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Furry-ous Studying [Closed]

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 7:51 pm
by Ethan Forrester
Private Study Room, Ravenclaw Tower, 1986-87 school year (Ethan and Elyria's 6th year)

Ethan and Elyria had started out as rivals. But over time, as they developed their own areas of interest and flourished, they'd found it advantageous to study together, as each could help the other in at least some areas.

Ravenclaws being Ravenclaws, of course Ravenclaw Tower had its own private study rooms that could be booked. NEWT students got priority. But with Ethan and Elyria being at the top of their year, and on track to becoming the next Head Boy and Head Girl, Prof. Flitwick had seen fit to let them share the best room, and assigned it to them for the whole year.

The room was spacious but cozy, with its own fireplace and an area rug over a hardwood floor. They each had their own desk, but they'd pushed them together beneath a grated window, facing each other, so they could collaborate. They'd also appropriated a sofa and positioned it facing the fireplace. A bookcase by the door organized all their borrowed materials and in-progress projects; each laid claim to different shelves, but some reference books were shared. It was so convenient for them to be able to leave their materials in their study room indefinitely and not have to constantly haul things to and from their dorms and tidy up.

Despite frequently studying together, they also pursued other interests separately. Ethan was only taking one elective (Ancient Runes), and he'd also declined the opportunity to be a prefect, and he was ignoring Quidditch completely, so that he could focus on offensive and defensive spells, occlumency, and becoming an animagus.

While he didn't talk much about these latter interests unless specifically asked, Elyria was aware of them, even if only by the titles of the books on his shelves and desk. He had no reason to conceal things from her.

On a snowy afternoon in November, Ethan arrived in their study with an accomplished grin plastered across his face. He was excited to share something with Elyria.

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 10:02 pm
by Elyria Silverberg
Elyria was finished with her classes for the day and decided to spend the afternoon studying. Professor Sigma had assigned out some rather challenging Arithmancy homework that required several different steps to be completed before solving the full assignment. As much as she thoroughly enjoyed the class, her professor really pushed the students to their limits with conceptualizing and applying past objectives to the newer, current ones. Her classes weren't for the faint of heart. Between Sigma, McGonagall, and Snape, Elyria never had a shortage of work to do.

She made her way into the study, wondering if Ethan had made his way up yet. To her disappointment he wasn't there yet, but she Ely figured it would give her time to hammer out the Arithmancy assignment or at least made some progress on the pre-work that was required. She removed her cloak and hung it on the coat rack by the door, opting to get a fire going and not be as layered. Ely figured it would make things more comfortable and that Ethan would probably agree. Of course, she could have just changed before heading up to the study.

Elyria pulled out her wand and cast a quick fire spell at the fireplace to ignite it. She then returned to her desk and pulled out her books from her bag. The ink and quill were already ready on her desk, but she pulled out some parchment from a drawer on the side. She began writing and solving the work bit by bit, as if deciphering text from one language to another and then the new translation into yet another language. That wasn't far from the truth, really. Just as she was getting lost in the work, Ely heard the door open, which she gave a little jump as she broke her concentration and turned to see if it was Ethan entering.

Sure enough it was, and he looked rather excited about something. "Ethan...!" She exclaimed with a breathy tone as her heart raced from being startled... yes, that was why. She gave a smile and tucked some hair behind her ear before continuing. "What happened? Did you manage to outsmart the professor in Defense Against the Dark Arts again or something?"

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 10:54 pm
by Ethan Forrester
Ethan closed the door behind him. "No," he replied. "I came here straight from McGonagall's office, it would be easier if I just showed you..."

Also more dramatic, he thought to himself.

He stepped forward to set his bookbag down on the floor beside his desk, then took a few steps back, facing Elyria.

He stood still and closed his eyes in concentration for a moment. Then his body began morphing. His hands broadened into massive paws, his face elongated as a muzzle took form and his canine teeth became more prominent, his ears shifted to the top of his head and grew into large triangles. His robes disappeared as he dropped onto all fours, revealing a fluffy tail.

He had fully transformerd into a large wolf! With a Ravenclaw necktie still around his neck. Had that been intentional?

He padded closer to Elyria's chair and sat. Instinctively he sniffed at her, unaccustomed to his newly refined sense of smell...he could detect subtle nuances that he was previously oblivious to. His tail wagged behind him.

