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A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 9:44 pm
by Laguna Lestrange
Late October

Laguna had just finished up his last assignment, sort of, for the day and it could not have come quicker. Sure, he could have spent the weekend taking his time to make sure that everything was correct, but it was the weekend of Halloween and it was a Hogsmeade weekend! No student who was in their right mind would be staying behind to complete these assignments. Further, any professor who'd assigned something for the weekend was off their rocker! It should be punishable to assign things to do on Hogsmeade weekends, but to assign it on the weekend of Halloween? That was just cruel. That was all behind him now though, as he'd bargained with a first year to do the homework for his other class--Muggle Studies. Who really needed to know what Muggle traditions there were for this time of year anyway?

Ironically, he would be partaking in one of those traditions very shortly. He was certain the tradition was /actually/ a borrowed one from wizarding kind just tailored so that the muggles could have their own fun too. That made perfect sense to him as it was probably dreadful not having the ability to transform and bewitch things around this holiday. Next best thing...using a knife to manually cut a face into a pumpkin. It would do. At least it was something new that he'd get to experience.

His father probably would have used an unforgivable if he knew that they were intentionally going to go out of their way to partake in muggle festivities. But, it wasn't that far off from their own, so in the grand scheme, it wasn't like he was completely tossing out wizarding traditions. For this particular holiday, the wizarding world practically invented most of the festivities, so it was like any other Halloween but without magic. His face fell flat. Without magic. He vowed that he would find a way to sneak in some sort of charm to enhance his carving. After all, magic could be a fun way to make this meetup even more fun.

He was dressed casually, though it was a nice looking outfit, complete with a very expensive looking green half-zip aran sweater. He combed his hair out and then gave it a nice ruffle just the way he liked to keep it--looking windswept, but as if it perfectly fell into place. With that all out of the way, he was ready to meet his friends for the Hogsmeade trip today. Zeke was probably finishing up, so he'd just meet him in the common room to walk down together. With that, the blonde 6th year jogged down to the common room where most of his housemates, third year and up, were also getting ready to set out.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 11:35 pm
by Zeke Smith
Zeke was in fact in the common room, laying on a couch in the room, a textbook covering his face. His quill and parchment were on the floor next to him, his hand hanging off the couch, showing that the quill had been in his hand when he fell asleep there. Upon closer inspection, one would find it was his Ancient Runes homework that he'd konked out while doing. Most of the students were leaving him be, some having heard of what happened to anyone who decided to wake him prematurely, some just seeing that everyone else was leaving him alone and not being the one brave enough to wake him. However, there were one or two beings that could get away with the task, one being the furry feline that darted out of the room as Laguna was leaving it. Willow skittered down the stairs, always in a hurry, before she dashed across the common room and leaped onto Zeke's abdomen.

He sputtered in surprise, the book falling off and he sat up onto his elbows quickly. He sighed seeing it was Willow and shook his head, "Hello to you too, goofy cat," he muttered before shifting to sit up, Willow settling onto his lap to get some ear scratches as he yawned. He blinked a bit, clearly still half asleep, before looking around and spotted Laguna. He was also dressed casually since it had been the plan to go today, wearing jeans and a button-up shirt, "Yo," he said, waving with his free hand, "What time is it?" he squinted and looked around trying to spot a clock, "I imagine she might get miffed if we stand her up."

"Oooh, she?" Zeke groaned a bit as he heard the 7th year she approached, leaning on the back of the couch, "Are you two going to meet up with a girl?" she crooned, smirking as she looked between Zeke and Laguna.

"Buzz off Sophie," Zeke grumbled, "Go find someone else to pester."

Sophie gave a pout, "You're so grouchy when you wake up," she teased before pinching Zeke on the cheek and he swatted her hand away, "Behave yourself, boys," she said in sing-song as she started to walk away.

"Great," Zeke grumbled, "She's gonna be nosing in the whole evening now, just you watch. It'll end up in that gossip rag."

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 12:36 pm
by Riley McNeill
At long last there was a Hogsmeade trip and perhaps more importantly, finally one which Riley would be actually allowed to take since oddly for her, she managed to go a month without a detention or otherwise getting into trouble. Amazingly enough, all of her homework was completed and with no Quidditch practice currently scheduled, she would be able to spend as long as she liked in the village. The redhead left among a knot of Slytherin girls, engaging with them in conversation but eagerly hoping to catch a glimpse of Laguna. That she liked him, as in liked liked him had become apparent to her. For those who fed off of the school gossip, the news of Riley's crush and the amount of time she spent in the company of Laguna, served as an obvious answer.

