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Josephine Miller

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2023 1:32 am
by Josephine Miller
Image Full Name: Josephine "Jo" Miller
Age: 15
Birthdate: February 16, 1990
Birthplace & Hometown: Brighton, England
Height/build: 60 inches
Hair/eye color: Brown/brown
Blood status: Half-blood
Parents: Simon Miller, 39, English businessman, Sylvie Miller, Stay-at-home mom/wife
Pet: Wren
House: Slytherin
Year: 5th
Wand: Blackthorn, Dragon heartstring, 10 ½ inches, Rigid
Patronus: Falcon
Boggart: Being mocked by faceless figures for failure

Best class: History of Magic
Worst class: Care of Magical Creatures
Favorite class: DADA
Least favorite class: Herbology

Josephine Miller's story unfolds at the crossroads of two distinct worlds, each woven into the fabric of her identity. Born to Simon, a shrewd English businessman, and Sylvie, a skilled French witch, Josephine's heritage formed a vibrant mosaic of culture and magic. A chance encounter during Sylvie's visit to England blossomed into a love that knew no borders, resulting in her relocation and Josephine's upbringing within the embrace of diverse influences.

Guided by her mother's nurturing hand, Josephine's early years were a blend of enchantment and pragmatism. Sylvie's role as a stay-at-home parent allowed her to impart magical wisdom while ensuring Josephine was well-grounded in Muggle realities. As she embarked on her Hogwarts journey, Josephine was sorted into Slytherin, a house that would fuel her drive and shape her identity.

In her fifth year, set in 2005, Josephine's character had evolved into a formidable force within Hogwarts' walls. Fueled by a determination to defy expectations, she walked a path strewn with challenges. Josephine's disdain for the elitism of pure-blood tradition and growing frustration with the limitations of her Muggle lineage propelled her forward, molding her into a Slytherin who dared to push boundaries, unafraid to stand up for herself and carve out her place in the magical world.

Josephine possesses an unyielding spirit that refuses to be confined by the constraints of tradition or prejudice. A formidable blend of her mother's enchanting magic and her father's pragmatic wisdom, Josephine navigates the intricate dance between her dual heritage with grace and determination. Her fiery resolve and sharp intellect are balanced by an acute awareness of the complexities that shape her identity.

Confident and driven, Josephine carries herself with an air of self-assuredness that commands attention. Her unwavering ambition is intertwined with a sense of justice, driving her to challenge inequities and confront bias wherever she encounters it. Despite her feisty nature, Josephine's loyalty to those who earn her trust runs deep, revealing a caring heart that she fiercely guards. As she navigates the corridors of Hogwarts, Josephine's presence is a testament to her tenacity, leaving an indelible mark on the world around her.

OOC username: Nova
Preferred means of contact: Discord
Face Claim: Julia Butters