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Camellia Fah

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2023 8:20 pm
by Camellia Fah
Image Full Name: Camellia Fah
Age: 45
Position/class taught: Herbology/Slytherin Head of House
Camellia was born to a pure-blood Chinese family in Hong Kong to Malaysian-Chinese parents. When she was a toddler, her parents moved to Windsor, United Kingdom where they opened a magical plant greenhouse in Diagon Alley. Camellia spent her formative years pruning leaves, sowing seeds, and learning about the different types of plants. Her parents taught her about the benefits of magic and non-magical creatures with plant life and the uses of plants in potion making.

In 1971 Camellia started her time at Hogwarts. The Sorting Hat quickly shouted out Slytherin to the cheers of the House table. Her time at the school helped display her prowess in Herbology and Potions. She went on to serve as a Prefect from her fifth year onward. Additionally, Camellia became a member of the infamous "Slug Club," which contributed to her demeanor over the years due to gaining favor from her head of house. She met her future husband, Syaoran Wong, while in the Slug Club. He was a year ahead of her and a member of Gryffindor. The two had a similar upbringing, both coming from China and finding themselves attending Hogwarts.

One class that Syaoran convinced her to take was Arithmancy with Professor Sigma. It wasn't a class that Camellia enjoyed, but it was something that gave the couple and excuse to be around each other when studying and doing the class' assignments even though Syaoran was a year ahead of her. Sigma's sharp wit and stern demeanor made Camellia nervous and perhaps a bit frightened of her -- so much so her boggart revealed itself as Sigma in a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Upon graduating from Hogwarts, Camellia returned to work at her parents shop in Diagon Alley. From her N.E.W.T. level Herbology classes, she was able to begin working with carnivorous plants to which she ha da natural affinity. Of all the students in her advanced classes, Camellia was the only student who never went to the Hospital Wing due to the plants, an accomplishment she proudly wore. At her parents' shop, she became the specialist for these plants and helped harvest parts of them as valuable potions ingredients.

At the same time, Syaoran and Camellia were married and started their family shortly after. Between raising her children and working in the plant store, life was going well for the young couple. Things began to sour in early 1981 when Syaoran joined a group of Aurors on their hunt for Dark Wizards. During the hunt he was hit with a Killing Curse and died. The news embittered Camellia, who's negative traits began to emerge more prominently. While the Fah family had nothing to fear from the Dark Lord and his followers, Syaoran's decision to fight them put him directly in harms way, but Camellia never understood why a Jr. Auror was sent on just a dangerous mission even if there were more seasoned members with him.

By 1985, Camellia's parents chose to transfer ownership of the shop and greenhouse to her. They continued to work there, but left the business side of things to her so they could enjoy semi-retirement. When her children were old enough to work there, Camellia worked on expanding the business by having her son help with potion making and her daughter tended to the plants, allowing them to brew special potions that some apothecaries didn't carry normally.

In 1997 when the Dark Lord's followers took over the school, the Fah's were asked to help them grown more dangerous plants and spores for potions ingredients in the Hogwarts Greenhouse. Reluctant to oblige the family agreed to send Camellia to the school to perform the task in an effort to remain in the good graces of the Dark Lord -- that is, they did what was asked of them so that they'd be left alone in the future, wishing to never be part of the Death Eaters or the battles to come.

During a routine check up on the plants, even thought Professor Sprout was more than capable, Camellia arrived at the school and was escorted to the Greenhouses. Her work lasted throughout the day and into the evening when she noticed students were being marched to the Great Hall. It wasn't long before she realized that the Battle of Hogwarts was about to take place and she had no way of escaping. This was her moment to seek revenge against those who murdered her husband all those years ago. Her role was defending those who did not wish to fight using Chinese Chomping Cabbages, Venomous Tentacula, curses, and other spells to guard the doors.

Following the battle she returned back to her shop in Diagon Alley, but received special permission to return to the school periodically to make sure the Greenhouses remained kept and active. Since Hogwarts was considered closed, she used the opportunity to increase her stock in potions ingredients and inventory by using the greenhouses as an expansion of her wares, however impractical it may have been given the school's location. Once it was announced that Hogwarts was going to re-open, Camellia applied for the Herbology position and Slytherin Head of House. her daughter, Dahlia, took over the shop. Her love for the more dangerous side of Herbology allowed her to propose the introduction of different plant species and cross-discipline training with Potions and Care of Magical Creatures in her lessons.

For those that knew Camellia during her time at Hogwarts would've known someone whose personality shifted over the years. She started out mild mannered and polite as a first year, but slowly shifted into a young woman with a razor sharp tongue who could offer compliments lined with veiled insults as the attention from a certain professor went to her head as well as the company she kept. She can be a bit narcisistic and isn't shy to celebrate her own accomplishments openly.

As a professor she is strict and tough on the students. Many suggest her curriculum is fast paced and that her first years have mastered the old second year curriculum by the end of the year. Rather than just treating plants all day, Professor Fah tries to incorporate other disciplines into her lessons, often testing students on the properties of plants and spores in Potions and their affects on Magical Creatures.

A true Slytherin at heart, Camellia's ambitions in life saw her fitting right in with her house. Also being part of a pure-blood family, albeit from China and Malaysia, the pride of such status stuck with her and put her in with an elitist crowd. She hated taking Muggle Studies in school, finding their drab way of life boring and unnecessary to learn. While the class should have always been taught as a matter of truth, there were times after she became a professor where the way the Dark Lord's staff taught it would've been more entertaining. The professor in her argued the contrary.

As somone who bores easily, students have come to greet Professor Fah with some skepticism when she offers them advice or tricks around the school -- as they should. Outside of lessons and being Head of House, Camellia finds joy in tricking the students by telling them of secret passages that lead them to completely different areas than expected, such as the Staff Room. If she ever plays along with something from the students, such as a bet, she always finds a reason to punish them when she loses, such as betting a few sickles on the next Quidditch match, but docking points from students because they shouldn't be gambling at school.

Face Claim: Michelle Yeoh

Birthdate: April 1, 1960
Birthplace: Hong Kong
Hometown: Windsor, UK
Residence: Hogwarts & Windsor
Relationship status: Widowed
Blood status: Pure-blood
Wand: Cherry with Dragon Heartstring, 13 inches, Unyielding
Patronus: Malayan Water Monitor
Boggart: Professor Sigma
Certifications/skills: Apparition, Legilimency, non-verbal magic

Family Members:
  • Syaoran Wong, aged 22, Jr. Auror (deceased)
  • Caishen Wong, 25, Potions brewer
  • Dahlia Wong, 23, Magical plant shop owner
House: Slytherin
Years attended: 1971-1978
Best class: Herbology and Potions
Worst class: Arithmancy
Favourite class: Herbology
Least favourite class: Muggle Studdies
O.W.L. results:
  • Transfiguration: O
  • Charms: O
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
  • Potions: O
  • Herbology: O
  • History of Magic: O
  • Astronomy: O
  • Arithmancy: E
  • Divination: O
  • Care of Magical Creatures: E
N.E.W.T. results:
  • Transfiguration: O
  • Charms: O
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
  • Potions: O
  • Herbology: O
  • History of Magic: E
  • Astronomy: O
  • Arithmancy: E
  • Divination: O
  • Care of Magical Creatures: E
Height/build: 5'5"/Slender
Hair/eye colour: Brown/Brown

OOC information:
OOC username: Blue
Preferred means of contact: Discord (SopranoBlues#7777)