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Tatiana Beautero

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:49 pm
by Tatiana Beautero
Full Name: Tatiana Alexandria Beautero
Nicknames: Tati, Alex, Beau (only 1 person uses this one)
Age: 25
Birthdate: February 29th, 1980
Position/class taught, and start of employment: Healer, 2005
Face Claim: Michelle Trachtenberg
Height/build: 5’8”/Hourglass slender
Hair/eye colour: Dark brown mid back length hair/ Bright crystal blue eyes
Any unusual physical attributes:
-It literally doesn’t matter how much time Tati spends in the sun she will forever have an incredibly fair complexion. She will simply burn, peel and then be pale all over again much to her dismay.
-She also has a small magical tattoo on the inside of her left elbow that at first glance makes no sense, but when she touches it splits into two sets of initials.
-Tati doesn’t necessarily dress like a healer, which is probably why when she’s on school grounds she’s almost always in her robes. Cause beneath them is generally ripped jeans, well worn shirts and worn in shoes. Despite a rather vast amount of wealth left to her from her parents' passing she lives and dresses far, far below her means.

Personality: Soft spoken, sweet natured, firm and stubborn when required and occasionally snappy when stressed or angry is the quickest way to sum up Tati’s personality. It’s why she was always told healing was in her nature, she just had a perfect bedside manner and it helped her magical strengths fall into line with that as well. She’s always had a big heart and wanted nothing more than to help, which for anyone who knew her family just meant there was absolutely no denying she was most assuredly a Beautero.

The whole lot of them were known for their altruistic and philanthropic endeavors. While she is very bright she can at times come off as naive due to her tendency to always choose to see the best in people, this includes herself when she makes a choice she knows is wrong for any reason. This of course also means she takes a lot of things deeply to heart and while she won’t show it publicly, in private she’ll just fall apart.

Residence (During School Year): Hogwarts
Residence (On Break): Hogsmeade
Relationship status: Single
Blood status: Pure-blood
Pet: American Pit Bull Terrier (Brindle Colored) named Thomas J (TJ for short)
Wand: Beech wood, phoenix feather core, 12 inches and flexible
Patronus: Dolphin
Boggart: Werewolf Bishop
Certifications/skills: Apparition, nonverbal magic, wandless magic

Family Members:
Parents: Celeste Beautero, 45, Deceased
Aloysius Beautero, 45, Deceased

House: Ravenclaw
Years attended: 1991-1998
Best class: Potions
Worst class: Astronomy
Favourite class: Herbology
Least favourite class: History of Magic
O.W.L. results:
N.E.W.T. results:

Tatiana never minded that her birthday technically only came once every four years, her mother joked it meant she would just be young forever even if they knew that wasn’t the case. They tended to celebrate it on the 28th each non-leap year anyway. While they had hoped for a big family it never seemed to be the case given Celeste didn’t ever fall pregnant again but they were happy with their little girl. Her life wasn’t spoiled or awful, it was normal as far as she felt; her parents fell into the small selection of pure-bloods who felt equality worked better when it was shared with everyone so they weren’t exactly popular but she never minded.

She was quite content with the friends she had and helping her parents with their preferred social justice fight of choice when they weren’t working. Her mother Celeste worked at St Mungo’s while her father worked with the Magical Zoo, so she got a healthy dose of animal and human healing examples growing up. When her 11th birthday rolled around the little family waited with baited breath for her Hogwarts letter and celebrated its arrival before proceeding to immediately begin preparing for her heading to their alma mater. Whiles he’d heard her parents stories about the school, their adventures and all that entailed, Tati was in no way prepared for the sight of Hogwarts proper upon arrival.

After being sorted into Ravenclaw she settled in and began to focus on her classes, after all there was no question about what she would excel in. Everyone knew what the Beautero’s did best and as she began to learn Tati proved no different, healing seemed to be right up her alley. She didn’t waste time with extracurriculars at least until she made her first real friend and rival, Bishop. They didn’t start friends, they started as rivals in potions class and sort of remained so when it came to that subject during their formative years but besides that the two actually began to form a rather unlikely friendship.

Tati became his biggest cheerleader during his Quidditch matches and he in turn often ended up being the one she practiced her healing on whenever he got any sort of injury. Of course nothing was really going to make either of them stand out entirely knowing Harry Potter was among their schoolmates but two still did their best. Tati often volunteered in the hospital wing when she could, even if it was just as simple a thing as restocking cabinets or sitting by the bedside until Madam Pompfrey could arrive. They were little things but she knew they were important for what she ultimately wanted to do which was help people and knowing who her family was Madam Pompfrey allowed it even showing her a few tricks here or there she’d picked up in her years.

When the holidays rolled around Tati discovered that Bishop had planned to remain at the school and absolutely refused to have it, insisting he come home with her and after a lot of pouting, tears and threats to never attend another Quidditch game again he finally relented. It became a yearly occurrence from that moment forward and her parents welcomed him with open arms. Tati never pried too much about why he never wanted to go home, his reason that his family had enough to handle with his siblings was acceptable enough for her. And it wasn’t as if her parents were hurting for money so one more to buy food and presents for wasn’t such a terrible inconvenience so he sort of became the son her parents never got to have.

School only kept getting stranger, odd things kept happening and there was the ever growing feeling of danger lurking around every corner. Tati decidedly didn’t like it and she certainly had no qualms about stating just who or what she believed was causing it which in retaliation earned her a rumor that she and Bishop were an item. Which would have been utterly laughable, if it didn’t begin to make her second guess her every word and action towards her best friend. Bishop noticed but she brushed it off as stress due to their upcoming end of year exams which was believable but she hated lying to him.

