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Gifts and social obligations

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2023 4:33 pm
by Riley McNeill
Leave it to her parents to find a way to completely derail an already full weekend of activities. What with Quidditch practice, homework, the study group she attached herself too and the inevitable tedious conversation about the upcoming ball, Riley had the day planned out. No plan however, appeared to survive contact with her parents. The petite redhead was determined not to go to the Ball, why bother with the whole dressing up affair? Why bother with the pressure to ask out a guy she thought to be cute or wait to be asked by one? Heck, she could enjoy some peace and quiet in her dorm room whilst everyone else stressed, dressed themselves in pointless finery and worst of all, danced.

All of this, was sadly however wrecked by the parcel delivered to her by several large, haughty and imperious looking owls. Owls. which she knew belonged to her family. She did not need a great detective to recognize who the package was from without even needing to open it, or consult the letter attached to it. The fine quality of the paper, gaudy in it's dark green and golds gave that away. Feeling as though she were being marched up the creaking wooden steeps of the gallows, she reached out to pull it closer towards her before, nervously and with considerable trepidation, opening it.

There was no mistaking the contents either. A beautiful dark green dress of some fashion utterly alien to Riley. Worse, she recognized the dress, one her mom had worn back when she too was a student here. She recalled, the photograph, of her mother and father at a very ball like this where the pair first met. The material was expensive, the highest quality of make. A quick read of the letter clarified her sentence, the dress was sent to ensure she went to the ball, they even made sure it as adjusted to fit her. She initially slumped at the table in defeat, before shoving the letter in the pocket of her jeans, carefully wrapping the dress back up and storming out of the hall, with some of her dignity intact.

She suspected, her parents were once again trying to meddle in her affairs. Honestly, she expected them to either send an approved date or list of suitable dating options. Much to her surprise she found herself in one of the castle's courtyards, where Riley for a devilish moment considered throwing the dress over the edge. As much as the thought amused her, the letter insisted that it was a family heirloom and worst of all, they wanted a picture of her wearing the dress, plus one of her and her date.

As if Riley already happened to have one lined up. Boyfriends, got in the way of Quidditch and they wanted to hold hands, they lied... She sighed, taking a deep breath as she stared off into the horizon. Maybe she could grab her broomstick and run away. It beat turning up to the ball right? The thought amused her, even if it would achieve nothing more than her expulsion or winner of this year's eternal detention award.

Re: Gifts and social obligations (OPEN)

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:31 am
by Laguna Lestrange
The cool in the air had really begun to set in, but that didn't bother Laguna at all. The sixth year was sitting up on top of a ledge, leaning up against the cold stone of the castle. He watched the traces of his breath as he exhaled out. Then out of nowhere his hand sprung up as his snitch fluttered just above his head. "Caught ya again..." This had been going on for quite a while now. He'd release the small golden ball and watch it flutter around until it came just close enough for him to grab. Then he'd release the ball and do it all over again. It was a quiet day, so when he spotted Riley just a little ways off he noted the package being delivered. Why were there multiple owls dropping off such a large package?

He sat upright, legs swinging down from the ledge he was on to watch curiously. There was a brief time where he debated whether he should interfere with her moment she was clearly having or not. Boredom got the best of him though.

"What's that you've got there McNiell?" He called out, loudly. The young Gryffindor was craning his neck to try and get a glimpse from his spot. "A new broom?" Of course that was the first place his thoughts went to. "Not going to help ya beat Gryffindor this season," he said with a cocky, lopsided grin at the thought of beating Slytherin. But as he leaned left to look, he realized it was definitely not a broom.

Re: Gifts and social obligations (OPEN)

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 4:47 pm
by Riley McNeill
A familiar voice knocked Riley from her increasingly grim thoughts. "Oh it's..." The redhead uncharacteristically found herself at a loss for words. She surely could not lie and dismiss it as merely nothing. The packaging, the number of owls, they served to give every attempt at a lie away, there was no room for deception or a possibility of secrecy. Before she could think of a response however Laguna continued, wondering if it might be a new broom. She bristled at the comment of the lions winning. "I don't need a new broom to ensure you lose." Riley countered, trying to keep her banter friendly. She did not have a deep dislike of their main rivals, unlike many of the Slytherins who took the match personal. Of course, she wanted to win. But right now, there were things more pressing than Quidditch and defeating the other houses.

"Yeah... It looks like I am going to the Ball now." Riley forced herself to admit with a reluctant shrug. "By Merlin I am going to look quite the fool in this." She shook her head at the thought of wearing the dress, let alone turning up to the Ball in it. Probably by now everyone already happened to have someone to go with. There would be the usual couples, but also the crushes and those who simply did not desire to go alone.