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2023 11:31 pm
by Elyria Silverberg
Elyria quirked a brow and tilted her head to the side a bit confused by Ethan's overall demeanor. And what was he doing with Professor McGonagall? She wasn't jealous at all over that. Even though her favorite subject was Charms, there was no denying her favorite professor was the stern, but fair McGonagall. She shook herself from her thoughts and turned around to her work long enough to set her quill back into the pot before shifting around to face her friend even better.

"Okay, let's see-" she started to speak but caught herself as she witnessed Ethan transform into his animagus form. She was a bit taken aback by the sight, moreso because of who it was that performed it than the actual magic that took place. Growing up in the wizarding world, Elyria had seen her fair share of Animagi and wanted to become one herself. The process was rather complex and she didn't want to add yet another thing to her plate when her studies kept her busy enough as it was.

Ely looked at Ethan with a dumbfounded smile and leaned forward, extending a hand with her fingers more relaxed in a way that resembled a paw. Was it demeaning? She didn't catch herself until it was too late. It was something her parents had taught her to do when it came to meeting a new dog. This wasn't a dog, but a wolf, she knew. Maybe it was the necktie and the wagging tail that gave her mixed signals. In her defense, Ethan did start sniffing toward her. Elyria let out a chuckle with her hand still extended.

"This is amazing, Ethan! Congratulations. Now I just need to decide which version of you is cuter. The neck tie seems to have more effect this way." There was an impish grin growing across her face as she studied her friend's new form, albeit with a hit of jealousy that he did it first. But she was happy for him, no doubt at all; it was just the rivalry kicking in.

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 12:22 am
by Ethan Forrester
Elyria's extended hand didn't seem to bother Ethan. It was only natural for someone to want to make physical contact with a non-violent furry animal, after all, and really, how often did one get the chance to pet a wolf? He lowered his muzzle atop her thigh, close to the knee, apparently inviting her to do as she pleased.

Her casual comment about him being cute, though, resulted in his ears perking up, and he looked up at her quizzically. That seemed to have taken him by surprise, his tail ceasing all movement.

Ethan had always been reserved, shy, and somewhat socially awkward, as he prioritized his studies over socializing. Although he was friendly, he didn't really know how to form friendships. Boys were hard enough, but girls? He'd only come to know Elyria because of their light-hearted rivalry, which was why he respected her. Although that rivalry still existed, their relationship was more collaborative now as they studied together and helped each other.

However, somehow her status as a girl had never really 'clicked' for him. It had always just been an incidental detail of no significance, other than the fact that it meant they could both become head students if they continued on their present path, and there was no sign that they would deviate from it.

But now, as he studied her face with his wolf eyes, he had to admit that, yes, he did find her attractive as well.

Suddenly he found himself in a state of confusion as he tried to reconcile his friendsihp with Elyria with his new 'realization'.

Maybe it was a good thing that he couldn't speak in his wolf form, as it spared him from having to speak before he'd figured out the most appropriate thing to say...

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 1:03 am
by Elyria Silverberg
Ethan wasn't a dog and Elyria knew that, but she couldn't help but pet him like one when the wolf rested his head in her lap. Just as she did with her family's dogs, she gave him a scratch behind the hear and a scratch on the top of the head before running a finger down between his eyes and down his snout with a 'boop' on his nose. Okay, she got carried away there. After a moment, she looked down at him once more with a puzzled expression.

"You do know how to change back... right? I'll have to go find a book in the library to try and transfigure you back. It's probably in the restricted section though..." She laughed and rested her hand on the top of his head, giving his ears a teasing tug. Again, completely out of habit for when her family dogs would rest their heads on her lap. Even with the tie still around his neck, she had trouble discerning between the man and the animagus form.

Suddenly an idea popped into her head for a Christmas present. Biscuits in the shape of bones in a cute jar. Surely she could get the house elves to make them for her if she asked nicely. They were always so helpful and she wished she could give them new clothes. House elves in tattered old rags bothered her. As her mind wandered, she was now petting him down his back. Once she realized what she was doing, Ely pulled her hand back and had a bit of a blush. "Sorry. This has to be so demeaning to you. You're a wolf and not some lap dog."

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 1:31 am
by Ethan Forrester
Ethan closed his eyes, and a moment later, he'd shifted back into his human self, though in an undignified position on his hands and knees on the floor. When he stood up, Elyria could see that his necktie had gotten all messed up by his shifting form; it wasn't neatly tucked under his collar anymore.