She hung out a lot with the Seeker and Team Captain, therefore she must like him. Riley's reaction following an interrogation by one of her fellow Slytherin Quidditch players only further served as evidence to prove it in the eyes of all concerned. At least today should be fun, Pumpkin Carving, maybe the chance to have a quiet butterbeer alone with Laguna. Somehow she suspected getting him entirely alone and completely to herself may prove quite challenging. Her female friends, some of who had previous experience with dealing with boys were determined to keep her safe and protected from what they believed was a cunning act of deception. Evidently, they believed the story told by some of the Slytherins who thought Laguna only wished to use Riley to gain Slytherin secrets and plans. It was a load of old rubbish if Riley was asked, but few in her house looked kindly on anyone from their rivals. Their mistrust only became further exacerbated by her own lack of experience in dealing with boys, her friends were more determined than ever to prevent her going any heartbreak or hurt.

All this attention on her romantic life was rather uncomfortable for Riley, who normally able to talk herself into or out of anything, found herself increasingly tongue tied or otherwise at a loss for words. Still being small did have it's advantages, such as her being able to slip out of the crowd when the group of girls encountered some of their counterparts in Ravenclaw.
Whilst she might have escaped her self appointed bodyguards, mentors, declared older sisters and eager audience, Riley knew she would have to talk later about the day's events to them later.

So Riley found herself leaning at what she hoped was a nonchalant angle against the wall by the doors to the Great Hall. She stood on one leg, resting a booted foot against the wall, arms folded across her chest. She wore her Quidditch boots, dark blue jeans with a studded leather belt, a green and white checkered shirt and a black leather jacket. The latter was several sizes too big and a 'gift' from one of her friends who thought it was best to look tough in regards to boys. Personally, Riley felt she looked as if she were several sizes smaller than she actually happened to be. She smelt, far too strongly in her opinion of rose perfume. She may have managed to avoid the make up her friends insisted she wore, they were able to successfully ambush her with a bottle of perfume. They had even come after her hair, which led to her having to brush it out repeatedly before securing it in a neat braided ponytail.

It might not have been the best start to hanging out with Laguna and hopefully some of his friends, but she had to play the game with what cards she possessed in her hand and not the ones she wished for. She just hoped he appreciated or could tolerate the stench of some apparently French perfume. All Riley knew was it felt as though she had been dragged through a flower shop.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:58 pm
by Andromeda Morningstar
Andromeda was excited about what was to come. She had been waiting weeks for her favorite past time of pumpkin carving. This year she didn't have to skip it or do it on her own, as she had asked her friends, Laguna and Zeke to join her. They both accepted the invite and as nervous as she was to actually going to spent quality time with the only boy she ever developed a genuine crush on. Nervous didn't begin to cover what she was feeling but she would ha e to play it off.

She dressed that morning in light wash jeans, a brown tank top and an oversized pink flannel. Her hair was done up in a cute bun. She put on her boots and headed out of the common room and down toward the entrance of the school where they were supposed to meet.

Hogsmead weekends were always busy, as students bustled about getting the sweets and things they wanted. Today however, was even worse as Halloween was just around the corner. Andie didn't mind though, she had her heart set to pick out pumpkins, maybe get a butterbeer and then head back and carve.

Once outside, she started looking for her friends, hoping they weren't going to stand her up. She honestly would be beyond hurt if they didn't show. She sat down on a bench near the doors when she didn't spot them and took in a deep breath waiting for them to arrive.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:35 pm
by Laguna Lestrange
The interaction between Zeke and Sophie made him snicker a bit. He knew that the reaction from Zeke is exactly what she was looking for. "She'll get miffed if /you/ stand her up." Laguna emphasized, knowing good and well that this meeting was something for Andie to get to spend more time with Zeke. That was cool. He was fine with being the wingman if he thought Zeke might be into Andie. Although, he'd also be shocked if Andie managed to snag Zeke's full attention. His best friend was a fantastic guy, but he was always on the move and he definitely wasn't the easiest to pin down. Actually neither of them had been known for their ability to be pinned down. Just two reckless boys living their best lives, oblivious to the longing stares or their classmates.

"We are indeed going to meet up with a girl!" Laguna chimed in, smirking. "Isn't that right, Zekey?" Laguna gave his friend a light pinch on the cheek as well, though he instantly jumped back in order to avoid any repercussions. "Behave? Us? Never!" He called out over his shoulder to the girl as the two boys made for the exit. Laguna was still quite amused by the whole ordeal. "She certainly will be. It's going to be hilarious," he chuckled, peeking over at Zeke. "You are a little grumpy when you wake, aren't you?" He joked, and he knew he was asking for some retaliation sooner or later if he kept pressing his luck with Zeke. It was probably better to quit while he was ahead.

