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Aidan Blackwood

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 11:30 pm
by Aidan Blackwood
Image Full Name: Aidan Blackwood
Age: 40
Birthdate: December 12th, 1965.
Birthplace & Hometown: Glenfinnan, Scotland.
Parents: Ewan and Moira Blackwood, 65 and 66, both retired Aurors who now run a small farm in the Scottish countryside.
Height/build: 71 inches/ lean and athletic
Hair/eye colour: dark brown/blue
Any unusual physical attributes: He’s got scars in a variety of places
Pet: Snowball
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Profession: Healer
Wand: Oak, dragon heartstring, 13 inches, slightly flexible.
Patronus: Horse
Boggart: Grim Reaper
Certifications/skills: License for Apparation, Advanced Healing Magic Certification from St. Mungo's Hospital, Highly silled in potions and herbology through his time at Hogwarts, and Proficient in Occlumency and Legilimency skills.

Aidan Blackwood was born on December 12th, 1965 in the small Scottish village of Glenfinnan to parents Andrew and Moira Blackwood. Growing up, Aidan was surrounded by nature and learned to love the outdoors. His parents ran a small farm and instilled in him a strong work ethic and practicality. As a child, Aidan was fascinated by magic and dreamed of attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In 1976, Aidan received his letter of acceptance to Hogwarts and was sorted into Ravenclaw. Throughout his time at Hogwarts, Aidan excelled in his studies, particularly in Herbology and Defense Against the Dark Arts. After graduating in 1983, Aidan began his career as a hit wizard, using his skills to fight against dark wizards and dangerous magical creatures.

However, Aidan began to question the morality of his job and the harm it caused others. In 1990, he decided to leave the hit wizard profession and applied to work at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. There, he focused on physical healing and learned about mental health in his free time. After years of studying and training, Aidan became an expert in the field of mental health, using his knowledge to help patients with both physical and mental health issues.

Currently, he’s working on getting Blackwood Wellness, his own office in Diagon Alley, up and running. He’s brought a friend from St. Mungo’s to be the receptionist and believes that they can help people with their variety of needs in his shop. He prefers holistic routes and has a small garden growing out behind the store to try and grow the herbs and things needed for his patients’ needs.

Aidan Blackwood is a thoughtful and compassionate man with a keen sense of empathy. Having witnessed the horrors of violence and death during his time as a hit wizard, Aidan became disillusioned with the notion that violence was the only way to make a difference in the world. He sought out a new path, one that would allow him to help people and heal the wounds that violence and trauma had inflicted upon them. Aidan is deeply committed to the well-being of his patients, and he approaches each person he meets with warmth, kindness, and a genuine desire to help.

Despite his compassionate nature, Aidan is not one to shy away from difficult conversations or situations. He is straightforward and honest, and he believes that the best way to help someone is to address their problems head-on. Aidan is a skilled communicator and an active listener, always striving to understand his patients' needs and perspectives. He is patient and understanding, and he knows that healing is a journey that requires time, effort, and trust.

Face Claim: Colin O’Donoghue
OOC username: Nova
Preferred means of contact: Discord