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Ludwig Lestrange

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:35 pm
by Ludwig Lestrange
Magical Adult/Muggle/Squib Application

The applications are freeform and require no specific format. It is your choice as to how you style it, and how many details you want to include to flesh out your character. However, it must contain the following information at a minimum:

Full Name: Ludwig Lestrange
Birthdate: December 13
Profession: Businessman
History: (2-4 paragraphs or more)
Ludwig was born to a very wealthy and well-known family who had many ties with dark magic and dark witches and wizards alike. His family served Voldemort loyally and he grew up knowing little about life outside of the small circle of company that his parents kept. His father, determined to ensure Ludwig was loyal to the family cause, began taking him on all of his business and personal trips from the time Ludwig was a young boy, much to the objection of his mother. However, his mother's wishes were pushed to the side and he watched sadly as his mother began to drift into a lonely, isolated person from the loving mother he remembered prior to this.

His father was harsh and continuously pushed Ludwig to do things that he hesitated to partake in. He went to Hogwarts, where he found some comfort in the school setting and being able to escape some of the conditions at home. That is also where he met his wife, Aurora. They were both Slytherin and knew each other from family friendships, but it blossomed into romance during their sixth year at Hogwarts. Aurora sympathized with him because she knew of the demands placed upon him, including being branded with the Dark Mark in his sixth year. She was his light and what pulled him through a dark time at this point in his life.

After Hogwarts, he took over the family wealth and affairs (most other members of the family are dead or locked away in Azkaban). Despite his experiences with his own father, he falls into the same cycle of pressuring Laguna to conform to the family expectations and has a strained relationship with his son.

Personality: (1-2 paragraphs or more)

Once a vibrant boy full of life, Ludwig is now a man who fell victim to everything he vowed not to become. The light that once shined in his eyes is replaced by a coldness. He is very serious and dedicated to maintaining the influence and power of the Lestrange family. He is stern. However, part of him remains intact with his ambition and his ability to be highly influential. He is charismatic and can smooth talk just about anyone he comes into contact with.

Face Claim: Chad Michael Murray

Optional fields that you may find helpful in mapping out your character include:

Birthplace: Lestrange Stronghold
Hometown: Foula

Relationship status:
Blood status: Pure-blood
Pet: none
Wand: (wood, length, core, flexibility)
Certifications/skills: (Apparition, Legilimency, Occlumency, nonverbal magic, wandless magic)

Family Members:
Parents: (names, ages, occupations)
Siblings:(names, ages, occupations)
Children: (names, ages, occupations)

Years/dates attended:
Quidditch team position:
Best class:
Worst class:
Favourite class:
Least favourite class:
O.W.L. results:
N.E.W.T. results:

Height/build: 6'3
Hair/eye colour: Blue
Any unusual or interesting physical attributes: N/A

OOC information: laggy
OOC username: laggylestrange
Preferred means of contact: (i.e. Discord/PM) Discord

Please post your application here, or as a new topic in the Applications board. It will be moved to the Profiles board when it is approved.