There were other pressing questions on his mind anyway. "So what's the deal with you and Andie anyway?" The inquiry was justified as Andie always spoke about Zeke when they were together. "She fancies you," he stated. His blue eyes looked over the various portraits that lined the corridors as they made their way down to the courtyard. He was sure they also contributed to the rumor mill as well, but the information would leak sooner or later. "Are you going to ask her to the ball?" He wondered if Zeke would grace everyone with his presence. Where Laguna thought the whole thing sounded like a good time, date or no date, Zeke was more of a sneak away from the party type. At least this sort of party.

As they made there way through the castle, he wondered if he should tell Zeke about his recent string of hangouts with Riley. Normally he would have told him a long time ago or at least mentioned it, but he hadn't really gotten around to it. He walked in stride with Zeke toward the Great Hall, hands stuff in his pockets.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:47 pm
by Zeke Smith
Zeke gave Laguna a look that said he would, in fact, regret taunting him in his half-asleep state, especially calling him "Zekey". He grumbled something to Lag's comment about him being grumpy, rubbing the back of his neck as he followed after his friend out of the tower. He raised a brow at the question about what the deal was with him an Andie and he looked confused, "What? I have no idea what you mean," he shook his head, "And no, no offense to her, I am not going to that dumb ball."

"Oooh I have a feeling you'll change your tune this year," Zeke looked over as they reached the main passage towards the Great Hall, spotting Ryan sitting in one of the windows, reading a book.
"Not likely," Zeke snorted, "Though, I heaaarr that you might have a date," he looked at Lag, crossing his arms, "You keepin' stuff from me, Laggy?" he made a pout. Now that he was more awake, the grouchy side seemed to have fallen away to his more playful self.
"Deflecting," Ryan said in a sing-song, smirking over at them.
"Shut it," Zeke said, holding his hand up to Ryan, not looking away from Lag.
"Never said I was."
"Not that anyone would have any doubts."

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:57 pm
by Miral Valtoris
Miral was walking through the Great Hall when she spotted Riley standing off to the side, and she smirked a little at her attempt to seem nonchalant and at ease and failing. She walked over towards her fellow Quidditch team member and Housemate and crossed her arms behind her back, "I see the girls got their hands on you," she teased a little, "And their perfume, goodness," she said as she caught a whiff of it, "Are you going to hang out with a boy?" she asked curiously, figuring that was the reason the others had gone to town on her, "Oh wait!" She snapped her fingers remembering finally what she'd been hearing around the common room.

"Are you the one that has a crush on Laguna?" she asked, looking at her more directly now, almost seeming to be measuring her a bit. She wasn't jealous as some people might take it, but she definitely paid close attention to those who hung around Laguna. She heard about crushes on him on the regular so she ignored a good amount of them, and she didn't realize it seemed to be more than just that this time. She needed to weigh this girl's measure and mettle, "Interesting. That explains a lot of the muttering from the team, I hadn't been paying them any mind. Are you two going on a date or something?" she asked, raising a brow.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 1:37 am
by Riley McNeill
Riley had been so focused on her concerns and worries about what Laguna might think when he saw her and smelt her. After all, how could he possibly ignore the thick fog of flora aromas which rose from her in what to her felt akin to a toxic cloud of gas. The last time she smelt this flowery was when she fell off of her broom as a child and crash landed in her mother's herb garden. She positively jumped, startled by Miral's words and her unexpected arrival. "Aye they did and please don't remind me." She responded quickly, feeling herself blush with embaressment. If her friend thought it a source of amusement, what would Laguna think? Besides possibly wishing to remain upwind of her unless he happened to enjoy roses.

She did not get even chance to start objecting before her cheeks burned hotly. "No." Riley squeaked. "Of course not, why on earth would you think that." The redhead asked, avoiding eye contact and generally lying terribly. No one told Riley secrets, because she could not lie to save her life. No truth potions were needed on her as her tells were that bad.

