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Vincent Mathis

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 4:52 pm
by Vincent Mathis
Image Full Name: Vincent Rory Mathis
Nicknames: V, Mat, Vince
Age: 26
Birthdate: April 1, 1979
Profession: Tattoo Artist currently (formerly Jack of all trades)

Face Claim: Kevin Creekman
Height/build: 6’4”/ Muscular and fit, clearly works out with good reason.
Hair/eye colour: Shoulder length dirty blond and curly / blue grey eyes
Any unusual or interesting physical attributes:
-After a complete physical/mental overhaul on himself, V went to work on covering up all the literal old scars of his past. So now he’s covered neck to the tops of his feet in a full body suit of ink, it’s a beautiful piece and he’s ridiculously proud of it. It comes with lots of stories to share about each addition as well for those who want to hear them.
-He does have one scar that even the ink couldn’t completely cover, the one closest to his heart literally that nearly cost him his life and started him on his journey of self growth and improvement.
-To go along with the ink he also has quite a few piercings including gauged ears, a nose ring and both nipples just to list a few.

Birthplace: Chicago, IL
Residence: London
Relationship status: Single
Personality: The quiet, soft spoken and thoughtful kind; that’s how anyone who knows him professionally would describe Vincent. And those folks probably wouldn’t know him at all, while he can be that it isn’t all he is, that's just the personality he adopted while attending school to keep a low profile and he slips back into out of habit. When he’s in his element though a pub, a tattoo shop or a bar; he’s loud, friendly and boyishly charming to a ridiculous degree.

There’s another side of V though when chips are down or there’s trouble brewing, he’ll be the first one to stand up and the first one to throw down if the situation calls for it. After so long of either being the punching bag or just being told he didn’t have what it took to fight back, he refuses to sit around and do nothing now that he absolutely can fight back regardless of whose fight it is. At least so long as it’s on the right side of things anyway.

Blood status: Muggle-born
Wand: Acacia wood, dragon heartstring core,11 inches, and briskly flexible
Patronus: Brown Bear

House: Hufflepuff
Years/dates attended: 1990-1997
Certifications/skills: Apparition, Occlumency, wandless magic, tattoo artist

Family Members:
  • Ayden Mathis (28), Deceased Car salesman
    Karsyn Mathis (27), Deceased House wife
There isn’t a lot to say about my past so I’m gonna make it short and sweet: I wasn’t the kid anyone was gonna be asking favors of or buddying up to for any reason. Both my parents died in a car accident when I was nine and I got shipped from Chicago to England to live with an Aunt I’d never even heard of before who barely tolerated me because she never wanted kids. It was only made worse when a flying letter showed up because I was apparently some kind of wizard which just made life there a new kind of hell given how religious she was so things were sort of handled by the Muggle Affairs department the rest of my school days. School was frankly hell. I was the fat, nerdy kid that even the nerdy kids made fun of, I didn’t do sports; hell I barely passed the required flying lessons we had to take.

I made a few “friends” yes I put that in quotes cause most of them were only my friends when they needed someone to laugh at or use for some stupid ass idea they came up with and didn’t want to get in trouble themselves, but there was one or two oddly enough female friends that I genuinely consider real friends in that bunch. I wasn’t the guy who was gonna be a threat, I was the smart one that helped out with notes and homework but I had the confidence of a worker ant. I just kept my head down and did as I was told, when the girls were nice I was polite back and that was really all there was to that. But times at school got worse and soon enough word got around why, when my muggle affairs officer came to see me right after graduation I thought I’d finally get the chance to prove myself.

Once again though I just wasn’t worth the effort for anyone and the best course of action they could come up with was to ship me back stateside “for my own safety” given the views on wizards like myself.Whatever. At that point I genuinely didn’t care anymore, I came home to Chicago and the first thing I did was find a hole in the wall place I could afford and immediately put myself to work. I worked myself into the ground some weeks pulling 60-80 hours, working at 2-3 different jobs just working and saving. Out of all my “friends” only one kept in contact, got an Owl about once a week and I wasn’t about to be rude so I kept in touch back.

It sort of became my life line though, the only real social interaction I had besides whichever customers I interacted with at work. Eventually the feeling of it being ‘fake’ or just for show faded off and I really felt like I had a friend so it became easier keeping in touch. Having that friend and working so hard also led me to decide to change things for myself, even if the rest of them didn’t believe in me; I did so I started eating better, working out and dropped pretty much a whole person off me. Which included having to have skin removed as well and that well, that left scars. Those were hard to come to terms with but when my friend mentioned working at a tattoo shop, a light bulb went off in my head.

Between my parents life insurance inheritance my Aunt had for some god forsaken reason never touched and the money I’d earned busting my ass working so many jobs for so long, it was pretty easy to set up the appointments for each part. If I could make it through the hardship of losing the weight and recovering from the skin removal surgery, the sittings for the tattoos was the easy part. It was during this whole process and still working my friend hit me up and mentioned the idea of co-owning a tattoo shop, the answer of course was an immediate ‘yes’ on my part. No way I was saying no, but I decided to stick with being a silent partner for a while; it wasn’t like I was needed there anyway and I wanted to wrap up a few loose ends first before making such a big move.

All in all it took six years to get myself where I wanted to be and ready to make the move, to come back to the place and most important the people who’d essentially spent most of my childhood telling me I wasn’t good enough to exist in their world just because I wasn’t a pureblood or hell even a half blood. The few who didn’t care are gonna be in for a helluva surprise and one, one in particular I honestly can’t wait to see for the first time in almost ten years.

OOC information:
OOC username: Grim
Preferred means of contact: Discord is fine