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Evelyn Darke Goldman

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 12:37 pm
by Evelyn Darke Goldman

Full Name: Evelyn Roxanne Darke Goldman
Age: 16-17 (as of 2005)
Birthdate: 21st December 1988
Hometown: Lichfield, England
Residence: Reading, England
Blood: Pure-blood
Wand: Elm with thestral hair core, 11¼″, slightly yielding
Patronus: TBD
Boggart: Herself as a Death Eater
Skills: Parseltongue, Animagus-in-training
Occupation: Student (2000–present)

Height/Build: 1.68m (5′ 6″) / Slender
Hair/Eye Colour: Brown / Hazel
Animagus Form: TBD

Father: Richard Darke Goldman, 51, former Death Eater (incarcerated in Azkaban)
Mother: Nicola Darke Goldman (née Huxley), 48, banker
Older Half-Brother: Former Death Eater (incarcerated in Azkaban), other details TBD
Younger Sibling: Details TBD

House: Slytherin
Year: 6th (2000–2007)
Quidditch Position: Beater (2002–present), Captain (2005–present)
Best Class: Transfiguration
Worst Class: Potions
Extracurriculars: Flying

Astronomy – E
Charms – O
Defence Against the Dark Arts – O
Herbology – E
History of Magic – O
Magical Theory – O
Potions – A
Study of Ancient Runes – O
Transfiguration – O

Ancient Studies – TBD
Charms – TBD
Defence Against the Dark Arts – TBD
History of Magic – TBD
Magical Theory – TBD
Study of Ancient Runes – TBD
Transfiguration – TBD


Family History
There was a time when any mention of the Darke and Goldman families would inspire in others a mix of fear and reverence. The former was an ancient pure-blood clan notorious for their mastery of the Dark Arts, while the latter controlled a massive business empire that spanned both sides of the Atlantic. A marriage of convenience brought together these two families, and for centuries the Darke Goldman clan were members of the wizarding elite in Britain.

Things took a dramatic turn during the Global Wizarding War: the Darke Goldmans openly supported Gellert Grindelwald, and the defeat of the dark wizard dealt a major blow to the family’s reputation. Anxious to restore their status in the wizarding world, they allied themselves with Lord Voldemort. This decision would eventually prove costly to them, and by the end of the First and Second Wizarding Wars, many Darke Goldmans had been killed or were arrested and imprisoned in Azkaban.

Family and Early Life
The Darke Goldman family had already fallen into decline before Evelyn was born. After Richard’s wife passed away during the First Wizarding War and left behind a young child, Richard came to know Nicola Huxley, a banker from a lesser-known pure-blood family, and eventually they wedded.

While Nicola did not share Richard’s views on pure-blood supremacy, she hoped that she would be able to change the minds of her husband and stepson. At the same time, she did her best to raise Eve and her younger sibling to reject the discriminatory beliefs that the Darke Goldmans traditionally held. And when the Dark Lord was poised to make a comeback, she refused to join her husband when he became a Death Eater once again.

After her stepson followed in his father’s footsteps, Nicola moved out of the Darke Goldman’s manor and took her two children to her hometown of Reading. Subsequently, with the decisive defeat of the Dark Lord, Richard and his eldest son (along with several other members of the Darke Goldman clan) were arrested and imprisoned. Thanks to Nicola’s actions, her two children had not been implicated in their father’s and half-brother’s crimes and thus were spared.

Coming to Hogwarts
Eve’s first day at Hogwarts was far from peaceful. Many who knew of her family’s history shunned her: many who opposed the Dark Lord did so because her father and half-brother were Death Eaters, while those who still held pure-blood supremacy views saw her as a traitor to the cause.

As a Darke Goldman she was expectedly sorted into Slytherin, but her less-than-warm welcome at the table was a clear message to her that, unlike her predecessors, she would need to tread carefully and choose her friends wisely. For a while, her frosty and aloof exterior served as an armour that shielded her from her detractors, though in time she would learn to grow into her own skin and disregard their criticisms. (She would remember their names, however, as she refused to let their transgressions slide.)

She took school very seriously: academically she excelled in most of her classes, and her conduct was somehow fairly good for someone with a rebellious streak. She knew how to pick her battles, and understood when her case was sufficiently watertight to safely challenge the authority of the professors or school without risking any major repercussions. In her second year, she managed to earn a place on the Slytherin Quidditch team, and over the years built up a reputation for being a strategic player who always had an eye on the larger picture.

Entering her Sixth Year
As Eve begins her sixth year at Hogwarts, she has more or less settled decided upon what she wants to do in the future: either pursue a career in public administration, or become a professional Quidditch player. She has also recently been made the captain of the Slytherin team; given the animosity amongst some of the team members, she knows that she has her work cut out for her.

On the surface, Eve is cool, aloof and confident. Highly individualistic and nonconforming, she refuses to let anyone dictate what she should or shouldn’t do, and marches to the beat of her own drum. Predictably, she is slow to trust others (for good reason, in her opinion), though those who managed to earn her friendship find in her a most loyal and staunch ally. That said, she isn’t afraid to say nasty but necessary things to her friends, preferring to rip off the proverbial plaster quickly and decisively rather than mince her words and beat around the bush.

Beneath her snarky and prickly armour, Eve is cognisant that she is frequently misunderstood and worries about how others perceive her, though not to the point where it hurts her self-esteem. Rather, this sense of self-awareness pushes her to strive harder and prove her haters wrong. Perhaps due to her status as an outcast thanks to her family’s chequered history, she finds herself gravitating towards those who are similarly misunderstood by others around them, believing that they are not as bad as what the rumours make them out to be.

Face Claim: Holly Humberstone