She positively stiffened. "He said that? I mean, what no? Of course not." Riley hastily attempted to correct herself all the while trying to compose herself. It was useless it seemed to try to cover it up so she dipped her head in defeat and sighed. "Fine, yes I was hoping we might be able to spend some time alone together and have a butterbeer." She looked up at Miral. "He's just a boy that I like, it's not going to affect Quidditch whatever anyone says. On the pitch the lions are going down." Riley insisted, the Quidditch Cup would belong to Slytherin this year for sure.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 8:59 pm
by Miral Valtoris
Miral couldn't help but laugh softly at Riley's objections, waving her hands, "Oh sweetie, I'm not worried about that. Laguna's an old friend of mine, I know better than to think he'd try and play dirty by trying to affect Quidditch like that. His competitive streak wouldn't just let him admit that it was anything less than his own skill that let him win," she smirked, shaking her head, "But he's still got some learning to do before he gets to a point where I don't know his tricks," she put her hands on her hips.

"I just like to keep an eye on things," she shrugged, "Make sure the people who are trying to get close to him actually like him and aren't trying to weasel in some kind of powerplay, buuuut I don't think you're the type for that," she said, shaking her head. She crossed her arms and put her hand to her chin, "I wonder if there's something we can do to help dampen the smell of the perfume, lest you end up with a headache from it. Makes for a poor time if you're not feeling well," she scrunched her nose a little. It took a moment before she snapped her fingers again as an idea came to her, "Accio," she said, holding her hand out. After a little bit, a bottle ended up coming to her hand, "This is a more neutral scent, maybe if we put this on where they drowned you in perfume, we can bring that down a notch," she suggested, holding the bottle towards her.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 11:16 am
by Riley McNeill
Riley appeared ever so slightly uncomfortable as her friend explained that she was not worried or concerned about the keeper's evident attraction towards their arch rival's seekers and captain. "You'll have to let me know what his tricks are. Could be worth knowing." The redhead informed her. "Just in case." The redheaded added on quickly. Riley was entirely knew to dealing with boys outside of friends, hence why Percy's issue with her and Laguna to her could only be explained as sheer envy.

"A victory won through tainted means is not victory at all." Riley responded swiftly, she was not going to let her and Laguna, assuming, they became a thing cause any issues on the pitch. Beating the lions happened to be one of the most important things at Hogwarts, if not the most important thing. "I'm more worried he won't like it." Riley put in with a shake of her head and disdainful sniff of her left shoulder. "I could not reek of anything more floral if I had been dragged through a flower shop." She forced a laugh, it sounded thin and nervous.

"What does it smell of?" Riley inquired warily, holding her hands out as if attempting to shield or block herself from the mysterious bottle. "I've already been attacked once by a friend armed with a bottle. What if it makes things worse?" She was clearly worried, concerned that such an affair might make the aroma even worse. What if she needed to have a bath, change into a completely different outfit? Laguna may get bored, he might think she was not interested. Worse, he may even think she had no intention of coming.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 11:30 am
by Miral Valtoris
Miral had smirked a little realizing Riley had no idea what she meant by the power play, which just affirmed all the more that she wasn't trying to use Laguna. That would have to do for now. She laughed a little as Riley held up her hands, "It's just a very plain, almost laundry kind of scent," Miral said, "Never been a big fan of the florals myself and this could help sort of cancel it out and bring it back down into bearable levels," she said, shaking her head, "I'm not going to try and sabotage your chances, don't worry," she smirked a little, though the gesture didn't quite reach her eyes. It wasn't that she wasn't sincere about the statement, there was just something about it that seemed to make her a little sad.

But she shook it off before gently taking one of Riley's hands and putting the bottle in it, "I should probably get going. Good luck," She said, patting her hand and giving another little smile before turning and starting down the hall, rather hoping to not run in Laguna this time. While she wouldn't interfere with his dating life, that didn't mean she could do a bit of digging to make sure this wouldn't come back to be a problem for him...Ultimately though, it would always be his choice and she'd support him no matter what.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 2:34 pm
by Laguna Lestrange
Laguna couldn't help but laugh as Ryan made his comment about Zeke changing his mind about the ball. That made two of the trio that thought he might actually make an appearance after all. Laguna hoped Zeke would show up at least for a little bit even if it wasn't with a date. It wouldn't be near as fun without his friends. The sudden turn on him threw Laguna off guard and he thought it over as the other two exchanged words. That lasted a whole of maybe 5 seconds which hadn't given Laguna much time at all to organize his thoughts. He couldn't avoid the questioning now.

"Where did you hear that?" He asked, curiously. It wasn't that he was keeping things from Zeke he just...wasn't going out of his way to make assumptions about whatever was going on between him and Riley. "I don't have a date. Not officially. I've just been promised for a picture." That was not untrue. In all of their interactions the two had failed to actually establish this as them actually attending the ball together. "Now if you'd stop your deflecting.." He joked, grinning over at Ryan as he said it.