But who to ask? How to ask? She sighed, feeling a headache coming on.

Re: Gifts and social obligations (OPEN)

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 9:44 pm
by Laguna Lestrange
Laguna waited patiently for her explanation. It was too late. He could see exactly what it was but it was going to be entertaining to see her try and come up with some sort of explanation how it was anything but what actually arrived. She must have realized that he could see it though, and decided to just be forthright. He scoffed, “Highly unlikely. We’re going to be back to back champions in my last two years. All part of the big plan.” At that he snatched the snitch out of the air again and gave it a long stare, visualizing himself at the end of the season holding the trophy. “Anyway…”

“What’s wrong? Do you hate music and fun?” He asked as he hopped down to get a better look at the dress. “How characteristically Slytherin.” It was a really nice color. At her comment he shrugged, “Maybe you’ll surprise yourself and end up pulling it off nicely.” He glanced up from the dress toward her.

“Didn’t think you were one to shy away from taking on something new.” Laguna straightened up and held his chin up proudly. “I, for one, am planning to turn heads at the ball. I clean up well, believe it or not.”

He’d barely given the ball any thought so far. However he did enjoy a good time and so date, no date…it was going to be a blast and he was ready for it. In fact, he’d been waiting on something like this.

“You’ve got to admit, it’s sort of exciting isn’t it?”

Re: Gifts and social obligations (OPEN)

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:19 am
by Riley McNeill
She chuckled good naturedly at his words. "We'll see on the Quidditch pitch, though don't expect to win by scoring goals." Riley was incredibly skilled as a Keeper, true she could still be tricked, fooled or simply guess wrong in regards to where the ball might be thrown, but the majority she managed to save, deflect or otherwise knock aside. She watched him catch the snitch in front of her, if he happened to be any good at spotting such a tiny object, the game might be over in mere minutes. Perhaps even before she needed to block a goal. It might be worth it, especially on the colder and wetter games.

The redhead coloured at his words, cursing how her pale freckled cheeks showed off even the slightest blush. "Well... No... It's just... Well you've got all the obligations..." Riley attempted to explain. "Plus you have got the whole pressure of needing to ask someone or having someone ask you out." She glanced down at the dress, it was a Slytherin dress through and through, she supposed that it happened to be nice if she gave it some thought. "And my family want a picture of me and my date." She forced out a laugh. "Just because they met one another at such a ball... Doesn't mean I will right?"

Riley shrugged her shoulders at that. "I guess..." She looked up at him as he stood straight, she often needed to look up to everyone on the account of her distinct lack of height. Riley guessed that he happened to have a point there. "I am sure you do. You're date must be very lucky." He was a very handsome boy if she allowed herself to admit it. She never really noticed till she thought about it, usually viewing him purely as a rival and the captain of the rival team. "I suppose you are right there, maybe I am worrying about nothing. A bit late to start worrying about the getting a date right?" She shook her head, before glancing down at her dress. "The rumor about me having a crush on someone is hardly going to help matters." Riley muttered more to herself than for his benefit.

Re: Gifts and social obligations (OPEN)

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:53 pm
by Laguna Lestrange
"Well, lucky for you I don't play chaser. So as good as my teammates are, it'll be a good matchup to see how they hold up against your keeping. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the plays we're testing out this year. I still like our odds." As captain he would always value loyalty to his team above all else, even if he knew that she was a good keeper and that the rest of the Slytherin team was talented as well. "Anyway it won't matter. I plan to catch the snitch before the match gets too far in," he said as he held the tiny ball up to her then put it into his pocket. "On the bright side you won't have to worry about me sending any bludgers your way this season. Can't speak for Zeke though."

He gave her a curious look and was tempted to call her out on her blushing, but decided he would let it slide this time. "Obligations?" This sounded like it was a complex school assignment for her. Laguna perked a brow and shrugged, "There's time to find a date if that's what you're looking for. Plenty of options out there. And if you don't choose one, well, who's to say you don't show up to the dance and find a partner?" That was his plan so far. Unless things changed, but at the present he figured he'd play it by ear. "Even if you don't want a date, you could still get someone to take the picture to send. Simple enough."

There was a brief pause and then he added on, "I could see where you may feel the pressure though. Seeing as your parents met at a dance as well. My parents met at school too, but I think my mum couldn't stand dad until he wised up around his sixth year." Something like that anyway.

