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Evelyn Darke Goldman

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 8:58 am
by Evelyn Darke Goldman
Chip off the old block, chip on her shoulder
Plotting: Enemies and haters
Evelyn firmly believes that she’s nothing like her father. She may be strong-willed and uncompromising, but she’s no blood supremacist and doesn’t discriminate against anybody based on their upbringing or blood status or anything else. (In her younger sibling’s words, Eve hates everyone equally.) Still, there are those who judge her prematurely because of her family name and her ability to speak Parseltongue. Apart from these people, Eve ironically has to deal with another group of haters from the other end of the spectrum: blood supremacists and sympathisers of the Dark Lord who see Evelyn as a blood traitor. Either way, she’s eager to prove to her naysayers that she’s her own person. Open to discussions and ideas!

Ragtag band of misfits
Plotting: Friendships
Due to her notorious family and her prickly personality, Eve doesn’t have many friends. She does, however, gravitate towards her fellow misfits: people who are misunderstood for various reasons, knowing that one should not be too hasty to judge others without first getting to know them properly.

Defrosting the ice queen
Plotting: Romance…?
Eve’s not looking for love, or so she claims. Between the heavy workload of a N.E.W.T.-level student and keeping her Quidditch teammates from killing each other, she doesn’t have time for such "nonsense”. In reality, even if there’s someone whom Eve has any feelings for, she’s afraid to bring the relationship one step further. What if she messes up and ruins a friendship forever? For that reason, she prefers to keep things the way they are… for the time being.

Education and Employment Timeline:
  • Student at Hogwarts: 2000–Present