As the near the exit at the Great Hall, Laguna spotted Miral walking in the opposite direction and tried to wave, though he wasn't sure she was even paying him any mind. He cast a glance over his shoulder, but she'd already disappeared into the mob of students beginning to gather. The trio of boys continued toward the doors when Laguna spotted Riley. It was a reaction he had no control over, but a smile spread across his face as he caught a glimpse of her.

Laguna glanced over toward Zeke and Ryan, then waved over at Riley. "Hey, McNeill!" He looked back over to her, thinking that she looked a little different than what he recalled her normally looking like and he swore he smelled the sweet scent of roses, which was actually quite nice.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 3:21 pm
by Nathaniel Wright
Nathaniel was walking out of the castle, following the trail of students heading towards Hogsmeade. He sighed a bit as Rachel and Oliver went on ahead but stopped as he spotted Andromeda sitting on a bench and raised a brow. He walked over towards her, putting his hands in his pockets, "I take it that you're waiting for someone?" he raised a brow, "Or are you just hoping to look sad and convince someone to invite you along?" he teased a bit. Some people would think he was being rude, mostly due to the lack of inflection in his words, but having known her since his first year and being one of the few people to try and actually know him, she'd know it was just him joking in his own way.

He looked around, "Who is it you're waiting for?" he asked, figuring he could help keep an eye out for them. The stone-faced prefect tended to cause the younger years to scatter when he looked in their direction, so it was easier for him to sort of see through the masses.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 3:43 pm
by Riley McNeill
"I've got nothing but worries." She admitted honestly, the redhead was pretty much incapable of lying or any real manner of deception. Riley could have no more concealed her feelings than cheat at Quidditch. "Thank you." She responded though sounded somewhat confused by what she meant by chances? Other girls liked Laguna to came the very late realization to her she had been so caught up with her own bewildering feelings and the existence of those aforementioned feelings that it never occurred to her before. What if there were others who hoped things might go badly for her or even for him?

Miral gave her little choice but to accept the bottle, Riley was still too confused to put up any real resistance to it. The redhead returned her smile. "Thank you, sorry about all of the drama in the team at the moment." She unexpectedly added on the last part. Riley watched her friend depart, mentally playing over the conversation in her head. Usually she was good at reading people, but with her own focus being inward facing of late... She found herself less able to do so. It made her miss the simpler times where boys were people to hang out with a decent chance for less drama.

Unfortunately, she did not have time to apply the contents of the small bottle for Laguna appeared calling out her name and waving at her. She shoved the bottle into a pocket, hoping to apply some later to tame the scent somewhat. "Hey." Riley began as she approached Zeke and his friends. "Ready to head to Hogsmeade?" She inquired and considering the viability of a tactical withdrawal from the whole affair. But the redhead had not run away before so why would she start now.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 3:52 pm
by Andromeda Morningstar
Andromeda was starting to get the feeling that maybe they were playing a prank on her and didn't really have the intention to meet up with her for Hogsmeade weekend. What really confused her though was the fact that Laguna had been so friendly and even met with her out by the lake, just because he wanted to say hey. Granted Zeke hadn't really done that. In fact, she barely saw much of Zeke. It was rather frustrating but she wasn't going to give up yet. Zeke had said he wanted to sleep in, maybe he was just getting a late start to the day is all. She let out a soft sigh and opened up a book as she waited for them to show up. With her eyes buried in her book, she hadn't heard much of anything else.

So it really threw her for a loop when her friend Nathaniel walked up to her and started talking. She jumped slightly and looked up at him. "I take it you're going alone so you can catch all the evildoers and fight crime within the walls of Hogwarts?" She grinned up at him and offered him a little wink. "And I will have you know, I am not sad looking, I'm stoic and beautiful!" She laughed at their banter. She knew full well he was joking. After all she had known him since their first year. Sure he was a bit cold when she first met him, but all it took was being smart and not putting up with his sassy know-it-all attitude and they've been friends ever since.

"Ahhh....well you know...My other friends. The 'cooler' ones." She laughed totally joking with him. But she was fully aware that he wasn't one to carve pumpkins. It is in part why she didn't ask him outright, but maybe she would extend the invite to him now. "Zeke and Laguna, plus I'm sure Ryan will be there too." She laughed and looked out at the students making their way down the path. "What happened to Rachel and Oliver? They leave you stranded? You could always join me and carve pumpkins with us...." She waggled her eyebrows at him.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 4:08 pm
by Zeke Smith
Zeke snorted to Lag asking a question to his question but eventually, he got an actual answer. He rolled his eyes as he sided with Ryan, who smirked at Laguna at him joining in on the joke, "I'm not deflecting, there was nothing more to say about it," Zeke said simply before the two boys followed after Laguna.

