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Relaxing With Friends [Anwen]

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:32 pm
by Ryan Lovet
Ryan found himself sitting in the Hufflepuff common room, sitting on one of the sofas. He'd been planning to work on homework, but someone's pet cat had found their way into his lap and well.... now he was stuck there. He was petting the cat with one hand and trying to do his homework on the cushion beside him. He sighed a little as a breeze from an open window blew his paper away from him, "Guess I'm not doing that... Zeke would say it's a sign," he muttered, shaking his head before looking down at the cat, "I'm glad at least you're getting what you want," he smirked. The cat gave a lazy yawn before Ryan realized which cat it was exactly and gave a laugh, "Willow, how did you get all the way down here? You silly cat."

Willow was Zeke's half-kneezle, which meant she'd come all the way down from the Gryffindor tower, "Has Zeke not been giving you enough attention, you poor thing?" he crooned and Willow purred happily as he scratched under her chin, "Don't worry, Uncle Ryan'll take good care of you," he said and her tail swished a bit to show her happiness....and knock his pen into the floor.

Re: Relaxing With Friends [Anwen]

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 9:28 pm
by Anwen Sawyer
Anwen came bouncing down the stairs of the dorms, her hair still a bit wet from the shower she had taken. A small smile on her face as she entered the common room. She took a look around before deciding to sit near the boy with a kitty his in lap. Making her way over to him, she sat a few feet from him and looked at the cat. "Is he or she...yours?" She asked with an excited tone. "Really beautiful floof." She smiled and leaned back in the seat before letting out a sigh. It had been a long day. She had already finished her homework and was waiting for her hair to dry completely before going bed. Sure, she could use a spell, but she always found, letting her hair dry naturally kept her hair he way she liked it most.

As she heard him speak to the cat, she came to the conclusion that she was not in fact his animal. When the pet fell to the ground she bounced up to grab. She picked it up and offered it to him. "Here you go. I didn't want you to have to get up, as we all know that you aren't supposed to get up when you have a kitty in your lap." She grinned and took her seat once more. "Wh...whats the kitty's name..." She pursed her lips. "Oh! I'm Anwen by the way."

Re: Relaxing With Friends [Anwen]

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:31 pm
by Ryan Lovet
Ryan glanced up at Anwen when she retrieved the pen, "Oh, thanks," he smiled. When she introduced herself, he chuckled a little, "I know. We're in the same year," he teased a little, "But I am Ryan and this is Willow," He said, stroking the cat. Willow looked over at Anwen, seeming to be watching her, "Don't mind her. Kneezles are fickle about their company and she may only be half, but she got that part of the personality," he said, scratching under her chin again, "She belongs to my friend in Gryffindor, which means he's been busy and not paying her what she feels is adequate attention," he smirked a bit. Willow went back to purring and closed her eyes at the attention, "If you hang around long enough, she'll warm up," he chuckled, "I think she realizes most of us Hufflepuffs are pretty decent people," he smiled at Anwen.

Re: Relaxing With Friends [Anwen]

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:53 pm
by Anwen Sawyer
She returned his smile. "Of course." She blushed and shrugged her shoulders. "I guess that makes sense." She still introduced herself because even though they were in the same year, some people still had no idea who she was. Perhaps this was different. Had he noticed her before, perhaps solely based on the fact that they were same house same year. "Hello, Willow. She's beautiful." She smiled and sat down near them but not next to, not wanting to set the cat off in anyway. "Oh, well, then I don't blame her for coming to you for attention. If I had a cat...or a pet, I would give it all the attention it deserved." It wasn't to bad mouth the Gryffindor, it was just that Anwen adored animals and would want to spend her time with them when she could. "I hope she does warm up. She looks so soft and sweet." She took in a breath, held it for a moment to release it in a sigh.

Re: Relaxing With Friends [Anwen]

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:30 pm
by Ryan Lovet
Ryan had always assumed he was probably the one that was invisible, something he kind of hoped had changed when he became the captain of the Quidditch team, buuut the fact the seeker didn't realize why they should know each other told him that hadn't changed much. Most people on the team were good about following his directions and plays but they hardly knew his name.

He smiled softly as she moved to sit beside him, Willow opening an eye to watch her, "Zeke doesn't mean anything by it, but he's had a lot going on, even if he won't admit it," he shrugged, continuing to pet Willow, "Willow, she's a nice girl, I promise," he said to the feline, who made a noise, swishing her tail again, before starting to get up a bit, stretching towards Anwen, sniffing her, whiskers twitching.

"Well. While she's figuring it out, how are you?" Ryan smiled then added with a half laugh, "Sorry, that comes off a bit familiar, doesn't it? But we're the same year, same house, even both on the team, so I figured why not try and make some small talk," he explained.

Re: Relaxing With Friends [Anwen]

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:55 pm
by Anwen Sawyer
She was embarrassed by the fact that she didn't know why they should know each other. Perhaps it was just assumed that they should considering how much they were actually around each other. She had been so caught up in everything she was doing lately that she hadn't even considered that fact that they did. "I'm really sorry, Ryan." She refrained from rolling her eyes at herself. It was dumb how did not know that they knew each other. Perhaps it was because they were around each other so much, it was because she had been selfish lately.

"We all get like that sometimes, I think." It was, in fact, happening to her right now. But it still didn't excuse the fact that she should have known him and not had to introduce herself. Anwen smiled at the cat and allowed her to sniff her. "Hello pretty girl."

"No, it's okay. I just...I shouldn't have introduced myself. You're my captain after all, and I completely treated you like a stranger. I'm okay...A bit busy as of lately but...Okay. How are you?" She frowned at herself, knowing that she probably made him feel unimportant which wasn't the case at all. The team wouldn't being as well as they were without him.

Re: Relaxing With Friends [Anwen]

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:36 pm
by Ryan Lovet
Ryan shook his head to her apologies, "I understand. Get in your own head, focused on pretty cat, who would realize it was me sitting here?" he chuckled softly, petting the Willow once more, though the feline was slowly moving off his lap towards Anwen, still deciding, "I'm alright," he said, shrugging a bit, "Just going with the flow of things," he gave a little smile, though it didn't reach his eyes.

He honestly was starting to feel a bit isolated. Zeke was in a whole other world lately, and Zeke was the main connection between him and Laguna. He kind of felt like he couldn't just approach the Gryffindor seeker without Zeke in tow. Not that he thought Laguna would be rude, but... considering the difference in their bloodlines, well. He just didn't want to cause problems. And he did enjoy practice with his team, but he wasn't actually friends with any of them, not really. They usually went off and did their own things after, and he never complained. He knew he could try and connect with them, but again, he didn't want to cause problems. To make people uncomfortable by being where he wasn't invited.

"Not eager about all these dance lessons and dressing for the ball, but my mother would have a fit if I tried to get out of it. Not that I'm going with anyone," Ryan said, shaking his head, "You've got a date, don't you?" he didn't want to make assumptions about with who, but he could take a guess, "Oh wait, that phrasing was kind of rude, my apologies. I just thought you surely would have one."