"Date?" He questioned. "Oh, I have no date. I'm sure I'll sort it out as we get closer. And if not, you'll still see me out on the dance floor. I'm quite a good dancer, actually," he bragged. It was mainly due to being forced to take ballroom dance lessons by his mother from a young age. Never knew when you needed to sweep someone off their feet on the dance floor.

"If it's any comfort at all," he said, looking her in the eye. "I haven't heard any rumor of the sort from the girls in the Gryffindor Common Room, so maybe your secret is safe."

Re: Gifts and social obligations (OPEN)

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 3:17 am
by Riley McNeill
"Well what can I say? I'd rather play against challenging opponents than take an easy win." Riley responded with a smirk and a small shrug. She knew that not all of her own house would agree with such a sentiment, especially when it came to their arch rivals. Of course, the redhead wanted to win, but the greater the challenge, the greater the victory and the more skillful a player it required. "I look forward to seeing some of these in the next game since I doubt you'll let me watch or take part in a practice session any time soon." Riley joked, even if such a thing proved possible, it would probably be more in the lines of a friendly throw about of the balls and assorted aerial games rather than a proper Quidditch practice.

Less moral individuals might be tempted to win via underhand tactics, but Riley would win through fair means or not at all. "Neither of you managed to hit me yet." She pointed out, though a well timed bludger may allow for a goal as she ducked, dodged or deflected the incoming strike. She wondered if that might be part of the new tactics, force her to move in one direction, only to send the ball through the now exposed goal.

He made it sound all so simple, a nice, easy and fun affair, sadly for Riley she viewed it as anything but. "I honestly had not planned on attending at all till this turned up." She said quietly, indicating the dress by lifting the package up a bit further in her arms. "I guess they know my tendency to avoid such events." Maybe it was one of those situations where in the future, she would look back on it as a good time, instead of a miss opportunity whilst growing up. "I suppose you have a point, maybe I should grab someone from your house for the picture." She chuckled at the idea, her blue eyes sparking with mischief. "I think they would hate that."

She nodded as he spoke. "Maybe it is something about Hogwarts? You inadvertently meet the guy or girl who is meant for you?" Riley shrugged however, besides ensuring an adequate food supply and holding hands, she was not entirely certain as to what anyone did with a boyfriend. "It is a lot of pressure, I think it is in part due to me being their only child." She added on after giving it some thought. The McNeills' whilst they no longer held their original Wizarding name from way back when, they still held the pride of being an old and in her father's eyes, 'proper' wizarding family. She wondered more often these days if she was merely just another piece in that great game, one to help rebuild the lost glories. Though ambitious, Riley held little desire for power or wealth, she wanted to play Quidditch and be the best at it.

She raised a ginger eyebrow in surprise at that. "Seriously? I'd have figured you would have had the ladies or gents fighting over you in their haste to ask." She pointed out, if what he said happened to be true then maybe she did not need to worry about this whole ball affair so much. If she wanted to ask someone or someone wished to ask her, then time would reveal them in the end. "I'm sure that will get more than a few people wishing to dance. Oh? Do you dance any particular style?" She inquired, trying to imagine him dancing to the various different forms she happened to be familiar with.

She coloured at his words, despite them being meant comfortingly. "Yes... I mean no it's not that. I don't have a crush on anyone, it's just one of those school rumors that gets spread like wildfire." Riley hastened to explain. "But you know, the more you deny something, the more it happens to be true in the eyes of everyone." She sighed and shook her head. "Even if I did like someone, can you imagine having to hold hands in public and stuff."

Re: Gifts and social obligations (OPEN)

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 4:40 pm
by Laguna Lestrange
"I respect that, McNeill." Laguna said, appreciating her view on her opponents. Any decent quidditch player wanted a decent match, not some crazy blowout. Otherwise it made things awfully dull. The excitement of a close match is what got people's adrenaline pumping. That was also one of the thing he appreciated about his new position as seeker. Once both seekers were on the trail of the snitch it was a battle and all the bumps and dodges kept you on your toes. "You want a practice session, do you? Going to take notes on my playstyle?" He teased. "I actually welcome a practice session if you're serious. I don't get too many opportunities to shoot the quaffle anymore so maybe it would be fun."

Her comments was /almost/ a challenge, but realistically it would be a challenge for Zeke. As much as he loved seeker there were times like this when he just missed hitting those bludgers around the field. "Careful now, you might just get more than you bargained for. Wouldn't want you to get knocked off your broom or anything." The likelihood that she'd actually be knocked off was slim but everyone knew that getting hit by a bludger was an awful experience. The pain could last days after a match and they could leave terrible bruises. As keeper, Riley must have plenty of experience with dodging though, so who knew?