Zeke saw who Lag went to wave to and scoffed seeing it was Miral. He shook his head before looking ahead and seeing Laguna's reaction to see Riley. He elbowed his friend with a smirk, basically calling him out on that reaction. Even Ryan cleared his throat as he tried to not make an obvious sign he'd seen it. The two looked at Riley as she came over, "Yeah, sure," Zeke shrugged.

Ryan clicked his tongue, "Try to sound somewhat enthusiastic," he taunted getting a flat look from Zeke.

"Oh!" Zeke suddenly got a look of remembrance and turned on Laguna, "Hand over that wand, Romeo, you will not be cheating with this endeavor! You're gonna get your hands dirty!" he grinned, putting his hand out.

"Again, deflecting," Ryan sighed dramatically, shaking his head.

"Seriously, dude, shut up, or I'm stealing your legendary later," Zeke said over his shoulder and Ryan held his hands up to say he conceded.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 4:17 pm
by Nathaniel Wright
Nathaniel gave a small eye roll at the comment about fighting crime. He moved over to sit down on the bench beside her since he didn't see the aforementioned males, figuring he'd at least wait with her until they showed. He leaned onto his knees, watching people as they passed though focused on the conversation. As she offered for him to come along, he gave her a "really" look.

"Yes, I am thrilled at the opportunity to watch you moon after some punk who prides himself on his reckless behavior," Nate muttered, shaking his head, "Plus we'd be quite the topic of conversation if all four houses end up communing together," he snorted as he looked towards the crowd again, "And I hardly go with them into the village itself. They don't want to always be seen with me as I tend to scare their friends," he shrugged, "At least it keeps them in line."

"You'll have to regale me sometime about what it is that draws you to that boy. I imagine if I asked you now, I'd get an incomplete story when they eventually make it outside."

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 4:42 pm
by Laguna Lestrange
Over time, the distaste between Zeke and Miral was something that Laguna was able to overlook. In other words, he just kept on about his day as the two exchange snide remarks and eyerolls. So the fact that Zeke had scoffed at the sight of Miral didn't cause any reaction out of the young Gryffindor. Even if it had, the thought was fleeting when he set his eyes on Riley. "Ready as I'll ever be. If we don't catch up to Andie soon, she'll come hunting us down anyway, I'm sure." He smirked as he shot Zeke a look. But before they could even set off, Zeke brought up a very valid thought about Laguna giving up his wand.

It was to be expected when Laguna let out a big, disappointed sigh, reaching to get his wand. It was a long, sleek black wand with an amber handle, engraved with what looked like ancient markings. A tiny silver serpent wrapped around dark green jewels that almost had a slight glow within them. "Fine. But I can't get this sweater all dirtied up. Mum would kill me." He really wasn't sure just how messy muggle pumpkin carving could be, but it was clear he wasn't always the type that liked to get his hands dirty. The wand was transferred to Zeke's hand and Laguna's brown furrowed. "At least you find joy in something today. Even if it's my suffering." Laguna smirked and looked to Ryan.

"He's quite good at deflecting, isn't he?" Laguna reached forward and ruffled up Zeke's hair, knowing it would drive him crazy. Rather than accept retaliation, he quickly moved to greet Riley and leaned over to compliment her in a quiet voice, "You smell nice. Is that roses?" It reminded him of the garden back home. His blue eyes flashed around the group they were collecting. This was going to be fun. Though he wondered how Andie would feel about not getting a quiet moment with Zeke. A little grin tugged at his lips. Between Ryan and Laguna they might be able to make it happen still.

"I could go for a pumpkin juice," he said, eager to get moving to Hogsmeade.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 4:55 pm
by Andromeda Morningstar
She threw up her hands in defense and let out a laugh. "Okay, okay...I just thought I'd offer." She felt her cheeks get warm as he brought up Zeke and she rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Nate. I don't Moon over boys." She groaned and snapped her book shut, stuffing it into her pocket. She scoffed and shrugged her shoulders. "So what, let them talk. If it's not us they are talking about it would be someone else. This school is notorious for rumors and lies." She let out a small chuckle and nodded at him. "Yes well, you are so very frightening...with your serious face and whatnot." She made a fake serious face, scrunching up her nose and mouth.