"I didn't mind that," he assured her. "Something you said, though, got me thinking..." He lowered his hand to the edge of Elyria's desk and fidgeted his thumb over the corner as he avoided eye contact, used his free hand to scratch the back of his head, and tried to figure out what he was going to say and work up the courage to say it.

There was an awkward few seconds before he finally continued, "...There's going to be a dance next month. ...I actually wasn't planning to attend it. But, I was wondering if you wanted to go, and if you'd be my dance partner? If you haven't made arrangements already. Because...if you were interested...that would make it worth attending. I should warn you that I have no idea how to dance, though, but I could probably figure it out so I don't embarrass you too much..."

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 1:56 am
by Elyria Silverberg
Elyria turned her head the moment she noticed him shifting back. She'd heard stories of how some Animagus never seemed to master keeping their clothes with them when they transform. Since it was so new for Ethan, she had no idea what his abilities were. After all, the tie didn't transform, right? She turned her head back to them when he started talking. A wave of relief fell over her when she saw only his tie seemed to be out of place.

His assurance regarding the petting made her blush again, feeling a bit of embarrassment fall over her again. When Ethan mentioned something she'd said, her mind quickly replayed the last couple of minutes together to realize what it was. Ely wasn't sure how teasing him over which form was cuter would get the guy thinking, but she never had noticed Ethan with a girlfriend - or boyfriend - it wasn't something they ever really talked about.

She noticed his fidgeting as he spoke, which really made her wonder what was going on. Was he going to 'offer' her a spot at the Animagus table? Was that how it worked? She'd heard how the process was long and difficult, but she didn't know the first step was getting invited by someone who was already an animagus.

Then, Ethan mentioned the dance.

She listened as he fumbled through some of the information. Elyria had dated a few guys here and there over the years, but as her 5th and 6th years approached, she had started focusing more on her studies than on socializing. There would be plenty of time for boys after she graduated and had a career, right? Elyria's face was turning redder, or so she thought. Her face felt warmer than before. When Ethan finished speaking she thought for a moment before nodding. "Ethan, I'd love to go with you. No one's even talked to me about the ball, honestly. I figured it was just going to be a chance to study here while everyone else was gone. I figured you'd already have a date, anyways. You're the only person I'd feel comfortable going with as a dat-, erm... dance partner? "

Would it be a date? Did she take it too far? Elyria's face didn't seem to cool down any and she wasn't close enough to the fire for it to be the culprit. Though, a dive into its flames would have been less awkward that how she'd jut made it. Elyria stood up and scooted her chair back as she did so. She outstretched her fingers and balled them back up. "We can always get you some enchanted shoes, or maybe I can teach you some basic counts?" She gave a meager smile, hoping to feel her face start to cool sooner than later.

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:31 am
by Ethan Forrester
When Elyria voiced her acceptance, Ethan's shoulders noticeably relaxed, and he couldn't help but break into a smile. He finally dared to look at her properly again, and stopped fidgeting, apparently still oblivious of his necktie mishap. "I'm really glad to hear that. I mean, not the part about you not being asked before, but...the part about you feeling comfortable with going with me."

He shook his head. "Using enchanted shoes feels like cheating. If we're going to do this, I'll learn how to dance properly. You're worth the time investment." Which was saying a lot, coming from someone like him, whose self-imposed daily schedule was divided into 15-minute blocks so he could fit in all his studying. "Whether I learn from you or not, though...depends on your schedule, because I don't want to inconvenience you. I think I know someone in Hufflepuff who I could ask to teach me." He paused, glancing toward the window as he considered. "I have to admit that learning from you would be ... less uncomfortable, though. I feel like I can make a mistake in front of you without being judged for it, while I feel like I have to be perfect in front of everyone else. With you, I can let my guard down. I can just be myself. You know what I mean?"

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 11:07 am
by Elyria Silverberg
Ely smiled and stepped over to the empty space of the room. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Ethan, I think I spend more time around you studying that I do anywhere else. Of course I'd feel more comfortable going with you!" Elyria pulled an elastic from her wrist and tied her hair up in a messy bun of sorts to get it out of the way, and to cool herself down a bit. The room was was comfortable in terms of temperature, but the nervousness and awkward fumbling between the two made her radiate heat.

As Ethan spoke of having someone who could teach him, she felt a little disappointed. When he confessed that her teaching would make him more at ease to make a mistake, an impish grin came across her face. "If you make a mistake, I'm adding it to the list of why my scores for Head Girl will be higher than yours as Head Boy next year." There as no doubt from anyone at the school that the two of them were to be the head students next year. Each would be at the top of the boys' and girls' academic achievements, which for many would probably be enough. For Elyria, at least, she was in a competition for the overall number one spot and Ethan was her only obstacle.

