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Iliana Tsankova

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 10:17 pm
by Iliana Tsankova

Full Name: Iliana Petrova Tsankova
Nicknames: Ili, Pet, Ana
Age: 18
Birthdate: June 21, 1987
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 7th

Face Claim: Danielle Campbell
Height/build: 5’3” / Slender but toned
Hair/eye colour: Wavy dark chestnut brown hangs past her shoulder blades / Hazel Green
The little princess, the spoiled brat and the stubborn mule… very accurate ways to describe Iliana by those who know her best. She hides her thoughtfulness, kindness and gentleness behind a mask of indifference not wanting to be taken advantage of or judged too harshly by the students at her school if they knew the truth about her family.

Iliana used to be a very bright, happy and bouncing child; always looking for the bright spot or the silver lining in everything. Even when it annoyed them her friends and family appreciated that about her but after the night she lost her immediate family, that girl disappeared. She's not the same now, she's more reactive instead of thoughtful and generally ascribes to the mindset of the ends justifying the means in order to get something accomplished.

A personality trait her Aunt swears she picked up from her Uncle, not that Iliana minds. While she’s not quite as standoffish as he is, she's more careful about who she lets close to her and considers a real friend. If you get into that circle you’d really have to do something atrocious to her in order to lose her friendship and loyalty. She still has a heart for what it's worth even if every time she turns around it seems like something is trying to break it.

Hometown: St Petersburg, Russia
Residence: Apartment just off Diagon Alley
Relationship status: Single
Blood status: Pureblood
Pet:Astra, White Siberian Cat
Pika, Tawny Owl
Wand: Acacia wood, dragon heartstring core, 10 inches, and briskly flexible
Patronus: Borzoi
Boggart: Alexei covered in blood pursuing her

Best class: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Worst class: Herbology
Favourite class: Ancient Runes
Least favourite class: Potions
O.W.L. results:
Transfiguration - E
Charms - E
Potions - A
History of Magic - O
Defense Against the Dark Arts - O
Astronomy - E
Herbology - A
Ancient Runes - O
Muggle Studies - A

N.E.W.T. classes:
Defence Against the Dark Arts
Ancient Runes
Muggle Studies

Family Members:
Ruslan Ivan Tsankova, deceased, Father, Dragon Keeper
Sonia Ekaterina Tsankova, deceased, Mother, Healer

Alexei Ilya Tsankova, 26, (Pureblood), Azkaban
Arseni Tsankova, Uncle, 45, Auror (Pureblood)
Marya Tsankova, Aunt, 35, Entrepreneur (Half-blood)


While obviously Ili wasn’t the first Tsankova child born, her birth was considered a special one unlike her older brother Alexei’s. Despite their Pureblood status her mother always thought it best to keep educated on Muggle ways and the irony that their baby girl was born on the muggle holiday of Father’s day, which happened to fall within Litha was just too precious for words she felt. Ruslan shared the sentiment declaring with Pet’s birth that their family was complete now, he had a son and a daughter. Her birth didn’t upset Alexei’s life too much he was already far too involved in his education and his own friend groups to really care about a baby, there was some obvious resentment whenever he was around his sister that shown through at how much their father doted on her.

But she was his little princess and Ruslan refused to hear anything else on the matter as he often told anyone who would listen, he would show her how she should be treated that way no foolish boy could ever come along and try to treat her as less than she deserved. Which in truth wasn’t a bad idea, he just tended to go overboard especially in spoiling her but there of course was another reason for such things, reasons little Iliana couldn’t possibly have understood at the time and wouldn’t until it was far too late. She genuinely never disliked her brother, hardly she loved him at least as best she could given what little time the pair spent together. It wasn’t until she was older that she recognized her parents saw something in him that caused them to purposefully keep the siblings separated for her own protection.

After Alexei went off to Durmstrang things settled in the home, tensions only flaring when he came home for holidays and more often than not she’d be woken up by the raised voices of her father and brother. By the time Iliana was eight she understood a bit more that her brother had fallen in with the Death Eaters much to her father and mother’s dismay, he’d been disowned and essentially left at the school rather than allowed home for safety sake. Perhaps if he’d known leaving him at the school likely only fed that mindset, other choices would have been made Ruslan didn’t trust him around his wife and young daughter especially when he had to be away caring for the dragons under his watch.

It was the Yule season when she was 10 that Iliana’s life changed forever, she’d been out last minute shopping with her Uncle Arseni and Aunt Maraya when they returned to her family home. They walked into a nightmare that resulted in Alexei being charged and convicted with two counts of murder, having killed both his parents and he’d tried to kill Ili too only her Uncle had been there to stop him thankfully. Arseni and Maraya took guardianship over Iliana and with her agreement moved from Russian to London, she frankly wanted as far away from her family home as possible. Neither of them wanted Ili to attend Durmstrang after what happened to Alexei there, so the choice was between France and England; after some discussion London was the best choice and eventually Hogwarts.

Aunt Maraya was the one who insisted therapy was needed and refused to let Ili or her Uncle disagree. After some time Ili agreed that therapy had been a good call as the nightmares which she’d tried to avoid talking about began to lessen more and more as each session passed. Hogwarts was a new start entirely for her and while Iliana did her level best to be cordial and open to the experience, she was still very guarded about her past. She’d put a lot of effort into learning English well enough that her previous Russian accent was nearly nonexistent save for when she was speaking with her Aunt & Uncle.

Despite her last name, far as any of the students knew she’d lived in London her whole life. It made interacting with other students easier and thanks to information passed on by her Aunt she was even able to mingle with the halfblood students easily enough so no one really seemed to know if she was a pureblood or halfblood and they never wanted to ask. Professors knew of course but none seemed inclined to share with other students to which she was grateful and in the six years she’s attended Hogwarts, Iliana has done her best to be studious, helpful and an exemplary example of a Ravenclaw student.

OOC information:
OOC username: Grim
Preferred means of contact: Discord or PM here is fine