"Yes well...Maybe I'll tell you." That was completely and totally admitting that she had a thing for the Gryffindor but there was no denying it with Nate. He was already well aware of what was going on and he was pretty good at reading her emotions. "And he's not a punk...just so you know." She sort of snorted in his direction in a matter-of-fact sort of manner before letting out a sigh. "Besides, I didn't question your taste in people when you dated Iliana...." She knew that Iliana was a nice enough girl, but she wasn't really Nate's type. At least not in Andie's eyes.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 5:01 pm
by Riley McNeill
Riley smiled and tried her best to look friendly, all she needed to do was be her normal self. Simply right? But ever since she came to the conclusion she liked Laguna, boys had been a problem to talk to. This proved to be a frustrating cycle, she had many friends who were boys, surely getting Laguna's friends to like her would be an easy thing to do right? Act like her normal charming self and avoid bringing up thrashing their team at Quidditch. She noticed that they elbowed Laguna as she came over, maybe they knew something she didn't?

"Cool, well let's get going then?" She suggested, not wishing to rush them but if they already had a friend waiting for them in the village then it would be impolite to keep them waiting for long.

Yet unexpectedly, Laguna handed over his wand, which Riley observed with interest. "I take it we're doing this muggle style?" The redhead inquired, though she was not going to be parted from her wand willingly. Riley blushed at Laguna's compliment. "Thanks. Yes, it's from a friend, it's French. You like?" She fumbled awkwardly with her words feeling herself go scarlet. Merlin curse her pale complexion. "I'm dying for a butterbeer." Riley commented, relieved when the conversation moved on to drinks. Safer, firmer, more secure ground there, she shoved her hands in her pockets wondering how she would return the bottle of perfume unharmed.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 5:14 pm
by Zeke Smith
When Lag ruffled his hair, Zeke's face went blank again, his usual indication he was hiding annoyance. He tried to fix his hair a bit, grumbling about making sure it got on his sweater after that, then turned and started to walk towards the door, "Then let's get going before I change my mind," he said though looked at Ryan snagged Lag's wand from him.

"I think this might be safer in my care," he said before carefully pocketing it, "Considering how touchy you're being today."

Zeke rolled his eyes, "Whatever," he grouched, putting his hands in his pockets and starting towards the door, "Where is she?" he looked around, meaning Andromeda.

"Walk and look, you can multitask, I promise," Ryan said, putting a hand on his back between his shoulders and guiding Zeke forward, maybe allowing for some distance between the two of them and Laguna and Riley. He looked back at Lag with a smirk, but said nothing, looking back ahead.

As they made it out of the doors, Ryan motioned towards Nathaniel and Andromeda, "Ah there she is. In the safe care of a prefect and everything," he said.

Zeke looked around for a second before spotting them and making a face as he locked eyes with Nathaniel. Nathaniel squinted a bit at him before looking back to Andromeda, "Pretty sure that one hates me."

"Honestly," Ryan sighed, "What prefect doesn't?"

Nathaniel looked at Andie, "Iliana isn't reckless and attention-seeking," he said as he stood up from the bench, "But your prince has arrived, so I'll see you around," he said before giving Zeke another look that made him take a step away before starting towards Hogsmeade.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 12:38 pm
by Laguna Lestrange
It only entertained Laguna further as Zeke's face went blank. He snickered from beside Riley, wondering if Zeke might be inclined to strike back, but he just ended it with a grumbling of words which Laguna could not quite make out. "Right, let's carry on then. To Hogsmeade!" Laguna suppressed a smirk as Ryan decided to be the keeper of Laguna's wand. It hadn't occurred to Laguna that he might need his wand. In fact, it seemed that in the last two weeks he'd completely forgotten about his struggles with the cursed mirror. As the group set off, Laguna looked over his shoulder once more as if scanning the groups of students for a particular face. When he didn't find that face, he decided that maybe she had other plans. Miral wouldn't have cared to join them for the muggle festivities anyway probably.

"Yes, Andromeda decided that we should all learn to celebrate the way the muggles do." Laguna answered, "Have you ever done it that way?" Laguna was beginning to think he might be one of the only people attending who hadn't. He chuckled a little at Riley's fumbling words, looking over her face quietly and noting the color in her cheeks. "I do like," he replied quickly and quietly before letting it go as she must not care to hear what sort of smells he enjoyed. "Butterbeer is always a good choice." Typically it would be his own, but there were some days where a pumpkin juice just brought a sense of comfort that he longed for.