"Well, maybe it's a good thing then. I think you'd hate to miss out on something like this." Of course, not everyone thrived on the idea of a social event like he did, but still it was an event designed with the intention for everyone just to get together and have a good time. "Plus, would you want to miss out on the professor's getting out on the dance floor?" It was clear that he was very amused by the very idea of the staff members dancing around the floor. Whether he'd admit it or not this was a great opportunity to spend some time outside of the same people you saw in the common room day and night. It wasn't often you got that chance. "You know...if nothing else comes up, I'm happy to serve this purpose in disappointing your parents by being your stand-in Gryffindor. I'm quite good at that role." He smiled, even letting out a light chuckle. "Ask my dad. Drives him insane."

Then he wondered if that would actually work though. Riley...a Slytherin with her background might actually approve of his kind. It seemed like a fairly high possibility that the plan could backfire.

"Maybe it is something about Hogwarts. That something being that we're stuck here for ages with the same people for most of the year. Odds are you'd end up meeting someone in that time." When he thought back on it, his grandparents also met at
Hogwarts, and he reckoned that tradition held up for a long time. "Parents always have a funny way of projecting their hopes and dreams onto you."

Laguna flashed another big smile in her direction. "Really? What would make you figure that?" Now he was just finding ways to enjoy himself. "Who says I have or haven't been asked? Maybe I'm just weighing my options." In actuality he hadn't been asked but there was no way he was going to admit that to anyone. Not even Zeke. Though he guessed it was more likely he was expected to be doing the asking. Based on tradition, anyway.

He had a simple solution for her. "Own it." Then he shrugged, "If you just go along with it, people get bored and they'll move along to the next big news. I'll let you in on a secret..." He leaned in and lowered his voice, "People break up and get together daily here." That was no secret at all, but it was mirrored by the little grin tugging at the corner of his lips. "What's so bad about holding hands anyway? Do you not like affection?" Some people were like that. His father for one. But he was graced in that his mother did show affection more openly so he was somewhat balanced with his ideals.

Re: Gifts and social obligations (OPEN)

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 5:32 pm
by Riley McNeill
"Thanks, it's far more sporting to win or lose a close game than win an easy one." Riley responded, please at his respect. Even if it sucked massively to lose a close run game, winning an easy one happened for her at least to be very boring. There was little excitement or for her to do in a one sided game, besides sit on her broom and try not to fall asleep. She shrugged her shoulder at him. "Maybe, might be fun to spar against someone who is not another Slytherin for a change." Riley could not help but laugh at his teasing suggestion of note taking. "Maybe, but it might count as spying or cheating." She countered. "Though if I kept it to myself it might not."

She nodded quickly. "Yeah I'm always serious about Quidditch and I'm sure it will be." Riley did not see what harm there might be in a short friendly practice session. "I learned from last season to keep one eye out for the bludger." She promised. "No one is knocking me off this season, almost falling off the last time was enough for me." Riley winced at the memory, her left arm had been black and blue for a week afterward.

"Perhaps. Maybe I'll enjoy it more once I'm actually there." The redhead suggested though she did not sound convinced. She laughed at the thought of the teaching staff dancing. "I suppose you're right there, we'll need a camera to record it for the sake of posterity." Riley grinned at the image of the professors dancing in a photograph. She reddened, cheeks flushing bright with colour at his suggestion and for a few seconds, she was uncharacteristically silent. Eventually she recovered and managed to find some words to respond, sure he noticed her silence. "I... Thank you. That would be very... Helpful." Riley wondered if by having him as a stand in Gryffindor that she was not disrupting his own romantic life too much. Though, if he explained it was purely for a picture, then she guessed it would be all okay.

"I think they would find it positively scandalous so aye, I'd be very grateful to you if you did take the picture with me." Riley was warming to the idea of him and her attending the dance. Besides, the team captain, even if they were on a house rival's team, was still a team captain. What was the term used by some of the other girls, a catch? Was he quite a catch? Quidditch made sense, boys on the other hand and relationships were alien territory to Riley. She knew how to make friends with them, indeed they were usually laid back.

"I think you have a point there, several in fact." Riley admitted, being stuck with similar aged people all of the time probably would eventually, inevitably lead to love and parents pushed their goals, dreams and hopes onto their children, a seeming fundamental part of the world.