Still, dancing wasn't exactly a grade-worthy subject at Hogwarts. Ethan was seemingly perfect when it came to academics, and his newfound Animagus status gave him a one-up on Ely. Plus, it wasn't exactly on equal level with dancing of all things. But the rivalry persisted and any time Ely could 'beat' him at something, she quietly took it in with pride just as she quietly sulked when he beat her at something.

Elyria looked at Ethan and held out her arms almost like a ballerina. "Let's see just how bad you really are. If we start doing an Viennese Waltz, I'm calling your bluff." Elyria teased and laughed. She had no clue how to do an Viennese Waltz, but had seen them a time or two at events her family attended. Truthfully, she only knew the basics to get by. "You're going to take my right hand in your left, and place your right hand on my waist. We'll work on leading later. For now let's just get this down and see if we can't do a few basic step-touch movements."

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 1:56 am
by Ethan Forrester
Ethan's expression softened when Elyria admitted that she felt most comfortable with him. He realized in that moment that he should have pursued a relationship with her far sooner. Her keen intellect made her very desirable, and it didn't hurt that she was beautiful as well. He'd just been so narrowly focused on his studies, and perhaps also lacking in self-confidence, that he'd never seriously entertained the idea of dating previously; it had always been something he was willing to put off until a more convenient time, but no time ever felt convenient, because staying on top of everything took so much effort.

He was caught off-guard and quirked an eyebrow when she teased him about making mistakes. "Now I'm terrified to make a mistake because I anticipate I'll never hear the end of it," he replied, only half joking. "You mean there's more than one kind of waltz?", he asked with a teasing smirk. "I assure you I have zero experience with dancing," he reassured her. Or maybe that wasn't reassuring at all.

But he stepped toward her and took her hand and held her waist as she instructed. "I'll do my best to follow," he promised.

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 5:50 pm
by Elyria Silverberg
"Good!" She exclaimed with an impish grin. "Maybe one day I'll end up teaching here and inimidation might be my teaching style." Elyria heard his question about different kinds of waltzes and she gave a nod, looking in the air as she read off from her mental list, "There's the traditional waltz, the Viennese waltz, I think an American waltz..." Her voice trailed off as her knowledge of any of them was limited at best. Ely knew what she needed to get by, but she wasn't a real dancer by any means... except for some Irish dances, but those would never see the light of day outside of family gatherings.

When Ethan got into position, she adjusted the positioning of his hands and made sure they weren't lacing their finger, but rather that his hand essentially held her hand as gently as a feather. Ely looked down at their feet and gave a gentle tap of his left foot with the tip of her shoe. "A very basic version of a waltz is to make two L's of sorts to form a box. With your left foot, step forward and then to the side with your right, and finally bring the left foot meet the right. Let's do that much to start. Think of our feet as both being attached to a wooden plank. We move together and in equal spacing -- no lunges, but comfortable steps about shoulder width in length."

Ethan was a fair about taller than Elyria, so she'd have to make slightly larger steps to keep her statement true. A slight bend of the knee as they moved would allow this to hop. Rather than counting like she would have in music, she spoke the motions. "Ready... and- Left foot forward... right foot to the side... and together." She used her left hand that rested on his arm to gently pull and push in an effort to remind him where to go.

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 1:35 am
by Ethan Forrester
"I think you'd make a great teacher," Ethan replied. "It does seem like a roundabout way just to get unlimited access to the restricted section, though," he teased. "But I have to admit, that's quite an incentive. What subject would you most like to teach?"

He looked down at their feet and began to mimic Elyria's movements and respond to her nudging. While his coordination wasn't the most graceful at the start, he managed to keep up and not miss a beat, a decent first attempt. As they slowly worked their way around the unobstructed part of their study, he began to see the appeal of dancing. Having an excuse to hold someone close, and together improvising and reacting to each other's every movement for several minutes at a stretch. Socializing without the need for words. No wonder so many different forms of dance had been invented.

"How much practice do you think I'll need to be ready in time for the ball?", he asked. "I want to be a worthy dance partner for you." Suddenly he wasn't opposed to a great time investement. After all, now that he'd achieved his goal of becoming an animagus, he had some time to spare.