Laguna grinned toward Ryan, "He's right, you know? None of them care for you. At least I have Miral that doesn't hate me." He proceeded on toward where Andie was. "Andie! Hey! We'd been looking for you," Laguna said, smiling in her direction. The young Gryffindor watched as Nate walked away, his brow furrowing a bit as he looked Zeke over. For a moment he thought of saying something, but changed his mind, looking back around the group, then to Andie and Zeke. There was one more quick glance back towards the castle and then he decided to start the walk, giving some space between himself and where Zeke and Andie were.

"Coming, McNeill? Ryan, c'mon, I want to keep the keeper of my wand in close proximity." With that, Laguna was already heading down the path towards Hogsmeade.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:22 pm
by Andromeda Morningstar
She scoffed at Nate's comment about Zeke being reckless and attention-seeking. "He doesn't seek attention. Merlin, most of the time I can't even find him." She said rolling her eyes at her friend. "Nate! Shut up, he could hear you!" But it was obvious that he didn't care or maybe he wanted him to to hear the comment about Zeke being her prince. She took in a breath and let out a sigh, standing up as Nate headed off to Hogsmeade on his own. Her eyes landed on the four people that were supposed to be only two. Then again, she should have known that Ryan would be there as well.

"Hey guys..." Her eyes scanned over Riley and she offered the girl a smile. "I don't think you were looking that hard...I've been here the whole time. It is now...." She looked down at her watch and frowned. "Almost ten thirty..." She put on a fake grumpy face and nudged Laguna playfully. "You could have just...I don't know...come outside where we agreed to meet." She laughed letting them all know she wasn't really upset, at least not that much. She had Nate to keep her company, even if he had a problem with the company she kept.

When Laguna started to walk toward Hogsmeade, away from Zeke and herself. She stood there awkwardly for a moment before smiling at Zeke. "I uh...We should uh...follow them." She said sort of quietly. Why was it so darn hard to talk to Zeke when it was so easy to talk to Laguna or any other boy, including Nate and Ryan. She was mentally beating herself up for being so awkward. She headed towards Hogsmeade following a bit behind the other three. "I'm glad you all agreed to come pumpkin carving with me. I am so excited to actually carve pumpkins this year."

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 1:28 am
by Riley McNeill
Riley shook her head. "No I've never done it that way." She admitted, wondering just how messy the day might become. It may not have be entertaining if she finished the day covered in bits of pumpkin. Riley exhaled a breath she had not realized she was holding, pleased that he enjoyed it. If he disliked the aroma, then she would be in a particularly challenging situation. "Aye it is amazing." The redhead agreed, already imagining a pint or three of the delicious drink.

She left his friends to their banter, largely unsure as to how to join in. It might seem a bit rude if she jumped into a conversation. Normally she was able to join in almost anything, Riley usually possessed a way with words. As they finally met up with Andromeda, Riley returned her smile and offered her a greeting. "Hey." The redhead tried to ignore the stab of pure jealousy which shot through her when the other girl nudged Laguna. They were friends, she told herself, friends. She attempted to ignore the envy.

She glanced over at Andromeda before hurrying to catch up with Laguna. "Hey, we're still on for the Ball right?" Riley inquired, wincing at her own choice of words. Way to play things cool or not act particularly jealous or concerned.

Re: A Hogsmeade Halloween [Andromeda, Riley, Zeke, Laguna]

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 11:40 pm
by Zeke Smith
"That's cause she's got you on a pedestal," Zeke grumbled to Lag about Miral, "You could set the school on fire and she'd hide the evidence," he scoffed before Laguna started ahead, Ryan following a few paces behind, seeming to be the in-between Laguna and Riley and himself and Andie. He looked to Andie as she mentioned following them and nodded in agreement, starting to walk with them, putting his hands in his pockets, "I took Lag's wand so he has to actually do it by hand, though I'm gonna have to watch Ryan to make sure he doesn't chicken out and give it back," he snorted, shaking his head before looking over, "Didn't realize you were friends with Mr. Stick-in-the-mud," he said, trying to make some small talk, but realized it might sound a bit like jealousy, "N-not that that matters, he just doesn't seem like the type to make friends."

He couldn't shake what Lag said all of a sudden, the comment about her fancying him. He didn't really know how to feel about that just yet. He didn't know if he was really up for the idea of a relationship at the moment. He rubbed the back of his neck, telling himself if nothing else, this was just a hang-out with friends. But he also got this feeling that the other three were somehow going to end up elsewhere at some point.