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Anastacia Brotherton

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:44 pm
by Anastacia Brotherton
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Anastacia can be a bit polarizing when it comes to friends. She's definitely the socialite of the school in terms of always being with a group of people and would be friends with anyone who was social themselves. She frequently throws little gatherings in the courtyard on the weekends and anyone who is someone is invited.
I'm open to developing backstories with others!
    Because of Anastacia's social personality, she would likely have/had several interests over the years. Maybe even an on-again-off-again boyfriend. She is quarter-Veela which may contribute to a few crushes here and there.
    Open to many histories! Let's see where things go!
      Some people may not appreciate the type of student Anastacia is. While her grades are fine, they are not top of the class by any means. Some ideas may be ladies who think she's actively using her Veela heritage to 'steal' someone, exes, and students who aren't very social or don't get invited to her gatherings.
      I don't see her as a "mean girl", but more of someone who is blissfully unaware of her actions and how they may make someone mad. She could also be described as terminally delightful -- always upbeat and polite even when the other side is angry.
        Quick Bits:
        • Half-blood born to a wizard father and half-Veela mother.
        • Lives in London when not at Hogwarts
        • Is a quarter Veela, but is unaware of any 'power' behind that.
        • Loves to cheer on Ravenclaw... or the team of her current boyfriend during Quidditch matches.
        • Wants to be a model and fashion designer for witches and wizards after Hogwarts.
        • Throws exclusive gatherings in the courtyard on weekends.
        • Has had her fair share of visits to the Hospital Wing due to Professor Fah's more dangerous Flora lessons.
        Education and Employment Timeline:
        • Attending Hogwarts (Ravenclaw) from 2000-2007.
        • Best class is Divination.
        • Worst class is Herbology.