Of course she did very well as expected, at least in the subjects she expected too and as a reward for such a good job her parents decided a family vacation was in order for the summer. Unfortunately this was the first time Bishop had to go home instead of join them, that did not however stop them from preparing some gifts for him to be sent to the school when it resumed in their 4th year as a good job on his own exam scores. Fourth year started off relatively normal and Tati decided just to keep her crisis of emotions to herself, when the announcement was made about the Triwizard Tournament she could almost see the disappointment on Bishop’s face he couldn’t participate made worse when Potter’s name was announced.

She did at least point out that obviously something was amiss there given 4th years were supposed to be excluded and instead encouraged him to focus on continuing to practice his Quidditch even though the games for the year were canceled and his studies. They both had to prepare for O.W.L.s coming in their 5th year and then N.E.W.T.s in 6th and 7th. And while she was working towards her goal of working at St Mungo’s with her mother, he’d mentioned aiming for a job as a Professor. Of course she’d teased a bit but it made perfect sense given he genuinely enjoyed instructing others and helping them learn.

Things went relatively as normal aside from the odd occurrences during the tournament until the chatter began about the Yule ball, her mother was absolutely over the moon at being able to take her dress shopping but worse still was the near constant questions not only from her parents but other classmates about who she would go with. Tati hated it, why did she have to go with anyone? Couldn’t she just go by herself? Then came the biggest surprise when Bishop asked her and she couldn’t bring herself to refuse, he was her best friend after all who better to go with right? It was a lovely night and honestly Tati was glad she’d accepted his invitation until the days that followed where the rumors started up all over again and she honestly just wanted to shut herself up in her room for the rest of the school year.

As much as she hated herself for it Tati purposefully put distance between herself and Bishop, she still did the bare minimum required to support him but she stopped overdoing it as some might call it. And she didn’t stick around or get caught out by him to question her on it claiming studying, a project or just anything really that worked as a valid excuse.While she couldn’t avoid him going home with her on the holidays at least there her parents treated things as normal but as soon as they were back at school Tati kept her distance as much as she possibly could. And then of course the whole world seemed to just turn upside down, the culmination of the tournament Cedric's death, Voldermort’s return and the Ministry’s denial of it… it was all just insane to her.

It really left little time for anything as everything began to become more and more complicated with Dumbledore’s death, Snape becoming Head of Hogwarts and Death Eaters with Dark Marks as instructors; it was maddening. Her parents had pulled her from the school as quickly as they could and she’d lost track of Bishop and her other friends for quite some time until one evening there’d been a knock on their door. It was Bishop with several of his younger siblings in tow once they’d gotten the younger ones settled and resting he’d told them how his parents had decided the smarter move was to join the Dark Lord. Some of his siblings had agreed but the younger ones had been terrified so while the other had been going through with accepting the dark mark he’d grabbed them and fled to the only place he knew was safe.

They did everything they could to protect themselves, especially the younger ones knowing they would be defenseless given their age and size. They had to relocate often as well which in one instance led to her father being gravely wounded while protecting one of the younger ones. Far far later Tati could admit to her great shame that she snapped on her dear friend, blaming him and his siblings for her father’s predicament. So when Bishop offered to go out and fetch whatever they might need to fix her father, Tati didn’t hesitate to give him a list and send him despite her mother insisting it wasn’t safe. And of course it wasn’t, Bishop returned but even more badly wounded than her father and only said one word before he lost consciousness “werewolf”.

Panic filled her and despite knowing what it would mean Tati immediately went to work concocting the mixture of powdered silver and dittany that would save his life but ultimately condemn him to living as a werewolf himself. She didn’t breathe a word to her mother or recovering father, Tati told no one how Bishop had been injured, only that he had and she’d patched him up. When he woke up and his gaze met hers she knew she would probably never be forgiven but she could live with it if it meant he was alive. For all his anger though he didn’t breathe a word either until well it was almost too late; in a sense it was too late though for her parents. She hadn’t had the time to get what she needed for the wolfsbane potion for Bishop by the time the first full moon rolled around and he had to go away or risk harming them all.

As Bishop was going through his first transformation, they were found and while Tati fled with the youngest of his siblings her parents died holding off the Death Eaters and Werewolves that had joined the Dark Lord. Before the sunset he’d made her swear on her life she would protect his siblings and Tati kept that promise, keeping them safe and well cared for until the end of the war finally came with the defeat of Voldermort at Hogwarts in 1998. As the ashes began to settle and the good people and creatures who remained standing began to pick up the pieces, Tati found the only remaining family member left of his family. An Uncle who’d been fighting alongside the Order of the Phoenix who was incredibly grateful that she had safeguarded the ones she could.

Taking some time to herself, she helped settle her family's estate and worked out how she could go about continuing her family's legacy. Each full moon she sat stock still curled into herself listening and waiting all night long for the sound of a howl that while she’d never heard it she knew that she would know it regardless. The longer time passed the less the paranoia affected her until eventually she even began to sleep again on those nights and it wasn’t until word came the Hogwarts was being reopened that she felt that anxiety reach inside her and wrap around her heart like an icy claw.

Tati had robbed her best friend, someone she knew now that she had loved deeply of his dream; out of her own selfish desire to spare her conscience the grief of having caused his demise. The least she could do was try to help in whatever way she could there if for no other reason than to honor his memory so when she heard they needed a healer, she immediately put in her resume for the position. It wasn’t precisely a professor role like he might have taken but it was something at the very least, she would be of service and maybe that would ease her guilty conscience.

OOC information:
OOC username: Grim
Preferred means of contact: Discord