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Erynhil Zaheer

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 6:48 pm
by Erynhil Zaheer
Image Full Name: Erynhil Zaheer
Age: 23
Birthdate: April 19, 1982
Position/class taught, and the start of employment: Art, 2005
Relationship status: Single
Blood status: Pureblood
Height/build: 66 inches, Athletic build, though on a somewhat lean side
Hair/eye colour: Naturally a light brown hair, and blue eyes
Parents: Arilon Zaheer, 50 (in Azkaban), Caelyn (deceased)
Siblings:Tranton and Reina (deceased), Mera (16), and Marianne (14)
Wand: Rosewood wood, Veela Hair core, 11 inches, Flexible
Patronus: Hummingbird
Boggart: His father
Skills: He knows a lot of charms that have to do with appearance, can apparate, has growing renown with his art and fashion and how he incorporates magic into them and might know some hexes to silence people who get on his nerves.

Erynhil was the second son of the Zaheer family. Thankfully, Tranton took most of the responsibilities of a sun on his shoulders. It left Eryn to explore himself and his passions. His twin sisters Reina and Mera followed suit. Reina was a squib and therefore focused on her ability to use physical prowess to her ability. Mera though had even stronger magic than their parents, which often created tension between her and their father, who didn't like that his children could possibly rise against him. Lastly came Marianne, an angel who the siblings did everything in their power to protect.

As they grew, Erynhil found himself questioning what he wanted from life and who he wanted to be. He found he was more attracted to men than women and had a flair for things largely considered feminine by his father. He tried to keep himself under wraps around the older generation of their village, knowing none of them would agree with his choices and feelings, but he found he tended to excel more and more in those areas, learning charms and hexes as they helped him to embrace himself.

Eventually though, embracing himself meant leaving Elysium Vale. He couldn't be free as long as he stayed there. So, with Mera's help, he managed to sneak out of the village and make his way into the touristy cities on the other islands. It took some finagling, but eventually, he was able to get his feet on the ground and start to make his way into the world. He was able to be himself freely, though there were of course still people uncomfortable with it.

When he was 18, he managed to make his way to London, staying there with a fellow he'd met while he was vacationing where Erynhil had been staying prior. They had a stable relationship for awhile, but as Erynhil began to become more known in both the Muggle and Magical worlds for his fashion and art, the more jealous his boyfriend became. So, once more, Erynhil set off to find a place of his own, not willing to town himself down for anyone, not wanting to feel collared or trapped.

He continued to do well enough for himself on his own, commissioning art and clothes as much as he was freelancing. He thought he'd never see his family again, knowing no owl could ever reach them in the Vale. But suddenly he received word that his family was being brought here. He had no doubt it was to get to Mera and her abilities, to help her unlock her own powers and freedom she'd never have on that island. So he went to meet them. The meeting was full of tears and hugs, except from his father of course. All of his siblings and his mother were so happy to hear how things had been going.

And then the tragedy occurred. On an outing with his family, his father suddenly lost all control and attacked them. It was a bloody affair, but, thinking the rest of the siblings were dead, Erynhil dove for the youngest and apparated back to his home. The two grieved their loss and clung to each other, trying desperately to not lose what they had left. It wasn't until later that he found out that Mera had been enrolled at Hogwarts. Using some connections he'd made through his work, he managed to not only get Marianne enrolled as well but applied for the job as the Art Professor there, hoping his reputation would be enough to get him in the door.

Erynhil is a kind-hearted and caring individual with a strong sense of empathy. He possesses a natural ability to connect with others on an emotional level and is always ready to offer support and understanding. Erynhil's genuine and nurturing nature makes him a trusted confidant and friend to those around him.

His passion for art and fashion is a reflection of his creative spirit. Erynhil has a keen eye for aesthetics and a love for self-expression through his unique sense of style. He appreciates beauty in all its forms and finds joy in creating visually captivating works of art.

Erynhil's journey of self-discovery and acceptance has allowed him to embrace his true identity as a gay man. While he is mindful of the discomfort his sexuality may cause in certain settings, he refuses to let it define or limit him. Instead, he takes pride in his authentic self and strives to create a positive and inclusive environment for others.

Face Claim: Ricardo Javier Hurtado
OOC username: Nova
Preferred means of contact: Discord