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Derek Cross

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 4:45 pm
by Derek Cross
Image Full Name: Derek Cross
Age: 36
Birthdate: April 5th
Position/class taught, and start of employment: Librarian, started in 2000
Relationship status: Single
Blood status: Pure-blood
Height/build: 77 inches, muscular
Hair/eye colour: Light brown hair, greyish green eyes
Any unusual physical attributes: Scar on the bottom of his foot from his adventures, and some that look like a large bite mark around his calf from stepping in a bear trap. He has a tattoo of a Celtic Cross, a Maori tribe design, and a North Star on his upper arms and back, places he can cover with a shirt while in public.
Parents: Alexander Cross, 60, Historian (specializing in magical artifacts). Isabella Cross, 59, Wandmaker.
Siblings: Lucas Cross, 38, Auror for MACUSA. Amber Cross-Martin, 28, Magical linguist and translator (Married her spouse Emma Martin last year).
Children: Elena Cross, 13, Hufflepuff.
House: He was in the Horned Serpent House at Ilvermorny
Wand: Maple wood, dragon heartstring, 12 ¾ inches, flexible
Patronus: Maned wolf
Boggart: Shackles
Broom: Comet 260
Skills: Apparition, wandless, and nonverbal magic

Derek Cross was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1970 to a pure-blooded wizarding family. His parents were both successful attorneys and instilled in him a love for learning and exploring the world.

Derek attended the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Horned Serpent. He excelled academically, particularly in the field of anthropology, which sparked his curiosity about different cultures and societies.

After graduating from Ilvermorny at the age of 18, Derek pursued a career as an anthropologist, traveling the world and studying various cultures. During a research trip to Mexico, he met and fell in love with a fellow anthropologist named Alejandra. They had a brief but intense romance that resulted in the birth of their daughter, Elena.

Tragically, Alejandra died when Elena was only five years old. Derek, who had been unaware of Elena's existence, was shocked and heartbroken to learn of his daughter's existence. He immediately took custody of Elena and brought her with him as he continued his travels.

Eventually, Derek decided to settle in England and took a job as the librarian at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 2000. He hoped that by staying in one place, Elena would have a more stable upbringing and be able to attend Hogwarts.

In 2005, when Elena was 13 years old, she began attending Hogwarts and was sorted into Hufflepuff. Derek was worried that his job as the librarian would cause her to be teased or ostracized, but he was proud of her kind and friendly nature and hopeful that she would find acceptance and happiness at the school.

Derek Cross is a pure-blooded wizard from the United States who has a curious mind and an adventurous spirit. He is studious and enjoys learning about different cultures, which led him to become an anthropologist after graduating from Ilvermorny. Derek values people and their thoughts, independence, and people being able to live unfettered. He is a loving and protective father to Elena, his daughter whom he brought with him to England after her mother passed away. Derek is also a bit self-conscious about his job as the librarian of Hogwarts and fears that it might lead to Elena being teased or bullied. Despite this, he tries his best to fit in with the other teachers and staff, and is always willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it.

Face Claim: Craig McGinlay
OOC username: Nova
Preferred means of contact: Discord