She blushed and glanced away for a few heartbeats trying to recover some composure. "Well, you're tall, confident and attractive, you play Quidditch, you're good at and you're also the captain." Riley answered quickly, almost too quickly. "I just figured... You'd already asked as soon as you heard about the ball and got the yes you were looking for." Maybe he was being serious though and had not asked or considered asking anyone, confident that he may be able to get whoever he desired for a dance partner.

"Oh... That's a surprisingly easy solution." Riley responded quietly, before admitting. "I'd have never thought of that." She stay still when he leaned in, the redhead noting that he smelled nice or at least to her he did. "Well... I er... It's never something which has happened to me before... Holding hands publicly feels like it should be a private moment." Riley replied keeping her voice low. "I've not really had much experience in the getting together or breaking up... I've never had a boyfriend before so all of this is new to me."

Re: Gifts and social obligations

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 6:54 pm
by Laguna Lestrange
"And here I thought all of your house was just out for a win." Not that it was ever a bad thing to win. Laguna thrived on the feeling of being the top team, close or not. Losing wasn't something that was ever really tolerated in his household. If you were losing you just weren't being resourceful enough. "Mm, yes. I could see how that might come off as spying to the others. Or worse yet, you'd be deemed a traitor for fraternizing with the enemy. If you thought some of the rumors about a little crush were bad, who knows what chaos you'd inspire if you were caught with me." He was joking around for the most part, though deep down he knew there probably was a chance that people would start jumping to all sorts of crazy conclusions if they were caught on the pitch together. Ranging from Riley spying to Laguna finally giving into his Slytherin ways and making plans to turn on his team. Now his imagination was running wild. Surely people couldn't actually think he was capable of that level of betrayal. ....

He chose to stop the little battle in his head and stay focused on the conversation at hand. "Yeah, wouldn't suit that dress well if you got a black eye just before the ball." He chuckled, though when she recalled the last time she'd been hit he did have some sympathy over it. It was quite a bit since he'd last been smacked with a bludger, but those things were no joke. "Never fallen off, but I imagine it's not a great feeling to nearly fall that far to the ground."

Laguna nodded, "I'm not one to tell you how to go about things, but I bet you'd have more fun than you think." For a moment he paused, then finally he just rubbed his chin thinking. "Worst case I bet you could just sneak out if you're not enjoying it. I can think of a handful of people who will probably do the same." In fact, his best friend Zeke was one of those people. He wondered if Zeke had any plans on asking someone or if he'd just evade the dance altogether. Laguna made a mental note to himself that he needed to see what Zeke's thoughts were on the dance. If he started his persuasions now, Zeke might just make a brief appearance.

He laughed at the mention of recording the professors and visualized it all very clearly for a fleeting moment. Then he had a curious thought. "Do you...think the professors will be asking one another? How strange would that be. Do you think any of them are dating?" The thought somehow never crossed his mind until this very moment, but it was fascinating to consider.

"You're welcome. And you'll only owe me a little favor later on for my kindness." He let her simmer in the idea for a moment, fighting off a little grin, making it clear that he was playing around. "I think they...and every person at this school might find it scandalous. But I do like to stir things up, so consider the picture done." His bright blue eyes scanned her face curiously. He had half a mind to question what was on her mind, but he didn't.

Instead, he glanced around the courtyard before she began to answer his question. In all honesty, he didn't expect her to answer so honestly. Actually he was caught off guard and the faintest hint of a pink in his cheeks rose. "Well I..." Definitely a pink color now. "Thank you. I guess it just hasn't been something that I've been too worried about. Everyone is so caught up in who is taking who and which girl is waiting to be asked I've just avoided it up to this point." As he thought more on it, he was curious to know more about who might be going with who. Maybe he'd do a better job of listening in when he was in the common room tonight. Or maybe he could ask Zeke.

Laguna beamed at his brilliant solution and clapped her lightly on the shoulder, oblivious to whether that was a proper way to interact with a girl. After all, Miral was the only girl he'd really spent much time around and they were on brooms 99% of their time together since they were old enough to fly. His expression was curious though, when she described her interpretation of hand holding. He probably shouldn't tell her about the snogging in the broom closets...

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I've never dated either." His brow furrowed a bit at the logic in mentioning that. "Er...not that my dating life should have any impact on how you're feeling about yours. But plenty of people our age--" He paused. "Wait which year are you again?" Close enough, he assumed, "Haven't had a boyfriend or girlfriend yet." By plenty he was wrong. In fact, he was certain most people 5th year and up in his own house had at least briefly expressed interest in one another at some point. Unless they were one of those who were attracted by the forbidden romance thing, in which case they'd often go for a Slytherin who they probably had nothing in common with.

