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Iliana Tsankova

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 6:57 pm
by Iliana Tsankova
Iliana Tsankova
Bio^ Antagonistic:
Everyone needs a sharpening stone, someone or something to hone themselves against. It could be entirely antagonistic or it could be mutually respectful/friendly competition type of relationship.

She's been a Hogwarts student for 7 yrs and she's loyal, thoughtful and kind. Ili can make friends, keeping them might be harder because of how locked down she keeps her past. But those who stick it out will eventually find out the truth and hopefully understand why their friend needed a clean slate.

She's a maturing teenage girl/young woman. There has to be ex's. Not all are gonna be happy break ups obviously but it's the way things work. Whether or not it bleeds to current drama we can work it out (given there are plans in place for a romantic relationship) but yeah obviously she's a pretty, smart girl... so she's gotta have some experiences. (FYI: There is a romantic relationship in play, but ex's good or bad are always welcome... character development and all that)

Important Info:
-Her big brother is still current locked up in Azkaban, expected to remain there.
-Speaks fluent Russian, English and French (thanks to her Aunt).
-Her father used to call her "Princess" so when it's used as an insult beware.
-Pet is afraid of heights, she only just barely passed flying and hasn't touched a broom since.
-She doesn't like rumors but she doesn't let them bother her anymore after more than a few have spread, most of the time she'll neither confirm nor deny them.
-If pushed though Pet can get really nasty in retaliation, but someone really has to get under her skin for that kind of response.