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 2:09 am
by Elyria Silverberg
"You caught me...!" Elyria said in response to the restricted section. She couldn't deny that it had crossed her mine a few times over the years. It was more about seeing what subject were locked hidden away from them more than it was trying to use them. When she was a first year, one of the older Prefects told her that there were books that seemed like they had great spells in them, but they all turned out to be either duds or had completely different effects. Perhaps they were a way for the librarian to catch students who had managed to sneak in.

As to the topic of what she'd teach, she thought for a moment. "What would I teach? I'd be happy to teach Magical Theory, Charms, or Transfiguration... although you seem to have leg or two up on me for that one." Elyria guided him to reset their positioning in the room. "Let's learn the other half of the box step. This time when your left comes together with your right foot, shift the weight to the left. Then, take a step back with your right foot and a side step with your left, and finally your right foot together to complete the box. " Elyria looked up to him to try and find a hint of understanding before continuing. "Right step back, left step side, together. Ready and...step"

Elyria slowly guided Ethan about with her hand on his arm once more for the last half of the box step. She continued the conversation from before her instructions. "I couldn't imagine Hogwarts without McGonagall or Flitwick. I guess I could always be someone who taught their overflow. What would you teach if you came back here? What are your plans, anyway?" She looked up at him, just standing there in their dancing stance for a moment. Ethan was good at pretty much everything that came to her mind. He would've made a great professor, but it was no secret that the positions were few and far between. Whatever he chose, she knew he'd be an asset to that team. With his new animagus status, she was certain he'd opened many doors for himself.

"You'll be able to do this before we leave today. It shouldn't take long and all, and I'll be more than happy to practice with you. Think you are ready to put them together? That's all that's left for this." Elyria looked up to Ethan and gave an encouraging smile. It was a very sweet moment to her and one she thought would stay with her for a long time. Ethan's friendship was special to her, but what that meant in the bigger picture was still unknown. Nevertheless, this moment was something she knew she'd never forget.

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 5:46 pm
by Ethan Forrester
Ethan did his best to replicate Elyria's movements as he maintained his half of the conversation. "Actually, much of what you need to know for the animagus process is so specialized that it's not that useful for everyday transfiguration, so I've no doubt you're still on par with me in that subject," he reassured her.

"You're right, the school would feel so different if certain individuals left their roles. If I had the opportunity, I think I'd find teaching defense to be the most fulfilling. But I'm actually hoping to become an Auror, like my father. He was killed in the line of duty when I was very young. We know a fair few Death Eaters are still out there, who remain a threat. I feel that I can most contribute to the world by helping to bring them to justice."

"This doesn't seem so hard once you get the rhythm of it," he observed. "But if you're amenable, I think it would help for me to practice with you at least once a week until the ball, so I don't make a fool of myself...?"

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:53 pm
by Elyria Silverberg
Elyria quietly guided Ethan through a combinations of both halves of the box step without giving him any instruction, just to see if he'd pick up on it or if they would end up dancing without him ever noticing as he spoke. She couldn't remember a time where they spoke about their family histories, so hearing about his father was surprising. Maybe his pursuit to become an Auror was more of a shock, but based on his skills at Hogwarts, Elyria though he'd be great at it. But why was there a pang of anxiety falling over her after his story? Was it because she didn't want him to end up sharing his father's fate?

Her mind went to him mentioning teaching Defense and she could definitely see that for him.
"I just have to say that I think you'd be an excellent Defense professor. You've definitely helped me out a few times for sure." She gave a smile and kept them going for as long as he allowed her to do so.

When Ethan asked about practicing each week, Elyria could feel the heat rush to her face. She gave a nod as she looked up to him while he spoke. "I'd like that. You're not half bad, you know." She grinned glanced down and back up to him. "I don't think you are at risk of making a fool of yourself, but if you just wanted to get closer to me, you could've just said so." Her heart skipped a beat. Why did she say that?! It was definitely a sarcastic moment that came out sounding completely different in tone. Elyria decided to play it cool and hope it didn't weird him out. Secretly, she was enjoying their little waltz more than she thought she would have. Ethan was good company and this was a nice break from studying.

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 2:33 am
by Ethan Forrester
"Oh, you're mixing things up now, trying to trip me up?" Ethan mock-complained as the step pattern became more complicated, but he persisted in focusing on her movements and doing his best to impress her.

"Thank you, and you're welcome," he replied to her comment about being a defense professor and helping her. "I never minded helping you, because I considered it mutually beneficial. What was extra instruction to you was extra practice for me. And you've helped me just as much."

