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Annabelle Sinclair

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 7:49 pm
by Annabelle Sinclair
Image Full Name: Annabelle Sinclair
Age: 16
Birthdate: July 15, 1989
Birthplace & Hometown: New York City, New York
Height/build: 62 inches, slim/petite
Hair/eye color: Light brown hair, blue eyes
Any unusual physical attributes: A faint, silvery scar that stretches across her left cheek, starting from just below her eye and tapering off towards her jawline. Somehow it is imbued with a subtle magical quality, occasionally shimmering or glowing faintly when she's experiencing strong emotions or when she's near powerful magic.
Blood status: Half-Blood
Parents: Robert Sinclair, 42, Magical Researcher, and Victoria Thomas Sinclair, 39, Curse-Breaker
Siblings: Gabriel Sinclair, 19, amateur magical sports player, and Sophia Sinclair, 14, Gryffindor
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 6th year
Wand: 11 inches, vine wood, thunderbird feather core, encased in a spiral of silver and gold
Patronus: Unicorn
Boggart: A dead body

Best class: Herbology
Worst class: Divination
Favorite class: Potions
Least favorite class: History of Magic

Annabelle Sinclair was born on February 10, 1989, in the bustling city of New York. Growing up in a magical family, she was introduced to the world of wizardry from an early age. Her parents, Robert and Victoria Sinclair, both held esteemed positions in the American magical community. Robert worked as a dedicated researcher, delving into the mysteries of magical creatures, while Victoria pursued a career as a skilled curse breaker, exploring ancient tombs and unraveling enchanted puzzles.

Annabelle was the second child in the Sinclair family, sandwiched between her older brother Gabriel and her younger sister Sophia. Gabriel, a talented wizard, had already graduated from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where he was sorted into the Wampus house. Inspired by her brother's achievements, Annabelle eagerly awaited her own magical education.

At the age of eleven, Annabelle received her acceptance letter from Ilvermorny and was sorted into the Pukwudgie house. She spent five years at the esteemed American wizarding school, honing her magical abilities and embracing her affinity for healing and herbology. Annabelle's best memories were the moments she spent learning how to use magic and herbs to assist in healing and soothing the ailments of others.

However, life took an unexpected turn for the Sinclair family when Robert and Victoria's careers demanded a move to the United Kingdom. The family relocated to England, where Robert would continue his research at the Ministry of Magic, and Victoria would seek new adventures as a curse breaker. It was during this transition that Annabelle had to bid farewell to Ilvermorny and transfer to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in her 6th year.

Arriving at Hogwarts, Annabelle was sorted into Hufflepuff House, a welcoming community that embraced her kindhearted nature and dedication to helping others. She found solace in the cozy Hufflepuff common room and quickly formed friendships with her housemates. Excited about the opportunities that awaited her at Hogwarts, Annabelle looked forward to expanding her magical knowledge and exploring new subjects.

Annabelle Sinclair is a kind-hearted and empathetic young witch with a genuine passion for helping others. She possesses a nurturing nature that extends to both people and magical creatures alike. Annabelle has a natural talent for herbology and healing magic, and she takes great joy in using her skills to alleviate suffering and promote well-being. Her gentle and patient demeanor makes her a trusted confidante and a source of comfort for those around her.

Despite her soft-spoken nature, Annabelle possesses a quiet strength and determination. She approaches challenges with a positive mindset and unwavering perseverance. Annabelle believes in the power of unity and cooperation, often being the peacemaker among her friends and striving to foster a sense of harmony. Her loyalty to her loved ones is unwavering, and she is always willing to go above and beyond to support and protect those she cares about.

Annabelle's compassionate nature is complemented by her strong work ethic and a deep sense of fairness. She believes in treating others with respect and kindness, regardless of their background or circumstances. Annabelle values integrity and upholds her moral principles with unwavering conviction. Her humility and humility and modesty shine through, as she rarely seeks recognition or praise for her actions. Annabelle's genuine and caring personality makes her a beloved member of her house, Hufflepuff, and someone whom others can rely on in times of need.

Face Claim: Sissy Sheridan
OOC username: Nova
Preferred means of contact: Discord