to take care of a very drunk Cabhan once?), and maybe further?

Re: Cabhan Daley

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 11:49 pm
by Felix
Well Cabh isn't a very trusting person perhaps he had to disclose info before he agreed to supply said wolfsbane?? He does keep secrets though.

And yes I love this idea!!!! All the development!!!