"Is that so?", he replied with a grin that, considering his achievement today, could now only be described as wolfish. "In that case, I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I admit I've been too narrowly-focused and under a lot of self-imposed stress these last few years. I hope you don't interpret my lack of asking for lack of interest, because the interest was always there in some form, just...repressed. I'm a bit lacking in self-confidence when it comes to such things. I feared rejection, and possibly ruining our friendship, and falling behind in my studies. I know, excuses are a sickle a dozen. But...if I'm interpreting you correctly...if you have...if you've had feelings for me all this time...then perhaps...I can make it up to you?"

He came to a gentle stop, leaned in, and gave Elyria a chaste, experimental kiss on the lips. The ball was now in her court.

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 10:18 am
by Elyria Silverberg
The two were in the middle of their study room doing a box step waltz and talking. She didn't think that was what Professor Flitwick had in mind when he granted them the room. Were they breaking the rules? In some ways, perhaps, but they were practicing. It wasn't their studies, but it was practice nonetheless. As Ethan confessed his feelings, Elyria's focus shifted from guiding him to listening. Like some big machine, the steps slowed until they were just standing there in their dance pose.

Ely, I think it's happening...!

Ethan's confession sent her heart aflutter. She'd had a crush on him for years, and his words made her realize that those feelings may have been mutual. Elyria respected him and his decision to focus on school all this time, and perhaps that was for the better as much as she hated admitting it. Suddenly, she noticed his face coming closer to hers, which caught her off guard due to her thoughts taking over. Suddenly their lips met and all she could do was lean into it.

When the kiss broke, she wrapped her arms around him for a hug, resting her head on his chest for a moment before pulling away, a glowy redness covering her face. She wasn't embarrassed by any means, but her heart was racing. His words struck a chord with her regarding their friendship as it was a very special one to her, too. She took a deep breath and quickly tried to collect her thoughts. She feared she was about to make the biggest mistake of her life.

"Ethan, I have had feelings for you for a long time now. I know how important school has been for you and I've always respected that because I would never want to become a distraction for you or be the reason why you don't succeed," she said as she looked up at him, almost a bit teary eyed. "There is no one I like more than you, so... before things get too serious, can we wait? Let's graduate next year and get our biggest academic challenges out of the way before we lean into our feelings."

She got on her tip toes and kissed his cheek before hugging him and resting against him once more. "Ethan, for you, my answer will always be yes. I'll wait for you."

Slowing things down would become Elyria's biggest regret in life.

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 10:10 pm
by Ethan Forrester
Ethan wrapped his arms around Elyria when she embraced him. But when she suggested that they wait, he moved his hands to her shoulders and took a step back so he could study her face for a moment. If he was disappointed, there was no evidence of that to be found in his expression. Instead, a slow smile started to form as he accepted this. "Yes...I can wait, and you're worth waiting for. I'm nothing if not patient. For now, I feel like it's enough just to know that you have similar feelings for me. I think you're right about wanting to wait, because our next two years will be crazy enough without romantic distractions. But if we're expected at any social events in the meantime...I would very much like to attend them with you if it's not least until such time as you change your mind about me. Is that acceptable?"

Re: Furry-ous Studying

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:14 am
by Elyria Silverberg
Elyria gave a hopeful smile back to Ethan as he looked at her and spoke. There was a sinking feeling in her stomach of regret after saying she wanted to wait, but the two were still very young. She truly wanted their friendship to last beyond their years at Hogwarts and part of her was scared to take that leap of faith into a relationship and end up distracted or even distracting him from his studies.

As Ethan asked her about being his date to social events, she gave a happy nod. "I wouldn't have it any other way. Consider it understood that I'll always be at any event with you."" Elyria gave him another hug, debating to linger a little longer, but decided to pull back after a slightly longer hug. "I should probably get going now. I wanted to take a bubble bath in the Prefect's bathroom before dinner was served." Elyria pulled away and headed over to the table to grab her books and bag. She turned back to Ethan and grinned. "Whenever you feel like practicing, just say the word. Maybe we practice our waltz in between subjects or something to help break things up and reset."

Elyria headed toward the door of the study and prepared to open it, but waited for anything Ethan wanted to say. She slowly started to feel better about things, but part of her wanted to take it all back and risk it. The mantra of good things coming to those who waited ran through her mind. If she just kept her mind on the end goal of Head Girl and acing her N.E.W.T.s, her reward would be that much more worth it.