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Nathaniel Wright

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 4:59 pm
by Nathaniel Wright
Image Full Name: Nathaniel Wright
Age: 17
Birthdate: August 17, 1988
Birthplace & Hometown: Leeds
Height/build: 68 inches, average
Hair/eye color: Brown/Brownish
Any unusual physical attributes: His left eye has a slight heterochromia with green
Blood status: Half-blood
Parents: Benjamin Wright, 39, Interrogator for the Wizengamot.Victoria Taylor Wright, 40, nurse at Leeds General Infirmary.
Siblings: Rachel, 15, Ravenclaw. Oliver, 13, Ravenclaw. Lucy, 11, squib.
Pet: Helios an Eagle owl
House: Ravenclaw (Prefect?)
Year: 7th year
Wand: Oak wood, unicorn hair, 12 ¾ inches, fairly rigid
Patronus: Eagle
Boggart: A looming shadow that seems to suck the light around it away
Quidditch team position: Keeper
Broom: Firebolt

Best class: Transfiguration
Worst class: Care of Magical Creatures
Favourite class: Arithmancy
Least favourite class: Herbology
Certifications/skills: Studying up on Occlumency and apparition
O.W.L. results:
Transfiguration: Outstanding
Charms: Exceeds Expectations
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Exceeds Expectations
Potions: Exceeds Expectations
Herbology: Acceptable
Care of Magical Creatures: Poor
Astronomy: Exceeds Expectations
History of Magic: Exceeds Expectations
Arithmancy: Outstanding
Divination: Acceptable
Muggle Studies: Exceeds Expectations

Nathaniel Wright was born in Leeds, England, to Benjamin Wright and Victoria Taylor. His father was an interrogator for the Wizengamot, and his mother was a muggle nurse at Leeds General Infirmary. From a young age, Nathaniel showed a keen interest in books and learning, especially in the field of magic. His father encouraged his interest and often brought home books from the Wizengamot library for him to read.

When Nathaniel turned 11, he received his letter from Hogwarts and was overjoyed. His parents were equally proud and supportive of his magical education. He was sorted into Ravenclaw and quickly became known for his serious and studious demeanor, often spending long hours in the library and excelling in his studies.

In his third year, Nathaniel was selected to be the Keeper for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, a position he took very seriously. He spent hours practicing and studying the game, determined to be the best. In his fifth year, he was named prefect, a role he took on with pride and dedication.

Outside of Quidditch and his studies, Nathaniel didn't have many close friends. He often found it difficult to relate to his peers and their interests. However, he did enjoy tutoring younger students in magic, and he took on this role eagerly, often spending his free time helping others with their studies.

As he enters his seventh year, Nathaniel is determined to finish his Hogwarts education with top grades and seek a job within the Ministry of Magic, potentially the Department of Mysteries. He is still a prefect for his house and the Keeper on the Quidditch team.

Nathaniel is a serious and no-nonsense individual who takes his responsibilities seriously. He is a natural leader and is not afraid to take charge and make difficult decisions. He is intelligent and strategic, often taking a logical and analytical approach to problem-solving. Nathaniel is also very disciplined and organized, prioritizing his goals and always striving to achieve them. He has a strong work ethic and takes pride in his accomplishments, constantly seeking to improve himself.

At the same time, Nathaniel can be reserved and aloof, often preferring to keep to himself and observe his surroundings. He values honesty and integrity and has little tolerance for those who do not share his moral values. Nathaniel is a loyal friend to those who earn his trust, but he can be quite guarded and slow to open up to new people. He has a dry sense of humor and can be quite witty in his observations, though he rarely shows this side of himself to others.

Face Claim: Francisco Lachowski
OOC username: Nova
Preferred means of contact: Discord