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Sophie Wright

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 7:35 pm
by Sophie Wright
Image Full Name: Sophie Wright
Age: 17
Birthdate: August 5, 1988
Birthplace & Hometown: Leeds
Height/build: 62 inches, slender and slightly athletic
Hair/eye color: Brown/brown
Blood status: Pure-blood
Parents: Alexander Wright, 35, Senior Wizengamot Member. Imogen Wood Wright, 32, Potioneer at the Ministry of Magic
Siblings: Emily Wright, 20, Trainee Curse Breaker
Pet: Jinx
House: Gryffindor
Year: 7th year
Wand: Cherry wood, Unicorn Hair, 10 ¾ inches, Slight Springy
Patronus: Otter
Boggart: A clock ticking backward

Best class: Charms
Worst class: History of Magic
Favorite class: DADA
Least favorite class: Arithmancy
O.W.L. results:
Transfiguration: E
Charms: O
Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
Potions: E
Herbology: A
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Astronomy: E
History of Magic: P
Arithmancy: D
Divination: D

Sophie Wright, born in Leeds, England, to Alexander Wright, a respected Senior Wizengamot Member, and Imogen Wood Wright, a talented Potioneer at the Ministry of Magic, had always been a lively and adventurous child. Her mischievous nature became evident from a young age, as she delighted in playful pranks and sneaking out of the house to explore the magical world around her.

At the age of 11, she received her Hogwarts letter with uncontainable excitement, looking forward to embarking on her magical education. The Sorting Hat found a perfect fit for her in Gryffindor, where her daring spirit and love for excitement were celebrated.
Throughout her time at Hogwarts, Sophie earned a reputation as a troublemaker, always managing to start drama and spread gossip without leaving a trace. Her antics never led to serious consequences, and she embraced her freedom as much as possible, exploring the grounds, sneaking into restricted areas, and making friends from various houses who shared her adventurous spirit.

Of course, all of that adventure wouldn’t be half so fun without her dear friend Eabha McKeegan (She knows it’s technically longer than that but she can never say it all correctly). After getting a tarot reading from her on the way to Hogwarts, Sophie found herself a bit magnetized. Whether Eabha appreciated all the hoodwinks Sophie got herself into, well, you’d have to ask her.

While Sophie is certainly mischievous and ever after a new thrill, she hasn’t neglected her studies. If she did, her little discretionary fund to spend on what she wished allotted to her by her parents would probably be lessened and that was simply unacceptable. Though, Sophie did realize very soon her years at Hogwarts that there were two things she could use to her advantage. One was her looks. She had a rather unassuming face and most people didn’t really think much of her at first glance. Second was that because people overlooked her, she tended to overhear things. And then she used those things to get what she wanted or if they didn’t believe her and thought she was bluffing, weeeell, those things she overheard tended to quickly make their way through the school in one medium or another.

Somehow, she’s made it to her 7th year with someone people still not understanding that fact about her. While she doesn’t have much of a direction planned for herself just yet, she’s not planning on leaving Hogwarts without making sure they won’t be forgetting her any time soon.

To the people she likes, Sophie is a nice, well-mannered young lady who simply has a bit of a thrill-seeking side to cure her “chronic boredom”. She's loyal and protective; she'll do anything for them.

To the people she doesn’t like, she’s a nightmare.

Sophie enjoys anything that gets her blood-pumping, but she hates anything that confines her in any way- hence why she didn’t join the Quidditch team even though she wasn’t half bad at the sport. She’s determined to make her own way in the world and make a mark that can’t be erased.

Part of her oppositional behavior tends to occur whenever she’s near people like her cousin- she does whatever she can to get under their skin. And if she has something on you, you’d best hope she doesn’t decide everyone needs to know.

OOC username: Nova
Preferred means of contact: Discord
Face Claim: Mackenzie Foy