"Anyway, I guess it's just your own preference on how you tackle the hand thing and the ...other stuff."

Re: Gifts and social obligations

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 1:33 am
by Riley McNeill
"I am sure some are." Riley admitted, winning was very important to most within her house. She suspected a great many of them would prefer the easy win rather than a challenging one or worse, a narrow defeat. The redhead herself preferred to win, but she loved Quidditch and the more difficult the foe, the greater the game in her mind. She blushed at his words, knowing that there might be some truth to them. Him, her alone, what would their respective houses think? "I think that they might think, you're the one who I have a crush on, given we're here, alone." Two students hanging out together was usually friendships or homework partners, but not always to the school rumor mill. It thrived on gossip fodder and what better fuel than relationships?

"If I did, then I would not be going." She stated, already imagining herself choosing the seclusion of the hospital wing under the pretense that she was blighted by a concussion. "Same here, but if you are able to roll with the impact, you might be okay" Riley pointed out, though it had a great deal to do with the height someone fell off. A low enough fall and then, hopefully such a player may yet be able to walk it off. A huge fall and well, time to hope the teachers or a student caught them before they struck the ground. "If you fall off near the goal I might try to catch you." Riley offered with a small smirk. She can already imagine her own captain and house's words for her abandoning the goals to go save a lion, nay not just any lion, their captain.

She looked thoughtful at the idea of disappearing part way through. "That does sound quite tempting I'm not going to lie." Riley responded, wondering just how quickly she might be able to run through the dance and get out. "I guess..." She shrugged her shoulders, though found herself strangely pleased that she had been able to make him laugh. "Maybe some of them already are or they are married or something?"

She was shocked by the fact he so brazenly stated that she now owed him a favor. Riley dreaded to think what kind of favor he might ask for. Her to throw the game? Impossible. Her to dance with him? Whilst she could, she would need a lot of convincing to provide such a favor to him. Riley noticed his grin and resisted the urge to shoot him a glare, since he clearly had been trying to pull her arm. Why was she so awkward around him? Usually she happened to be amazing at conversation, talking to anyone and forging friendships with just about everybody. "Slytherin girl meets Gryffindor boy, sounds like the basis for a play." Riley countered, though she was pleased he approved of the idea of being there, even if only for a picture. Whilst it might annoy her parents, they would come to accept it, in time. It was, her life after all.

She grinned noticing his blush, a small victory there. "You're welcome, maybe you should ask her or someone before other people get there first?" The redhead suggested, besides if she was only borrowing him for a quick picture, then Riley hoped his potential date might not actually mind. She shivered at his touch, yet she did not shy away from it.

"I honestly find that hard to believe." Riley said quietly, surprised that he had yet to find himself in a relationship. She would have thought, assumed someone like him left a string of broken hearts in his wake. Clearly, such an assumption happened to be incorrect. "I'm fine being single, I just don't know what to do if I was asked and I'm a fifth year." She told him, she had come to Hogwarts late after being home schooled for what felt like an age. The drama, was worth it for a chance to have actual friends. "I've never had it so perhaps it is different when you are actually there?" Riley suggested though honestly did not know for certain.

Re: Gifts and social obligations

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 9:53 pm
by Laguna Lestrange
"I suppose you'd better be careful of who sees us together then. On the other hand maybe it would be more entertaining to take the rumors into your own hands and control that narrative." Laguna shrugged and then realized he wouldn't be helping her at all given that he was still standing fairly close to Riley. With that, he gave her a little more space. Even if he found some excitement in the gossip around school, Riley clearly didn't want that sort of attention. She was nice enough to talk to, so he didn't want to cause her anymore grief than what she was already having with her situation.

Laguna turned to lean up against a nearby column and folded his arms across his chest as he grew rather content in the company of Riley. It was far different from what he'd anticipated, but a pleasant surprise all the same. "Don't worry, I doubt any rogue bludgers will come out of the works to do any harm between now and then. Besides, don't you girls have spells to help with stuff like that?" He'd witnessed enough of them brewing up skin creams in their free time to think it was a possibility. "You'd do that for me?" He grinned at her, noting the smirk and feeling his own grin grow as he did. "At least I know I'd be in good hands. You being a keeper and all." Yet somehow in his mind he was visualizing the small keeper managing to swoop up his much larger body as he sprawled to the ground and he couldn't help but laugh. "'d realize I'm quite a bit heavier than you and we'd both topple toward the ground." Not to mention the shock of the audience. Especially Gryffindor and Slytherin. After pushing that thought aside, he gave her a curious look. Something about her was much different from most of her housemates. Not many of them would be willing to sacrifice their own gains to help someone else. Maybe they were both in the wrong houses. Maybe Riley should have been in Gryffindor and he in Slytherin.

