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Davi Baptiste

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:04 pm
by Davi Baptiste

Full Name: Davi Thierry Baptiste
Nickname: Bat
Age: 29
Birthdate: February 14, 1976
Face Claim: Thomas McDonell
Height/build: 5’10”, Appears lean but genuinely toned and strong
Hair/eye colour: Dark brown shoulder length, Dark brown
Any unusual or interesting physical attributes:
-While he is almost always dressed crisply and cleanly whether in a nice suit or jeans and a button down shirt, more often than not his vest isn’t just a vest but a muggle creation of acorset vest. Usually only seen when he removes his coat, he simply likes to accentuate his leaner waist (each link is a different view of the vest).

-The real flip to his appearance more often than not is if he’s shaved his facial hair. Clean shaving he appears boyishly charming while just the slightest addition of some five-o-clock shadow eliminates quite a bit of anything boyish from him at all.

Overall, warm, welcoming, friendly and jovial is a good way to describe Davi at first glance especially when it comes to how he is with his students. He recognizes how heavy his subject can be so he does his best to lighten the load on them as much as possible in whatever little ways he can. With other adults however Davi comes off as a ridiculously charming flirt; worse still is it doesn’t seem to matter who he’s talking to, male or female. He doesn’t seem to have a preference in a sense but truthfully that’s just how he is more than a few ex’s have tossed around the word ‘pansexual’ but he avoids labels as much as possible.

He’s loyal almost to a fault so long as those he calls friends are equally as loyal to him and he’ll fight tooth and nail to help someone who he feels needs it, even if they won’t admit to it. And he won’t ask for praise or a reward for it, he prefers the good karma just being helpful brings. All of this isn’t to say that Davi doesn’t have a dark side, he does and it is very, very dark; part of it he blames on his ‘father’ but truthfully he knows it’s just part of who he is as well. There’s a darkness in him and when it’s triggered or he needs to bring it out, someone is going to hurt or quite possibly die and he won’t feel the least bit of guilt about it. Those instances have been so few and far between though that he sort of ignores that part of himself and hopes it just stays buried deep down inside.

Birthplace: Port-a-Prince, Haiti
Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana
Residence: Hackney, London / Hogsmeade during the School year
Relationship status: Single
Blood status: Pure-blood
Wand: Beech wood, phoenix feather core, 12 inches, and flexible
Pet: Huginn- Raven
Patronus: Bat
Boggart: His ex’s crazy sister; pregnant in a wedding dress.
Certifications/skills: Apparition, Legilimency, Occlumency
Position/class taught, and start of employment: Divination
-Ilvermorny from 1996-1999
-Hogwarts from 2000-current

House: Horned Serpent
Years/dates attended: 1987-1994
Quidditch team position: Beater
Best class: Divination
Worst class: DADA
Favourite class: History of Magic
Least favourite class: Herbology
O.W.L. results:
Transfiguration: O
Charms: O
Defense Against the Dark Arts: A
Potions: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Divination: O
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Ancient Runes: O
Muggle Studies: E

N.E.W.T. results:
Divination: O
Charms: O
Transfiguration: E
Ancient Runes: E
History of Magic: O
Muggle Studies: O
Potions: A

I don’t like talking about myself or my past so I’ll give you the basic rundown I give everyone new and given your ages I’ll be as pc as possible about it. I was born to a disowned pureblood who was barely scraping by in Port-a-Prince by keeping gentleman company for the evening for cash and a slightly more well respected pureblood who quite literally only went there with the intentions of knocking her up to get his hands on the child she would bare. Which he did, yours truly and no sooner was the cord cut he paid her a handsome sum, she signed over all her parental rights and I was immediately taken to Louisiana. My father wasn’t a soft or gentle kind of parental figure, most of my formative years growing up in New Orleans were spent learning magical lessons from him in creative and often painful ways.

I’m sure you can imagine how grateful I was when I turned 11 and got my letter for Ilvormorny, it was probably the single greatest day short of when he died but I digress. Once all my supplies were purchased and I arrived at the school, I pretty much forgot about home as much as I could and poured myself into making friends, studying and honing my own skills; not the ones my father wanted me too but what I knew I excelled at which was funny enough divination.Quite possibly the bane of my father’s existence which only made me all the happier, it was easy enough to switch my grades around and make it appear as though I was doing better in the classes he wanted rather than the ones I wanted.

Especially once I explained to my Professors what home life was really like, a few even began to suggest allowing me to remain at the school during breaks to continue my tutoring on the subjects my Father wanted me to learn. It wasn't true but he didn’t know that and I wasn’t about to tattle on the Professors who risked their necks to help me, I repaid them however I could. I used the times I was allowed to remain at school to study and of course explore the grounds around the school as well. They honestly allowed me to learn who I was without his influences and I know if it weren’t for them I probably wouldn’t have survived to even take my O.W.L.S.

I passed those easily enough and chose the classes I wanted to continue on with for my N.E.W.T.S but unfortunately I couldn’t exactly hide my O.W.L. scores from him for too terribly long. The Howler I got honestly could have been worse, he could have come in person but I knew he wouldn’t risk leaving his safe haven and his clients just to get onto me but he made it clear he wanted to see better progress in the classes he expected me to excel at. Thankfully my divination class really came in clutch, I saw what was coming; he was about to make a huge mistake, one that many wizards purebloods in particular seemed were all going to make so I just sort of sat back and watched. And he did.

He joined the Death Eaters buying into that whole gas and when Voldemort was killed dear old dad damn near lost everything. He barely scraped by but without his money, he lost a lot of his influence and ‘friends’ so I didn’t have to worry when I finally finished up my 7th year, took my N.E.W.T.S and basically told him to take a hike. He tried to intimidate me like he used to but seeing what he’d become he was just… sad now. It was hard to believe this empty shell of a man used to scare me and I made sure he understood that clearly before I pointed out he could forget that he had a son. I kicked around a few years before I was offered a job as the Professor of Divination at Ilvormorny and I jumped at the chance after hearing what was going on across the pond.

I felt like I could put my skills to good use helping students here in whatever small ways I could. During the second war the old man died, I didn’t mourn him, heck I didn’t even attend his funeral; just paid for it all and made sure his lawyers settled his estate. Funny enough he apparently didn’t bother to change his will and I still got left everything he had which while it wasn’t much at least let me live comfortably instead of being tight on funds starting out in life. The news of Voldemort’s death again was cause for celebration but when it was followed by the news of the closing of Hogwarts, it still felt like defeat.

As things began to move more back to ‘normal’ again, the moment I heard whispers about Hogwarts reopening I began to pay attention and when I learned there was an opening for a Divination Professor I approached the Head Mistresses of Ilvormorny with a request for permission to put my hat into the ring so to speak. While she was sad to see me go, she understood my desire to help the other school and travel to a new place. And well that’s how I ended up here today… Now I’ve been here five years now and I wouldn’t change it for the world. That’s enough about me, now let’s get started on seeing what the future holds!

OOC information:
OOC username: Grim
Preferred means of contact: Discord or PM here is fine.