"Well, if you really do want to disappear I'm almost certain that a group of people are already planning a spot to sneak away to. I bet you can still hear the music and all out on the grounds too, so maybe it would be like your own little private party." At her mention of the professors being married, he now had something new that he could do in his free time. Or in the time he was avoiding homework. The professors love lives must exist... "I've never really given it much thought. I'd imagine at least one set of them are dating."

Laguna nodded, "Sort of does sound like a play. Actually I think I've heard a song like that too...odd." Maybe there was more to the rivalry than he typically thought about. "Anyway, you'll be pleased to know I won't be wearing house colors, so at least that won't clash." He had a fitting coming up soon, but he already knew he'd be going with a classic look, nothing too colorful.

"Ask who? Miral?" He raised his eyebrows. The truth of the matter being that he never even thought of that. And he really didn't think Miral would be caught up in the whole dance thing either. Now though, his mind was racing. Was he the only one that had put off the whole ordeal to the last minute? "I think if I asked Miral she might---" Roll her eyes? Laugh at how ridiculous this ball was? Tease him about how he and Zeke would just spoil the whole night together anyway?

He shifted his weight slightly, maintaining eye contact as they continued the conversation. "I guess I've been too focused on quidditch to notice anything else. My mother always says my heads been up in the clouds since I was a little boy." In reality, Laguna had indeed caused some broken hearts, though he was completely oblivious to the advances made. It was probably for the best that he didn't notice the stares in class or the way some of the girls batted their eyes at him as they passed him in the hallway or his ego may not fit into the entryway for the common room. "Fifth year. Yeah, I didn't recall you being in any of my classes."

This night stimulated more thoughts on dating than he'd had in his whole six years at Hogwarts. But now that it started, his mind was suddenly filled with new ideas and scenarios playing out in his head.

"I imagine so, yeah. All the people I see seem to really enjoy it, so maybe it's just something different once you meet someone who you like," he unfolded his arms from his chest and stood upright again, glancing down toward the package containing her dress. "It really is going to be a nice color on you." He was a bit biased considering his room at home was a very similar color. Some club or something must have gotten out recently because he heard the faint sound of laughter in the nearby corridors.

Re: Gifts and social obligations

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 11:40 pm
by Riley McNeill
At his words, Riley felt her cheeks grow hot. For a few heartbeats she half hoped, half feared he might try to kiss her. Much to her surprise, he didn't, so she did not need to fear the reaction of any of the student body catching them doing so. She briefly wondered what it might feel like, then realizing her train of thought became embarrassed and she forced herself to focus on something else. Maybe she was more afraid, that she would like it or even kiss him back. "What? Just make it out that I have a crush on someone? Anyone watching would think that person might be you." She attempted to say it in a joking fashion, but blushed all the same. Such gossip, such scandal would be fascinating for those who loved gossip and or drama, regardless of whether or not there happened to be any truth to it.

"Probably." She shrugged her shoulders however, for she certainly had nothing of the sort. A few bandages and ointments for pains and ailments from Quidditch, but nothing to control the colour of bruises. "You sure Gryffindor would not prefer to knock me off my broom mid-game with a headshot?" Riley teased, playfully knowing that his house usually sought to do anything but cheat or be unsportsman or sportswoman like. She giggled nervously and glanced away from him. "Yeah... Can't have you missing the ball can we?" As for them toppling onto the pitch together, well that was a possibility. One which would surely draw the attention of everyone on the pitch as well as the entire audience. "I think the only way it might be more dramatic is one of us performing CPR." The redhead managed to say, meeting his gaze for a few moments before looking away, feeling embarrassed by the very thought.

"I think they might be planning to get away to enjoy a kiss." Riley responded, not wishing to find herself amongst the land of merry couples. "Though it might be cool to see the Quidditch pitch at night, with the music blasting." She smiled at the thought, though it seemed as if such a thing would be tailor made for a movie or a novel. "Maybe, but I doubt we'll really find out." The redhead pointed out, besides so long as it did not affect their ability to teach, it hardly mattered.

She raised a red eyebrow at that. "Oh? Maybe we can listen to it sometime." Riley found herself growing warmer towards the Gryffindor Team's captain. He seemed that he would be a great person to hang out with. "Are we going together then?" Riley asked him, concerned by his words that they were not going to clash. Did his offer of posing for a picture with her a stealthy and cunning away to ask her to the ball? It was possible, but the redhead would prefer to know for certain, just in case.

"Well yeah if you wanted to." The redhead managed to say. "She might say yes, she might say no." She shrugged her shoulders at him. "I'm afraid I don't know her well enough to hazard a guess for you there." Riley suspected the majority of girls at Hogwarts might say yes to him if they were posed the question to them. She managed to maintain eye contact with him, just. His eyes were surprisingly pleasant. "Quidditch is a good thing to place focus your attention on." She told him with a smile, at least it such an approach would certainly work for her. Couple of tickets to a few games, maybe a book or a hat from her favourite team, it might work in his favor. The petite girl chuckled at that. "Aye, you'd certainly notice if we shared a class or two. I'm normally the one causing an explosion or a mess in potions." A Riley potion was something to avoid at all cost and generally remain upwind.

Again, she imagined him kiss her. A scene straight from the romantic novel, alone in a corridor, him a hand on the wall, leaning over so slightly towards her. They were close, her face tilted up towards his and his facing down toward her. He leaned in a little bit closer and then suddenly, that kiss. With, unexpected difficulty she pushed the surprisingly romantic thought from her mind. Riley locked it away, quite unsure as to what she should or could make of it. "Yes maybe." She glanced down at the dress. "Thank you, well... You will be able to see me in it soon." Riley promised him, assuming both of them went.

Re: Gifts and social obligations

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:28 pm
by Laguna Lestrange
"They'll think what they want to think anyway." He'd recalled plenty of times some people thought he followed after Miral like a puppy leading up to this year, but on the other side of things, nothing romantic had ever even occurred to the duo up to this point. That didn't mean the rumors stopped. He recalled plenty of rumors about Zeke as well, but he knew that was 90% from wishful thinking when girls had silly crushes on his best friend. It was funny, the gossip aspect of school. "I don't really care what people think of me or my life." That was not entirely true, but he did well at masking it. "McNeill..." he gave her a genuine smile, "Don't let people who are so caught up in the lives of other people dictate what you do with your own life. You'll spend your whole life striving to change things that don't even really exist."

He laughed and raised his eyebrows, "I can't make promises about what they might do. We are VERY set on taking home the trophy this year." He joked. Reality was that most people on the Gryffindor team were good people even if they could let their emotions get the best of them at times. He couldn't see anyone intentionally going after someone's head. Maybe any other body part, but they weren't out to kill anyone. Just injure enough for an edge. "Don't worry. No bludger or fall could keep me from a party." Laguna nodded at her, "Or a rogue bludger. That can be pretty dramatic too." He'd only heard of bewitched bludgers, never actually seen one, but it definitely would make the scene much more dramatic.

"Maybe." He said, considering it. "Well, some of them definitely will be. But I think some of them are just too cool to stick around in the dance." He could think of a few of those people. Zeke being one. "Then there are the loners who would rather go and enjoy the peace on the grounds since everyone else will be inside," he imagined Andie and a few others might be part of that crowd. Laguna tilted his head, considering the quidditch idea, "That's actually a fun idea. Tempting..." He might even sneak out on his own to find out if he went to the ball alone.

As for the teachers...he was going to find out. Commence Operation PPL--Professor's Personal Lives.

"Oh yeah, I'll have to see if I can sort out who sings it. I just recall it coming on over the radio once. Maybe at home...? Yes. My father was not amused by it." His face fell a bit for the first time, "Must've been a long time ago when we heard it then." This was accurate. He only knew because of the rant about the mixing of the houses and how dreadful Gryffindor was. That's how he knew this song was one he'd heard just before his first year at Hogwarts.

This little memory seemed to have distracted him, in addition to the sudden sound of their peers in the corridors. He didn't fully process her question, nor most of the rest of what she said. Especially when someone called out his name, "Lestrange! Is that you? Come along we're all heading back to the common room for a game."

A little shake of his head to push the thought of his father from his head and he realized he'd lost himself in his own little world. "Er...sorry..." It offered virtually no explanation as to where he'd just mentally disappeared to, but he didn't see the need to explain further. Or perhaps it was just more baggage than he'd cared to share about. "Ah...quidditch pitch, soon, yeah?" He smiled at her, regaining his composure from the horrid memory. As he did, he began to back pedal toward the sound of the group of students calling out to him. "We'll have a little scrimmage. Next weekend?" He gave her a little wave, "See you then NcNeill."